·Dle1993CR250R. LuckYlordell. -I
We almost included an airsickness bag.
Unfortunately, it added too much weight.
But we made other improvements. To
the one bike that didn't need any. The
machine that has won nine out of the
last eleven Supercross Championships.
RealiZing that some day even the 1992
champion, Jeff Stanton, will have to land,
we recalibrated and refined the suspension.
Both front and rear. Then we reinforced
"93 models are also eligible r.rlbe remai'l~ 1992 posltd evenLl. Sp<:cmcal~ns and avallabillly subject 10 change .Ithoul nollct. Por arree product brochure, set your Honda Dealer or ..lie: American Honda, DepL 9l P.D. Box 7055,
'0. Holly.ood, CA 91609·7055. CR
what was already abulletproof frame.
And that's not the only reason air traffic
controllers will be in apanic. There's one
more. It's called the CR™125R.
The engine has more horses. The frame,
Is a Honda lrademart. © 1992 American Honda MOlOr Co.. In' 1101921