Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 10 March 8

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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maintains the points lead, 12 over Prado and 17 over Renaux. In the MX2 division, Geerts went undefeated. The Belgian ran off with the moto-one victory but had to make some passes before winning moto two. Red Bull KTM's Tom Vialle of France took sec- ond in moto one and was leading moto two when his suffered a spectacular get-off after being ejected off his bike over a jump. Amazingly, he was not se- riously injured and eventu- ally went on to finish 21st in the moto. GasGas rider Andrea Adamo of Italy finished out the day second over- all and on the podium for the first of his career after going 4-3, while Holland's Kay de Wolf (Husqvarna) filled out the podium with a 3-4. De Wolf battled hard with Simon Langenfelder late in race two but contact on the final lap put the Dutchman on the ground. Round-one winner Langen- felder fought his way to second in race two but was off the podium in the overall classification. Poor starts hindered the GasGas rider all day and fourth overall drops him to second in the series points. He is third overall in the point standings. CN MXGP 1. Tim Gajser (Hon) 2. Maxime Renaux (Yam) 3. Jorge Prado (GG) 4. Brian Bogers (Hus) 5. Jeremy Seewer (Yam) MX2 1. Jago Geerts (Yam) 2. Andrea Adamo (GG) 3. Kay de Wolf (Hus) 4. Simon Langenfelder (GG) 5. Kevin Horgmo (Kaw) VOLUME 59 ISSUE 10 MARCH 8, 2022 P57 Jago Geerts won both MX2 motos and is the new red- plate holder in the class. MXGP of Lombardia Highlights

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