Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ m '~"'t-'.(~,;~ Q("") 00 Cj) ~ .. C\l ~ ~ $00-4 COd "" :::s ::: COd ~ What DO",", Bad Brad? By Dale Brown Possibly one of the biggest surprises of 1982 is that with only a few days left in the year, it is not known what 500cc World Motocross Champion Brad Lackey will be riding in 1983 nor whose colors he will we~ " . . .Lackey SSUZUkI co~tract expued at the end of hIS championship-winning season, and there is no news on what Brad will ride to defend his title. "We're still kicking things around," he says, "Trying to find out if the'deals I want are going to get going. I've had some possibilities with out-of-the-motorcydeindustry companies, although some have fallen through, and I'm still wai ting for an answer from a few. "If everything works out the way I want it to, I'd like to defend my title. But everyone's taking so long with the economy the way it is. They get so late. We wanted to run the Golden State Series, but we don't have any bikes lined up yet. I guess we'll just have to wait." Although Lackey has no firm plans for 1983 competition, he does know what he's going to do as far as a business project. He and three-time World Road Racing Champion Kenny Roberts are producing a line of casual clothing called Fox Action Wear. "What we've got is clothing along the lines of Hang Ten and 0 P. We're going to get that going, get it started in motorcycle shops and then go on to bigger outlets. '" . We re usmg the Fox. n~me a~d logo because of m~ aSSOCiatlon wah Moto-X Fox. Ther ve also got a great logo, not to mentl~n the dealer ne~wor~. We can get 10 ther,e and get a pretty fast. We ve, already deCided on samples, and we reabout re~?~ to go. ... I ve never ~one an~thmg hk~ ~hls before, but. wa~ KR mvolved a s a good combmatlon, and a good story to get the product line going. We'll put our story on the clothing tag, like the other gt,lys do about how all these guys .got together at a surf shop, or whatever they do. I don't know if it helps sell clothing, but everybody is doing it." "We licensed the name from Bob Fox, and we've already had the logo done and it looks great on the pants and shirts." Another project of Lackey's, now delayed by non-finaliza.tion of '83 plans, was a conditioning camp in the Sierra Nevada range of California. "We were hoping to set up a camp in Mammoth, CA, along the lines of what I've done a few times in Sweden at Alta. No bikes, just conditioning work like cross country skiing and a lot of gym work. Also, we would have a nutrition program. And, we'd have Dean Miller there to talk about sports in~?r~es. . .' It d be a latle ~Ifferent from the s~hool w~ere they Jl;Is.t te~ch a guy to nde. We d J:»e ~onditlomng the students, showmg them what they have t? go through to become. ~ professlonal !'"t?t~~sser; ~e nUl!1tlon, how to ,~vOld mJunes, thifolgs hke that. . However, everything else has .carned us aw~y from the caml? project. We ~oped a would go o? nght after Chnstmas, but now we re not sure when it will be. We're going to wait until we get everything else sorted out, which isa priority. I don't expect that we'll make any money with the camp, just help everybody else." So Lackey's future plans are not yet settled. We asked if anything else was going on. "That's about it," said Lackey, adding, "Attempting to do those three things, get back in shape and get rolling, it's actually a pretty busy schedule." •

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