Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 16 April 19

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VOLUME 59 ISSUE 16 APRIL 19, 2022 P91 S TANDOUT FEATURE Exceptional feeling from the front tire under hard cornering RIDER AN ALYSIS I got the chance to sample the Pirelli Diablo Rosso Corsa IV at the marvelous Mugello circuit in Italy and the surrounding hills early in the morning. The first hit out in the country- side was interesting because it was bitterly cold, but it showed the tire's versatility as it was quick to warm up and maintain a good degree of heat across the morning. This allowed the front tire to really show its worth, as it tracked the bumps and off-camber corners of the Italian countryside beautifully. The ride is slightly on the stiff side for general cruising, but it's far from a deal breaker if all you're doing is riding on the street. However, where the tire really shines is the racetrack. We ran no tire warmers, and I primarily rode an R1 and S 1000 RR, the latter of which had never seen a new set of tires all day before I climbed on board. Hence, the rear looked decid- IV will serve you perfectly. Pirelli offers two front sizes and seven rears starting at a 150/60 ZR 17 up to the big daddy of a 200/ 60 ZR 17, so there should be a tire that'll fit your bike easily. Rennie Scaysbrook •EXCELLENT FRONT TIRE FEEL •FAST WARM UP ON THE STREET •GOOD LONGEVITY ON A SUPERBIKE AFTER A FULL DAY ON THE TRACK •A LITTLE STIFF ON THE ROAD HOLDING •NEEDS A FAST PACE TO REALLY GET WORKING •EXCELLENT FRONT TIRE FEEL •A LITTLE STIFF ON THE edly shot, but it still offered surpris- ingly good acceleration grip and stability when opening the throttle mid-corner through Mugello's down- hill Correntaio corner at the back of the grandstand. Again, the star for me was the front tire. I've been racing on Pirellis for the last few years and the feeling coming through the handlebars was very similar to what I've been used to on my GSX-R. The Diablo Rosso Corsa IV front tire offers exceptional turn speed and stability, and the fact we did these laps on thoroughly worn tires was testament to their durability and the performance still on offer when they wear down. If you're going for a tire that is never going to see a racetrack, these might be a bit extreme, but if you buy these tires with the thought of a few weekends of street scratch- ing and the odd track day where you don't want to bring tire warm- ers, these Pirelli Diablo Rosso Corsa LOWDOWN CORSA IV List Price: Starting at $180-$350 Website: Fast canyon riding is the Diablo Rosso Corsa IV's M.O, but the ride can be a touch on the stiff side for slow-speed riding. power and torque sport bikes at full lean when the throttle is being twisted. The racetrack genes are evident here in the rear tire, the sides of which are the same compound as the SC3 race rubber—the hardest com- pound for race tires from the SCX, SC0, SC1 and SC2.

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