Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 22 June 1

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND P62 Aprilia Announces 2023-24 MotoGP Factory Team I t appears that Aprilia is happy with the direction its race pro- gram is going. In a press confer- ence held last week at the Gran Premio d'Italia Oakley, Aprilia Racing confirmed that both Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vina- les will be staying with the team through the end of 2024. "All the good we are doing this season is the fruit of many components, certainly the value of our designers and our techni- cians led by Romano Albesiano, the overall growth of our racing department and, in large part, the synergy that our Captain Aleix has skillfully built with the bike and with the team," said Massimo Rivola, Aprilia Racing CEO. "So, we set the goal of continuing along these lines, both with Aleix and with Maver- ick, and I am pleased with these confirmations today. We still need to grow a lot and now we have the peace of mind to do so." "This confirmation was just what the doctor ordered," said Espargararo. "We've worked hard together and grown togeth- er. We were a hope, now we are reality. In 2021, we had already seen clear signs of our steps forward and now we are able to battle consistently with the best in the world. Continuing to do so with Aprilia is a source of pride for me. We can grow even more and we want to demonstrate that on the track." Vinales, added, "I'm extremely happy to continue my work with Aprilia Racing. Now our horizons are expanding, and we'll be able to work with continuity to achieve ambitious goals. I believe in this project and I'm happy to be part of it. I've found a fantastic environment in Aprilia and this confirmation gives me the peace of mind to grow the way this team and I deserve to." CN Aleix Espargaro and Maverick Vinales have a home at Aprilia through 2024.

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