From the seat of a Suzuki RM,
you've got a line-up that will
it's hard to take the competition
make the competition seriously
all that seriously.
consider taking up knitting. And
That's because you're racing
while they compare needle sizes,
on a bike that's won the title of
you'll be taking your best shot at
125 Motocrosser of ,the Year,·
Suzuki's RM Contingency
. thanks to technology that's now
gram, which pays cash rewards
shared by the RM250. You also
deeper in the standings and pays
get the track-side support and pro
almost twice as much as any other
advice needed to kick some
company.·· If that's not enough
serious butt. And the deepest
incentive, you'll also have some
pockets in .motocross contingen-
of the industry's best support,
cies to dig into when you do.
thanks to the top motocross
With a hot new engine, this
mechanics staffing the Team
year's RM250 gets more power
Suzuki Support Trucks, as well
and, better, throttle response'
as Suzuki's Pro Level dealers,-
thanks to goodies like a new carb
whose guidance on setup and
and reed valve, a revised intake
maintenance comes directly from
system, and a new radiator for
years of racing experience.,
more efficent cooling. Plus, better
If this sounds like something
handling hom a computer-
you can deal with, stop by your
designed square-tube' frame that's
Suzuki dealer today and check out
35% more rigid. Add radical new
the the new RM's. If not, send
bodywork for improved rider
us your, picture and maybe you
position on the RM250 and the
can be on the cover of next year's
RMl25;and class-leading perfor-
mance from the RM80, and
·The 1992 RM125 is "Moteross Action's" 1992 Motocrosser of the Year. ··Based on 1992 AMA 125 0IIlC:l258 Sapercrosa and National results as of 6/29/92, excluding
team rider finishes. At Suzuki we want every ride to be safe and enjoyable. So always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never ride 'under the
influence of alcohol or other drugs. Study your owner'. manual and always inspect your Suzuki before riding. Always supervise young riders. The RM series motorcycles
are for cloo.ed~ corilpetition use and related practices only. Professional rider photographed under closed-course conditions.