Years Ago
FEBRUARY 8, 1972
Years Ago
FEBRUARY 10, 1982
The headline read: Red blur at Anaheim! The red blur we were referring
to was Team Honda's Donnie Hansen who dominated the Anaheim
Supercross opener 40 years ago. Hansen won in front of an Anaheim
Stadium record crowd of 70,205 fans. Jeff Ward and Johnny O'Mara
went 2-3... Amateur motocrossers got the chance to take to the Anaheim
Supercross track the day after the Supercross opener. Some of the hot
prospects from the race included John Whelchel, Greg Zitterkopf and
Mercedes Gonzales.
Our coverage of the Houston National Short Track and TT at the Houston
Astrodome was featured on the cover of Cycle News 50 years ago. Kenny
Roberts won the short track and John Hateley the TT... Many of the stars
of motocross, such as Tim Hart, Brad Lackey, Rich Thorwaldson and
Peter Lampuu mixed it up at CMC Lion's MX in California... We bravely
tested the Suzuki TM400J Cyclone motocrosser... We ran a feature called
The Story of Mark Brelsford and his Assault on The Plate, authored by
Bill Spencer.
(Left) Brad Lackey
was all style at a
local motocross
at Lion's MX 50
years ago. (Below)
Fabrizio Meoni
celebrates the win
at the Total Arras-
Madrid-Dakar Rally
20 years ago.