Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 11 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ADVERTISERS INDEX WRlcingSoMca 51 Action Cydt I Sporu •........•.•..•.• 50 Action Y Of Edi 50 AdvIncad Rlcing f'nIdUClS •••••••••••••• 54 A.RIIIildI Ride_ 53 AGV·USA, Inc.....•.... ; .••...•.•..•. 49 Ain:one Inc •.•..•.•.•..•.•.•....•.•• 50 . AI llelcer RIcing .••...•.•.•..•.•.••••. 48 AI MlltiRez Auto Body ••••••••••••••••• 48 " r AI'-1 Solvoge .•••..•.•.•.••••.••••. 55 ... 'lI American Hondl •.••....••.•.•..•.•. 5.50 0") American J_ lid ............•... ·... 49 0") A rican MC Inolitul•••••.••••••..•••• 58 An Hondl/Suzuki .••......•.•..•. 58 ~ AndrIwI Y . .KIwIulci •.•••••••.••• 58 . AlIi Helmets .•..•.••.•.•..•.••.•.•.. 53 ~ AttiItic IJcanse,lnc...•..•......•.•..•. 43 ~ ATK Motoroydn .•.•.•..•..•••....•.. 49 ~ Auoam PracIuctI •.•..•.•..•.•.•..•..•. 55 A TIre •••.•..•.•.•..•....•.•..•.• 54 .... lo-l AXO •.•....•.•......•.•..•.•... .iOlOn Q.) IlojIOlfRoodT 53 8IIllrI HIt GIII.ry. ltd •.•....•.•.•..•.• 51 s-n T0011 Engi ring 51 IIItn Industrit 55 IIIIC1l Yomihl .•.•.•..•.•...••••..•.• 47 1111 Roy 50 Q.) 11111 Hel..... . ...•.•.•..•.••..••..•.• 48 8Inl Bib M/C SeIvago 51 IIIrf. Motorqd•••.............•....• 41 8IIddIum RIcing 55 8IendzIl1 54 8Iey USA Inc•••••••••••••••••• _•••••• 48 m ..0. S ;> O Z =~ =~~. ::::::: :: BA ToeIl 53 57 BuIll Motor Co. I 50 CI 0 Flbrieation 54 CMRA •.•.....•.•.•...•..•........ 45 Cog... Nonh Americl ..... .'..•.•.•..•.. 48 CIrb Porls W houu •.•.•.•.•..•..•.• 48 torr. Hondl 50 CaroIinl Who.1l Props 48 CC s,wllry 55 CEF Rlcing •.•.••.....•..•......•.•. 57 Co_I Informllion Am 54 ChImp_iii Cup Serio 49 CIlImp. Ibrbting Inc 51 Chllllffli Cycle Supply 55 Chlriot Mfg. Co 49 Chlltnton Cullom Cyel. • ....•.•..•.••. 48 Clorb MIg. Co .•.......•.•••.....•... 57 Compositl. U.lim~.d 57 Compuli I 49 Connecticut Cyel. Works .....•..•.•..•. 54 Conli••nt.1 M1rspI Club ...•.•.........• 41 Cool Sports 54 Cosmopol~l. Motors ...•.•.•.•.....•.• 55 CRC 43 tun.inghom·. Cydt World 49 Cyel. ConcIllts. Inc 49 Cycl. Connection 50 Cyelto Exprns 44 Cydt News Give AGilt 15 Cydt News Subscription •....••.....•.•• 13 Cydt Recydon 53 Cyel. Servico Inc ••.•••••••••••••••••• 43 Cycl. s,wlll~. A_ 58 Cycl. Tu.. s,on Sorvi 53 DID Motortyel. Servico .•....•••....... 47 DID P.rformlnce E.dl_ 47 0.1.0 : •••••••.••••.••.•• 49 Denni. Kiril 48 D ....r U M/C Pom .•......•....... 48 ..d Din Squin •.•.•...•.•.•.•.....•...•. 53 Donnil H MX ACldlmy 50 0 6nM Yamllll 48 Dublin KNaoki ....•................ 53 Dunioll T 49 Dunlopld 57 Dyno Pon ~ 48 Eat Coat Cycl. SeIvago 49 Eat Coat Hond. W houu ...•••...... 48 Eat Coat Suzuki W ho 57 E8C (Hy ToeIl) .••...•..•.•.•••....... 57 EmbIjldor Adventure Tours Inc.. •••.•.•... 53 Engi.. Dynlmics Co. .. 48 Enzo Rocing 47 Eric'. Motortytlto Co •••.•.•....•.•.•.•. 58 EIJlD-T.cIl Engineeri.g 57 E Cyel. Sp••i.hil•...•.....•..•. 47 Fil Complny ..•...•.•.............. 48 FlClory ConMClion •.•.....•.•........• 54 FlClory Pipe 1'nIdutts .......••........• 49 hlicon Plrform Eng 51 ar-onl'nldutts Old TImon MX Assoe. 44 O. Tro< Events 42 D. Two Who.I•...•.•..•...•....•.. 27.45 Oronge County Suzulli •••••••••••••••••• 49 Over Th. Hill Geng NoI1h 44 Pom Connection •.•.•.........•...•.. 55 P.rforml••• MlCIli 51 PI.....I Cycl. Sorvico •••••••••••.•..•• 48 Penonllized CIro Molortytl. Tours ..•..•. 48 PII.IIOl1'. Cycl. Selvlgi 49 p.n...... Pro SuIllension . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 P~ Stop Dill Bikl 51 Pomonl Vllley Klwnllli 55 Pro Action _ions 49 Pro Cirtuit RIci.g ..............•..... 50 Pro hllil Moton 51 Pro Pod f'nIdUClS . • • . • • • . • . . • . . • • • • . • . 48 Pro Pilot RIcing 53 Pro Pilln •.•.•..•...•.•........•..• 47 Pro-VUlII 57 Pnlspons USA .•..•..•..••....••.••.. 48 RID Recing •......•...•....•••....• 43 R.C.Perl 51 R.J. Reynold. (Comlll ....•' .•..•..•.•.. 80 R.I<. Chlin ..•........•.•.•.......... 47 47 RICe TooI•....•.•••.•..••••••••.•... 54 Recing E.gine Compon.nt•.•....••....•. 54 Rlcing EntiqIriu 45 Rldtint MoIorsports ••••••••••••••••••• 58 RlginI USA, Inc. • 49 Ron Wood RIci.g ..............•...... 48 Sorn·. MoIDrtyeI. Sel 55 SentI ClIfI Cyelto Impon : ...••. 53 SBS Pro Men ..•.•..•........•••.•... 43 1·40 iIIcIwey .•..••••••••••.••••••••• 49 Scon'. M/C I JII Ski : 55 I.C.O...•..•.•••.•..•.••••..••.•.•.• 54 Shoei HII 58 Shoup Ent.rpriu 47 Indigo s,on 54 SIller Bros ., 47 Inter·SIIl. Oil Co 49 SlOln·. Hon/Ylm-SHY RlCi.g .•.•.•..• 51.53 Intl1llllionll Cyelto Events ....•....•.•.•. 51 Sol. P.I1o..- . .•........•.....•..•. 47 Intemllionll MotOllpOfl •.••..........•. 48 Sp.ctro Dill of A ri _.....•. 47 11llIIIIII. Reciag f'nIdutll •.•.•......•.•. 53 Sp.ed I s,on I 55 J I ROislrillutor1 48 Spoo1 Engi ring 47 J NI lliens 53 Sprockel Specilli 47 J _ Motors RICing 47 SRA GP ...•.•......•...•..........• 44 KIwIulci Motor CoIp .•. KI. Maely Ent.rpriIn 48 Slorm.. RICing Produtll ....•..•.....•. 47 K.ndon Industrie. Inc 49 \ StorSport MorkIling ...•.•.•....•.•.•.. 55 SllIWIst Supen:ross Pork 44 K.nt "-on Rlcing 42 SIIVI Storz Plltorm.... . ..•....•.•.•.. 58 Krouso Recing •••••••••••••••••••• : •• 48 Sudell Int'l ....•.•.•.•....•...•.•.•.. 51 KTM Of America· 50 Sun Wilt Ent.rpri 54 KTM Of MojlVl 48 Kustom Krlft P.rf Spe. .. •.......•...•. 53 SunIl. Engi.eeri.g .•.•.......•...•••. 50 Superllille Mille Engi.eeri.g ......•...... 55 lomson Ponlng 47 Syed IIllh1rs ...•...•....•........•. 48 longllon·. KNuaki 47 IIllh1r Worils .•..•......•..•.•...•.. 53 Tee.. Colomori YSR 53 T••hnomog•••io Wh••I. . •••.....•••... 58 lIelron Fu.1 Sys!lm•.........•......•. 57 The RICO,. Edg. . •...•.•..•..••..•... 49 Lotto Conqlet~ion Cycl 47 TIro Slick ..............•....•....... 51•• Engi ri.g 55 iJls Ang.lto. Sl_ Co 19 Tony 0 MX School 55 M.C.C 51 Tony Murphy. Inc 43 M/C ConcIplI 54 Too Toell Suspension 58 MIgmnn Dislribllling 58 T .o Int.rnllionll CoIp ........•...•... 43 . TPD CIlifornii Troil.,. .•.••.•.•.•••..•• 50 Mllcolm SmM M.C 50.55 MlnilC MoIorIllons 53 T....I Croft ...•..•.....•.....••....• 54 TrlVllcld•.•.••.•.•.•.....••••..••.• 49 Maximo Recing Wbric.... . 55 Troillborg •.•.•...•..•.••....•...... 51 McGrew 1nIurIne. Sorvi... .. 48 Trick Recing Fu.1 ...•.•.•...........•. 48 MI1IwiIl the....l. Inc.•••.•..•.•.•••.•. 47 Megocyclto Engineering •.•....•.....•... 54 Tumer'. 2-S1rOkI Recing 44 MItzIIIf Motortyclto TIre .•.•.•.• _••.• 37.48 Two Brotllt,. Racing •...•..•..•••...•. 53 Mich.lin TIro Corp 55 U.S. Mliell 48 U.S, TsubIki ....•......•......•...•. 37 Mid Cilil. Hon/Klw 49 Mikl Kidd Plumotions 47 U.i Fiher. I 48 Mikl'J Cyel. Pons 47 V .... I Hi••• Ent.rpri•••.......••..... 53 Mikl·. Cycl. Supply ..•....•.•.•.•.•..• 57 VI"" 1I1lh.,. , 48 Vlmlr Racing 57 Mission Y ..lhl .•......•...•........ 51 Moose RlCing 50 V nture Rec.WIY .• 44 Moto Am.ri.I.I 47 Video Thellro 29 Mote l.ibIrty Cyelto 57 . Vintlg. Hond•...•.......•..•.•..•... 57 Moto·X·CIddy 55 VP Rlcing Fu.1 I... • •..•..•.•..•...•.• 49 Motoplllignilions 50 WERA 50 Motor

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