Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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D THELAlEST ~ ~ 1""""4 '" C\I 1""""4 >- M ~ :3 ::: ~ I--) ~ P OP llY PAPA WEALEY (Continuedfrom page 66) Mike Kidd will be promoting a $4000 indoor short track AMA Regional in conjunction with the Great American Motorcycle Show in Fort Worth, TX. The date for the race is jan. 8, 1983, and it will be held at the Tarrant County Convention Center. Amateurs will race at noon, with the Pros going for it at 8 p.m. The race will be run on a concrete surface. For more info, call Kidd at 817/433-5559. The withdrawal of Yamaha's dirt track/road racing effort from Camel Pro Series racing has left Corky Keener without a job. Keener worked the 1982 season as a member of the crew that was managed by Bud Aksland. "I'm back in retirement," said Keener about his current job status. "1 enjoyed doing the Nationals, but I found I really didn't like traveling that much anymore. I've moved back to Denver, where I have a house, and sooner or later I'll begin thinking about something else to do. Right now, I'll relax awhile." The California Racing Club has announced their 1983 schedule and fees for their family enduros. The '83 season will kick off with the Frosty Desert enduro on jan. 16, at Lucerne Valley, following are: the Candy Ass, Feb. 13, Stoddard Valley/Barstow; the Hobo 100 (three loops), Mar. 13, Lucerne Valley; the Tenderfoot, Apr. 10, Rand; the Pucker Bush (three loops), May 15, Lucerne Valley; the Bobcat, june 12, Red Mountain; the Gringo, Aug. 14, Baja; the Gully Whomper (three loops), Sept. II, Lucerne Valley; the Roadrunner, Oct. 9, Rand; the Iron Horse (three loops), Nov. 6,. Red Mountain; and the Santa Claus on Dec. 12, in Lucerne Valley. Membership for 1983 is $15 and this entitles individuals to collect championship points and ride for reduced entry. Mem er entry fees for '83 are $20 per event except for the Gringo; the member entry fee for the Gringo is $25. The CRC is also adding Fourstroke AA, A, Band C classes for next year, but will not break these classes down based on engine size. For more information on the CRC family enduros, call 714/689-6114 during regular business hours. .. Sure-Fire Distributing of Asheville, North Carolina, and Reno Leoni, the ace tuner behind Jimmy Adamo's many Battle of the Twins road race vict.ories, have joined forces to produce race-ready Ducati powered dirt track bikes. Using the Ducati 600 V-twin as a base, the 750cc dirt trackers are expected to be available shortly. For info, call Bill Burbank Jr. at Sure-Fire. 704/255-8096. • •••, "1'" 72 ~ • TZ260 "mystery" gift, and a variety of Tshirts and hats from Team Cowboy's various sponsors. Send your name, address and your guess in pounds to Team Cowboy, P.O. Box 2551, 1512 Wilbur Dr. NE, North Canton, OH 44720. One entry per person, and one hint: Dysle currently weighs in at a svelte 276 pounds. Right after the second annual Steve McQueen Memorial hare scrambles for pushrod "Dinosaurs," will be a fund-raising poker run to benefit the effort to get injured road racer Bruce Hammer a van with hand controls. The poker run will use the same course as the race, . which organizer Pat Owens described as, "an easy to ride seven miles," The donation will be $S, and there will be a drawing conducted afterward for product prizes. For more details, contact Owens at 213/443-9630. World Class, Inc., the folks who produced the 1982 World Individual Speedway Championship at the L.A. Coliseum, have video cassettes of the event for sale. Available is VHS or Beta, ~hehourand l8minute tape has complete coverage of the event, including the controversy between winner Bruce Penhall and England's Kenny Carter. Just sent $57.95 plus $5 postage and handling to World Class Inc., P.O. Box 3334, San Clemente, CA 92672. Winter-AMA MX Series or the CMC California Golden State MX Series can pad their wallets with contingency bucks from KTM America. A KTM rider who wins either series overall in the 125cc, 250cc or Open class will earn $5,000, with second overall paying $1,000 and third overall $SOO. Each round of both series will pay $1,500 to the day's overall winner in each of the three pro classes, $750 to second, $500 to third, $250 to fourth, and $100 to fifth. Multi-time World Champion Anton Mang, who was left without a ride when Kawasaki announced recently that they were pulling out of GP road racing, has signed with England's HB Suzuki. The '82 350cc World Champion will campaign an RG500 in the 500 GPs in '83. Meanwhile, Randy Mamola is back in California after testing the new Suzuki Gamma 500 in japan. "In the three years I have been riding for Suzuki," said Mamola, "it was the best winter test session we have ever had. The new bike was a second a lap quicker than the '82 machine." The new slim-line Gamma reportedly weighs some 20 pounds less than the '82 Suzuki works bikes. With a reponed weight of between 235 and 240 pounds, the biggest weight saving has been accomplished with the frame-the rectangular section aluminum frame weighs a mere 12~ pounds. The frame's thin walls can't be bent; instead, bends are made by cutting and re-welding. The frame reportedly cracked several times during the test session and will most certainly be beefed up before the start of the '83 GP season. The National Motorcycle Racing Association's 1983 schedule has been released, and the full schedule is printed on p, 68. Of note is that the Pro Comp class will run along with the Top Fuel bikes at the NHRA Southern Nationals car meet in Atlanta, GA, on Apr. 1617, Also, at the NHRA World Finals at OCIR in Irvine, CA, on Oct. 1516, Pro Stocks will run instead of Ohio's Team Cowboy has announced a rather, uuhh, unique contest, what they call the "Winter 'n' Weight Contest." The lucky person who guesses' the weight of Team Cowboy's Ray "Cowboy" Dysle in full racing gear, just before the start of the Daytona Superbike ra~e w~ll win s?mething. •.. ·.The: som~lr~Q8' $'.$JPQ.lA cash.'..·• .·.~,lqA F~IlI. : I •• 14' • I I I ; ,~ "G" top .nd. Nikuil cylinder, H.rria, lockheed caliper., .xcell.nt condition, som. IPBres. 83300 OBO. Road ree. Ie.ther., sm.II, MT125, H2O kit. new. (605) 693-3001. (150/01) New Yamaha 1980IT25OG,'1299. 1981TT500H,.1599. 1981 SR500H, .1599. Deal.r ~605) 964-1580. (250) H~lp Wanted Customer Relations Coordinator . u.s. Suzuki h.s. ch.lI.nging .ntry I.vel position in our 'Custom R.I.tions Departm.nt. h requir.s good verbal.nd _itt.n skill•• nd the .bility to t.ctfully .nd .nthu.i.stic.lly de.1 with our cu.tom.r••nd de.l.r•. Suzuki product knowledg. pref.rred. wholesal. or de.ler level motorcycl. i. necessary. Good company benefit•. S.nd your resume to: U.S. SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION P.O. Box 1100. Br••• CA 92621 ATTENTION: Personnel (250/01) Motocross Race Log . 88 peg•• for your .ntir. reeing records. •3.75. .1.00h.ndling. F.B.F. ENT.• P.O. Box3193, N. Hollywood, Calif. 91609-0193. C.I r••. + 6% tax. (213) 764-9646. (250) Wanted BMW Salesman Commission/benefits. Largest selling BMW fr.nchise in USA. SEND resume to CAUFORNIA BMW INC.• 2490 Old Middlefield Rd., Mountain Vi_, CA 94043. (248/50) Experienced Parts Personl Excellent working a t ~•. Super co-workers. Best pay scale .round. Expanding business needs .xperienced perts person. You'lI never know un.... you • minute to call Steve or Art at (213) 352-3277 or 897-3307. (249ITFN) • Long Beach Honda Motorcycles Is Where It's Happening . W. need on. selelPBrson th.t's got it.1I together. Must motorcycl. sales .xperi.nca. All company benefits, super pay plan to the right person. C.II C.rl Diamond. (213) 423-1433. (248/501 Professional Salesman lalIding Southern California Honda deeIer leeks proleaional motorcycle Il!lIesmen with '!"'Jll rounded off/on road experience. Excellent pay plan. benefits and opportunity for the right person. Contact Bill McLean, KOLBE CYCLE SALES, 7514 ReIede BNd., R-.da. CA. l2131345-7616.l206/TFNI Come to Alaskal On• •xperi.nced Honda meehanic .nd one .xperi.nced Honda parts person needed. Excellent pay .nd workLng conditions. Send _itt.n resumes and 3 letters of recommendation to SHELLEY, 1050 W.t.r St.. Katchikan, AI.ska 99901. Writ.n applications ONLY accepted. (248-011 DG RM466 X/Z Pipes EAT CR48OR'SAUVEWITH DG'S All NEW RM485 XANDZPlPE. These 20g.uga.t.mped steel pipes resist denting .nd gives your RM465 over 50 horsepower to the wheel. Out powers .ny of the competition's pipes. .nd c1yno tested to gu.r.nt•• hor••pow.r incr•••••nd improve powerb.nd. Ret.i1 price i. '99.50. Contact your local d••'.r or: DG PERFORMANCE SPECIALTIES in 1230 La Lom. Circl., C.lif. 92806. (714) 630-6471. (239/TFN/EOI) For Sale 1976 XR H-D Race ready, fresh, expert selling out. Everything goes. M.ny .xtres. Mak. offer. (319) 752-7754. (15OE) Ducati Parts Hug. Inventory - dealer inquiries invited. (404) 543-1235. (25OE) Mechanic Wanted High desert Suzuki de.lership. Minimum 5 years de.lership experience. Must be able to perform tasks to flat rat. specification. Other br.nd knowledge helpful. Professionals only pl..... must have own tools. (714) 245-7339 or 243-3248 (2501 Wanted: Factory S'ales Reps Full or part time. For territory currently not covered by distributors. For n.tion.lly known br.nd. lubricants .nd additive comp.ny. Writ. Dept. CN-l00. Box 301, P.yn•• OH 45880. (150) Suzuki-Yamaha Parts Manager Must have .xperi.nce.nd sawv of.1I .spects of Suzuki and Y"maha parts departm.nt. SAVALA'S SPORT CENTER. P.O. Box 1361, Rock Springs, Wyo. 82901. (307) 362-5531, Rich.rd. (350ITFN/E) Sales Reps Wanted Aggr.ssive M/C distributing company w.nts h.rd working sal.s repS. You must now be selling to M/C shops and w.nt to .dd to your lin•. (BOO) 854-1060 or (7141747-1058. (218ITFN) 1980 Kawasaki KZ1000 Trick job, red fr.m••nd, Yoshi pipe: .ir forks, S & W shock•• very cl••n. First $2600 t.k•• it home. (213) 498-2563. (450) Free with my MT 126R Hondal Cafe Clearance Sale Buy my MT 125R .nd g.t free AMA m.mber.hip and WMRRA racing license. 8ik. h.s wide rim•• French Dunlops, Hydr.ulic disc, .nd update cylinder/piston. Fun. .nd•. F-3 winner, many 2nds in Open GP single. M.ny spar.s included. $900. C.II Chris .t number below or .t (206) 524-6282 on S.turdays. (2061 322-2255. (350101) All Dunst.1I c.fe equipm.nt .t closeout pricesI Exh.ust r•• rset kits, fairings. saats. All must go. C.II, m.k. off.r. Let's de.II Ask for Erik.t MOTORCYCLE UNLIMITED. (415) 924-0327. (150/03) Exc.lI.nt condition, low hours. must see to appr.ciat•. Size 32 Yam.h. JT L••, size 9 Scott boots, all for $100. (619) 271-

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