Cycle News

Cycle News 2022 Issue 10 March 8

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kelley Dominates Wild Boar GNCC B en Kelley flexed his off-road muscles at Wild Boar GNCC in Palatka, Florida, March 6, turn- ing in one of the most dominating performances in GNCC history. After nearly three hours of rac- ing, the FMF/KTM Factory rider claimed an impressive four-min- ute victory ahead of 2021 ISDE individual winner Josep Garcia (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing). Typically, one of the most gru- eling races on the schedule due to the deep sand that forms bike- swallowing whoops and ruts, this year's race was somewhat different from past races in that instead of mud holes there was dust thanks to the dry conditions that the area has experienced lately. Regardless, the 12-mile course was brutal just the same, and Kelley handled it well, look- ing noticeably fresher than the competition at the finish. "Every other year I'm com- pletely drained at the end of this race, so it's crazy how good I felt out there," said Kelley. "I've been down here in Florida for the past two months riding at Ranch Russell so I'm in shape. It wasn't easy, that's for sure, but I was just trying to have fun and save energy as much as I could and it worked out in the end." Jordan Ashburn, who finished third, grabbed the holeshot to start the race and ran second after being passed by Kelley at the halfway mark. The Magna1 Motorsports/Husqvarna rider held onto second place until just a few miles from the finish, when he handed the runner-up slot to Garcia by tucking the front end and tipping over. Garcia said thank you and went on to finish second, while Ashburn remount- ed for third. Kelley never put a foot wrong IN THE WIND P38 Ben Kelley made it two wins in a row after topping the Wild Boar GNCC in Palatka, Florida. PHOTOS: KEN HILL

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