Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 11 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Johnny Rasar found himseH on the ground and in the mud after trying a last-ditch pass on Roger Arnold (27) at Muddy Creek Motocross ·Park. V/L SISPRT EX: 1. Marc Smith (Kaw); 2. James Lussier (Sm); 3. Brian Ken! (Hon). V/L S/SPRT JR: 1. Gregory Walters (Sm); 2. Randy Fender (Kaw); 3. David Cote (Kaw). MIW GP EX: 1. Steve Lombardo (Yam); 2. Peter !JIich (Hon); 3. John lIIich (Hon). MIW GP JR: I. Richard Lank (Hon); 2. Ralph Peppe (Hon). HIW PROD TW AM: I. Gary Orr (Hon); 2. David Podolsky (Hon). LIW GP AM: I. Phillip Digregorio (Yarn); 2. Mark Anzalone (Yam); 3. Chrales Minichiello (Yam). MIW PROD TW AM: J. Gerard Snellen (Kaw); 2. Todd Fitting (Kaw). V/L GP EX: J. Marc mith (Kaw): 2. Steve Lombardo (Yam); 3. Angelo Nicholes (Suz). V/L GP JR: J. Kory Rooks (Sm); 2_ David Cote (Kaw); 3. Randy Fender (Kaw). . HIW SITW EX: J. Mark Reynolds (Hon); 2. Jerry Wood (Duc); 3. Russ Katzenberger (Kaw). HIW SITW JR: I. Guzman Andrada (Duc): 2. Frank Davis Duc). L/W GP EX: I. Steve Lombardo (Yam); 2. Billy Greenwood :Yam); 3. Tim O'Connor (Yam). UW GP JR: J. Micheal Brogan (Yam); 2. Eric Gustafson (Yam). M/W PROD EX: J. Eric Larsen (Hon); 2. Peter U1ich (Hon); 3. Don Berry Jr. (Yam). MIW PROD JR: I. Jim Lester (Hon); 2. Dale Dandrea (Hon); 3. Peter Yeung (Hon). M/W GP AM: I. Mike Lombardi (Hon); 2. Brian Supry (Hon); 3. Manual Soriano (Hon). V/L PROD AM: 1. Pierre Boily (Suz); 2. John Scheehser (Hon); 3. Scott Ford (Suz). H/W S/SPRT AM:'J..Pierre Boily (Suz); 2. Micheal Lees (~-;;tlS~~~:t'TeE~t ~~)Smi'h (Kaw); 2. Eric Wood (Raw); 3. Steve Moriarty (Suz). HlW S/SPRT JR: I. Patrick Robitaille (Suz); 2. Jim Lester (Hon); 3. David Cote (Raw). UW SITW EX: I. Russ Kallenberger (Raw); 2. Joe Santa Maria (Duc); 3. Jim Whitaker (Raw). UW SITW JR: 1. Frank Davis (Due); 2. Hardy Kornfeld (Kaw). V.S. TW SPRT EX: J. Bob Kuhl (H·D). V.S. TW SPRT jR: J. Ervin LysKawa SR. (H·D). SILT EX: I. Brian Nowokunski (Hon). SILT JR: J. Allan Hodges (Yarn). MIW PROD AM: J. John Scheehser (Hon); 2. Michael Lombardi (Hon); 3. Noel Brown (Hon). HIW SITW AM: 1. Gary Orr (Hon); 2. David Podolsky (Hon). V/L PROD EX: 1. Brian Ken' (Hon); 2. Steve Moriarty ( uz); 3. Richard Doucette (Suz). V/L PROD J R: J. Patrick Robitialle (Suz); 2. Guzman Andrada (Suz). UW PROD EX: I. Brett Metzger (Yam); 2. Michael Campbell (Yam); 3. Andrew Slater (Yam). l./W PROD JR: I. Brett Guyer (Yam); 2. Paul Scarpa (Yam). LIW S/SPRT AM: J. Phillip Digregorio (Yam); 2. Robert Borroughs (Yam); 3. Mark Anzalone (Yam). SPTSMN AM: I. Kevin McCrea (Raw); 2. Brian Burgess (Kaw). SILT AM: I. Eric Beauchine (Yarn). UW SITW AM: 1. Mark Morin (Raw); 2. Gary Orr (Hon). UW S/BK AM: J. Mark Morin (Raw): 2. Steve Duvall (Yam). HIW SIBK EX: 1. Marc Smith (Kaw); 2. James Lussier (Suz); 3. Brian Kent (Hon). HIW S/BK JR: I. Patrick Robitaille (Suz); 2. Gregory Walters (Suz); 3. Paul Desousa (Suz). H/W S/BK AM: 1. Albert Spinosa (Yam); 2. Pierze Boily (Suz); 3. Steve Locat (Kaw). UW S/BK EX: I. Russ Kallenberger (Kaw); 2. Brett Mellger (Yam); 3. Aurthur Cillo (Yam). LIW S/BK JR: J. Brett Guyer (Yam); 2. Paul Scarpa (Yarn); 3. Michael Brogan (Yam). M/W PROD TW EX: 1. William Martovich Jr. (Kaw); 2. Jerry Wood (Raw); 3. Declan Carbin (Raw). MlW PROD TW JR: 1. Gregory Bi!lou (Raw). HIW PROD TW EX: I. Douglas Cook (Due); 2. Joe Santa Maria (Due). HIW PROD TW JR: 1. Mathew Barret (Hon). M/W SISPRT EX: J. Jeff Perry (Hon); 2. Don Berry Jr. . - (Yam); 3. Eric Larsen (Hon). M/W SISPRT JR: J. Jim Lester (Hon); 2. Richard Lank (Hon); 3. Cbarles Chouinard (Hon). MlW SISPRT AM: 1. john Scheebser (Hon); 2. Mike Lombardi (Hon); 3. Brian Supry (Hon). SPTSMN EX: I. Russ Kallenberger (Raw); 2. Larry Hanlon (Hon). SPTSMN JR: 1. Michael Brogan (Kaw); 2. Hardy Kornfeld (Kaw). LIW S/SPRT EX: 1. Brett Metzger (Yam); 2. Michael Campbell (Yam); 3. A rthur Cillo (Yam). LIW S/SPRT JR:. J. Brett Guyer (Yam); 2. Paul Scarpa (Yam). . UW PROD AM: J. Brian Burgess (Raw); 2. Gerard Snellen (Kaw). Wood prevails at Muddy Creek MX By Barbara and Loren Williams BLOUNlYILLE, TN, OCTA "You have to really want to race, to ride in mud like this," said 250cc A class winner Gerald Wood, for the second week in a row, Me~Series racers were tested on their mudriding skills, as Muddy Creek lived up to its name. An overnight rain soaked the alreadywatered track, turning it into a giant mud bog. Competing in his second race since he broke a couple of ribs at Loretta Lynn's, plus undergoing surgery on both hands for carpal tunnel syndrome, Wood had to be questiorung his own judgement. But in the first 250cc A moto he and Chad Lough splattered into the first turn together and remained virtually sideby-side for nearly half a lap. Slaloming l)uough the bottom section for the first time, Lough hit a hidden hole and fell, leaving Wood as the sole leader. Wood rode around the soggy circuit for three more laps in the abbreviated contest. Electing not to torture his machine and body, Lough pulled up to the finish line and waited to take the win. Lough finished fourth behind David Eller and Jim Chester. Wood, Lough and Chester gamely plowed through the slop in the second moto and even managed to provide the hardy spectators with some dicing. Wood, once· again, grabbed the holeshot, but this time Lough remained upright and slid underneath in a corner in the woods section. Chester found an opening later on the same lap, temporarily dropping Wood to third. However, the Muddy Creek mud proved even trickier than it looked. Wood slipped back to second when Chester bobbled, and the positions swapped back and forth with Lough scoring the win ahead of Chester and Wood_ Because of Lough's first-moto fourth, Wood earned the overall win. ''I'm satisfied," said Wood. "It's been a while since I had to work so hard for a win, especially against the track instead of against the other riders." The 250cc A class riders were one of the few who elected to ride a second moto. Most competitors, who had already exhausted themselves in the first rounds, decided to use their'first-moto finishes as overall finishes. Results 65 7-11: I. Josh Scott (Raw); 2. Joshua Wood (Raw); 3. Ryan Calhoun (Kaw); 4. Ross Hughes (Raw); 5. Matt Blevins (Raw). 80 BEG: I. John Calhoun (Raw); 2. Blare Cook (Raw); 3. Robbie Colbns (Hon); 4. Jeremy Shelton (Hon). JR MINI: I. Josh Scott (Kaw); 2. Joshua Wood (Raw); 3. Ryan Calhoun (Kaw); 4. Ross Hughes (Kaw). sa MINI: I. Travis Langston (Suz);.2. Jon Boruff (Suz); 3. Nick Citron (Kaw): 4. Jason Welsham (Kaw); 5. Preston Rose (Kaw).· SCHBY: I. Scott Graves (Hon); 2. Shane Berryhill (Hon); 3. Travis Langston (Suz); 4. Jon Boruff (Suz); 5. Joseph Hopson (Yarn). 125 A: I. Chad Lough (Suz); 2. Jim Chester (Suz). 125 B: 1. Nathan Ra"!sey (Suz); 2. Shane Berryhill (Hon); . 3. Scott Graves (Hon); 4. Wayne Eller (Hon); 5. Ryan Duff (Hon). 125 C: 1. Reagan Boone (Hon); 2. Jeff Hensley (Hon); 3. Clint Pilgrim (Raw). 125 0: I. John Ward (Suz); 2. Jason Rowe (Suz); 3. Rodney Hubbard (Hon); 4. James Neece (Raw); 5. Robby Miguel (Hon). 2!iO A: I. Gerald Wood (Yam); 2. Chad Lough (Suz); 3. Jim Chester (Suz); 4. David Ellez (Hon). 2!iO B: I. Nathan Ramsey (Suz); 2. Kevin Mills (Hon); 3. Mitchell Hodges (Raw); 4. Chris Rnse (Yam); 5. Mike Nutler (Raw). 2!iO C: 1. Tim Calhoun (Yam); 2. Cletis Green (Hon); 3. Steve Mason (Raw); 4. John VptaIl (Suz); 5. James Asbury (Yarn). 2!iO D: 1. Robert Neal (Raw); 2. Tommy Gourley (Yam); 3. Brian Renfro (Hon); 4. Shane Dingus (Kaw); 5. Gary MumpowOl (Raw). OPEN AM: I. Ron Jones (Hon); 2. Rick Cooper (RaW); 3. Eugene Phillips (Kaw). 25+·MSTR: I. Ron Jones (Yam); 2. Gerald Wood (Yam); 3. James Haynes (Hon); 4. Kerry Jones (Raw); 5. David Eller (\-fon). 25+ INT: 1. Gary Graham (Hon); 2. Peter Harrison (Hon); 3. Chris Rose (Yam); 4. Joe Williams (Yam); 5. Scou Runion (Kaw). . 25+ NOV: I. Reagan Boone 9Hon); 2. Larry Sparks (Hon); 3. Jeff Tomlinson (Hon); 4. Don Venable (Hon); ~. C1etis Green (Hon). 80+ MSTR: I. Ron Jones (Yam); 2. Larry Harrison (Yarn); 3. Kerry Jones (Raw). 80+ INT: I. Gary Graham (Hon); 2. Rid Cooper (Raw); 3. Chris Rash (Raw); 4. Dennis Scalf (Raw); 5. Scotl Runion (Kaw). 30+ NOV: 1. Roger Arnold (KTM); 2. Raymond Slate Jr. (Suz); 3. Kevin Calhoun (Suz); 4. Johnny Rasar (Suz); 5. Andy Rayburn (Hon). S/SR: I. PetOl HarriSon (Hon); 2. Danny Eller (Kaw); 3. Terrell Welborn (Suz); 4. Johnny Gibson (Raw). Josh Jenkins (8) zapped Bobby Hall (11) under the LACR MX lights: V/L AM: I. Jan Fortune (Hon). NON-CVRR O-~ 1. Robby Dyer (Hon); 2. Raymond Siale Jr. (Suz); 3. Jeffrey Slat~ (Hon); 4. Robert Woody (Hon); 5. James Kincer (Hon). . E DR: 1. Roger Arnold (KTM); 2. Samuel King (Hon); 3. Eamest Ward (Raw); 4. George Galloway (Hon); 5. Rodney Williams (Suz). . Collier collects LACR MX win By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA, OCT. 9 ,KG Kid Pax-sponsored Mike Collier dominated both SOcc Beginner class motos en route to the overall victory at the California Racing Club's Friday night motocross, held at Los Angeles County Raceway. Colliergot thin~s started off with a holeshot in moto one, leading Wesley Dell and Shaun . Mitchell. Devin Seeger and Thomas Coves quickly joined in to make it a four-way battle for the runner-up position. With a 15-second lead at the midway point of the race, Collier continued on uncontested for the win. An .intense fight lasted all the way to the finish with Seeger getting the nod over Coves, who had Mitchell on his rear fender. When the gate dropped for the second moto, Collier was again out front. Jeremy Langham led Dell and Mitchell as they tried to keep Collier in sight. Up front, Collier put the hammer down and stretched his lead to 30 seconds at the checkered flag. Langham and Dell swapped positions throughout the race before Langham settled into second, where he finished.·Dell rounded out the top three over Mitchell. Karl Lindstrom led almost the entire first 250cc Intermediate moto before going down and handing the win to Roy Bremenour. Nick Mairose also capitalized on Lindstrom's error, moving up to take second. The second moto holeshot belonged to Lindstrom with Mairose and Bremenour arguing over second. Lindstrom started to pull away and stayed up-right to take the moto and overall win. Bremenour was all over the track in an attempt to get around Mairose, but came up just inches short at the conclusion. Tim Mendenhall worked up from a midpack start to cut inside John Lowell on the white flag lap to. win the first Ve.t Beginner race. Dan Bernardino followed Mendenhall up through the competition to earn third. Mendenhall clinched the overall victory with a second moto start-to-finish win, about five seconds up on Lowell. Jim Blankenship ran third the entire moto to earn third overall. Results P/W A; 1. Scott Howe (Rcp); 2. Jerry Martinez (Yarn). P/W B-1: I. Sean Collier (Yam); 2. Blake Mitdlell (Yarn); 3. Chris Nihan (Pax); 4. Shane Smith (Yam); 5. Kyle Barden (Yam). . PIW B-2: I. Anthony Morris (Yarn); 2. Anthony Barbacovi (Yam); 3. Brandon Beckman (Yam); 4. Drew FlUlD (ltj); 5. Chad Morgan (Hon). 60 0-8: I. Daryl Eckland (Raw); 2. Scott Howe (Rep); 3. Shane !lfitehell (Raw); 4. Eric Durrer (Kaw). 60 9-11: Christophez GosseJaar (Raw); 2. Todd GosseIaar (Raw); 3. Donnie Dur= (Raw); 4. Jolinez Faullmer (Due). 80 BIG WHL: I. Chris Blanton (Raw); 2. Leston Derrick (Raw). MINI BEG: I. Mike Colliez (Kaw); 2. Devin Seeger (Kaw); 3. Jeremy Langham (Suz); 4. Wesley Dell (Kaw); 5. Shaun MitdleIl (Kaw). . MINI NOV: I. Michael Young (Suz);2. ClintSbepard(Suz); 3. Robby Couse (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Cliff Cook (Raw); 2. Joey Krait (Yam); 3. Mark Libardoni (Raw); 4. Tim Murphy (Hon); 5. Guy Faria (Hon). 125 NOV: I. Steve Meier (Sa); 2. Josh Jenkins (Raw); 5. Mike Crosby (Raw); 4. Bobby Hall (Raw); 5. Marc Lippart (Suz). . 125 INT: I. Jason Melton (Raw); 2. Jim Buntin (Suz). 125 PRO: I. TigOl Garcia (Hon). 250 BEG: I. Bob Leftwich (Yam); 2. Jason RichtOl (YZ); 3.. Jimmie Deever· (Yarn); 4. Shane Metter (Kaw); 5. Jason Moe (Yam). 2!iO NOV: 1. Steve Corteville (Yarn); 2. John Keefez (Yam); 3. John Valko (Hon); 4. Michael Richette (Hon); 5. Darin Smart (Hon). . 2!iO INT: J. Karl Lindstrom (Hon); 2. Nick Mairose (Suz); 3. Roy Bremenour (Yam). 2!iO PRO: J. Bill Sauro (Hon). JR VET BEG: 1. Vance Kelley (Raw); 2. Tom Rewe (Hon); 3. John Cascio (Kaw). JR VET NOV: 1. Danny Lorenz (Hon); 2. Kurt Kiewer (Kaw). JR VET INT: 1. Steve Fernandez (Hon). VET BEG: 1. Tim Mendenhall (Raw); 2. John Lowell (Hon); 3. Jim Blankenship (Raw); 4. Mike Fernandez (Hon); 5. Dan Bernardino (Suz). VET NOV: 1. Joseph Billings (Hon); 2. Bob Shimp (Suz); 3. Mark Neal (Kaw); 4. Stacy Skaggs (Suz). VET INT: 1. Eddie Caldwell (Hon). VET PRO: 1. Terry Duder (Kaw); 2. Richard Bunch (Yam). SR BEG: 1. Larry Kirsch (Hon); 2. Bill Weltman (Hon). Webster wins Tecate VIII Trial By Don Williams' BOULDER OAKS, CA, OCT. II Art Webster, holder of six age division NATC -National Championships, came from behind to ~b the Intermediate win at the San Diego Tnals Riders' Tecate VIII Trial. Webster, along with ].0. Miller and brothers' Brad and Craig McClellan, trailed Jim Collins after Collins turned in an astounding single-dab opening loop card at the ninth round of the American Trials Association Championship Series. Collins, 40 years Webster's junior, had a seven-point lead over Webster going into the second lap around the dusty, ll-section, sixmile loop. Collins' lead evaporated in the dry, sunny, SO-degree heat when he "fived" two sections while Webster took "ones" in the three sections he didn't clean. Only Craig McDelIan was able to keep the leaders in sight with a I5-point score after two loops. . McDelian made a strong push for the lead with a nine-deanltwo-dab final lap, but he finished a dab high when Webster turned in an unspectacular, but solid, five-dab closing card. Collins faded further with a II-point last loop, but was able to hold off Brad McClellan for third place. It was touch-and-go all day for Senior (30+) 'Intermediates Larry Varnell and Roger Guard on the wide-open-lined, rock-slab-dominated sections. Guard took a 6-7 lead over Varnell on the first loop, then dropped back into second when he dropped II points on the next trip . around the course. Varnell returned the favor, losing a dozen dabbs on the last loop, but Guard could not fully capitalize and fell a pOint short, 24-25. Six-time consecutive and current ATA Champion Tom Hamann cruised to an easy win and Clive Hannon had the lowest overall Sportsman score with his Senior division win. . Ron Cavataio's baker's dozen score earned him the top overall Novice honors and an outstanding single-dab, 29-dean performance by Brad Price was the best overall Beginner tally. Results C'SillP: J. Tom Hamann (Bet); 2. Jared Malmquist (Bet). SPTSMN: 1. Thom Engelhardt (Yam); 2, Ed Stovin (Fan); 3. jack Herninway (Fan). 5R SPTSMN: 1. Clive Hannon (Fan); 2. Kent Graham (G-G). INT: 1. Art Webster (Yam); 2. Craig McClellan (Yam); 3. Jim Collins (Bet); 4. Brad McClellan (Yam); 5. J.O. Miller (Yam). SR INT: 1. Larry Varnell (Yam); 2. Roger Guard (Bet); . 3. Kurt Roll (Bet); 4. Robert Walkez (Fan); 5. Jim Rogers (G-G). S/SR INT: 1. Steve Il«k (Fan). NOV: 1. Ron Cavataio (Fan); 2. Steve Dozier (Yam); 3. Doug Stephens (Yam); 4. Richard Zinsmann (Fan). SRNOV: 1. Kevin Reynolds (G-G);2. George White (Yam); 3. Dennis Thompson (Bet); 4. Jeff Siefert (Yam); 5. Mark Gravitt (Bet). S/SR NOV; 1. Marty Argo (Yam); 2. John Collins (Bet); 3. John Haney (Bet). . VET NOV; J. Duane Stone (G-G); 2. Bill Markham (MOl); 3. Ron Doziez (ltj); 4. Del Harland (Yam). BEG: J. Brad Price (Bet); 2. Steven Varnell (Fan); 3. David Lahey (Yam); 4. Chris'Shaw (SWM); 5. Bryan Benson (Yam). SR BEG: 1. Glenn Stone (Mer); 2. Lane Butterfield (Fan); 3. Kelly Callan (Yarn); 4. Doug Fulton (Yam); 5. Greg Baillie (Fan). . KIDS: 1. Craig Baal (Yam). 29

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