Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Continental M sports CI b otoSouthe U MX TO;~O~hfornia for 1983 Pros c . 1. P. Hubbs ~. M. Tripes 2' M Tripes 3' W. Carlson · O. Gerig 4. O. lewis ~. 0 Eropkin 7' O. Anderson · S. Sargent 8. J. Prieur 19. B. Jewel 1~. O. Bowers 12' P. Murray 14' J. Tarantino 15' ~. Zitterkopf 16' . Turner 17' R. JC?hnson 18' J. 0 Mara 19' ~. lechien 20' 8' Murray · . Keefe ~~.R.Nohn 23' T. Browne 24' ~. Denning 25' . Dubach 26' ~. Merrihew 27' . Baker 28' S. Rhyan 29' ~. Burnworth 30' . lucas 31: ~', Tetherton 32 . Hanson 33'~' Maloney 34' T' Mueller · 125 250 500 . Hoyt 35. M Tedde ~~:~"HOPW~ 38 J' 5efferson 39' R' die 40' . Brown 41'~' BeIer 4 . . Yetto 4~' JB. Glover · . GIbson ~:~. Stern 48. 0: ~J:rSCOU9h ~.M.Bell 49·~·Hannah SO' . Kehoe 5 . T. Lunde 5~' G. Senecal · M. Hair ~. A. Guth 55' K. Davis 56' ~. Denton R' G~lger 5i . ibson ~. O. Bailey 60' S. WIseman 61 . ~ Peterson 62' . FIsher 6 . R. Rodgers 3. G. Smith ~. ~. Manning 66' . Banning .R.W-man 67. ...-:68 S. M artln 69' J · BRen.avidez w · . eld ~~. Finkeldey 72' R·Jones 73' . Maki 74' F. Schlegel 75' ~. Pettigrew 76' O· Sands 77' S· Hammond Mever 78'· C·. eable 79. M. Howell SO. J. Brod' 81.C M Ie. 82. T: BI~~lstion 83. V. Deluca ~. O. Cates 86' ~. S~~maker 87' R' ReiSinger 88' A' Norman · . King ~. T. Shelton · V. Tamietti 91. T. Locey 92.R Ped erson 93 J' · . Coffey : . c. Brenkus 9 . C. Gormley 6. C. Heisser 97. P. Thede ~:. J. Faure 100' B. Schultz · T. Meeks t. Continental M sports Club otoCentral/N California ~~hern TfOP 100 Pros or 1983 125 Central 1. J. Nelson 1. T. Worth 250 1. T. Oias 500 125 North 1. M. Whalen 1. O. McRae 1. J. Brandt ~. W. Archer 4' S. McConn · M. Arena 5. L Wosick 6. R Smith 7. R. Ryan 8. O. Hawkin 16' J. Schlag s 11' ~. Chrostian 12' A' Stevens 13' . Sllhanek 14' C. Plain 15 ~. Dobbins 16 . Cady 17: ~. ~asey (Kimol 18 T' eeman 19 Lucente 20' ~ Holmes 21: 0 ~Herrera 22 J' ebb 23' p' Heiberger 24' L Larson 25' Coleman 26' ~'. Hann 27' . Lackey 28: ~. Kerslake 29 . Coleman 30' ~ Johnson 31' .Fendorl 32' Chapman 33' p' Andrews 34' O· Douglas 35: B' ~tandridge 36. O· c~danovich 37 J' andler 38' . Scruggs 39' ~ Delaware 40' O· Keller · . Walsh ~~. O. Pritchett 43' M. Hearn 44' G. Rabe 45' ]. McKenna 46' .Oauth 47' O. Furrer 48: ~. gantaloupi 49 E' astaneda SO' K' Minton 51' . Klein 5 . G. Fargo 52. O. Holmes G. Holland 55' ~. Rebuck 56' R' O~land 57: B Wilson 58 . Manzoni 59' ~. Preston 60' . Barry 61'~' Johnson 62' . Wargo 63' fAclantalouPi 64' . arcon 6 . S. Vlahos 5. O. Clark 66. C Be . 67 nlnoose 68' S . Sprenger 69' J' Nauman 70' . Olson 71: ~. ~~e~ighini 72. T'H elro 73 . obbs 74' F.Hannah 75' ~Achziger Jr. 76: 0 . ~Ickersham 77 8' ythen 78' 8' Cahors 79: S· Grossi SO' . Arena HArm 81.· J K endariz 82 . eese 8 . O. Payne A. Berluti 85':' Tresser 86' . Wosick 87' M. Nelson 88' J. Ellis 89' ~. Marquez SO' Collins 91 . ~. Richards 92' . Estes 93' Aksland 94' . Waxham 95' ~ Inglebright 96' . Manhire 97' ~. Richards 98 .0eLong 9 . B. Jodry 1 ~. rartindale · . ranklin Jr. 250 500 g. sl' M J' 13. Mickey F 14. Hank S ay 15 G cott 16 Rarth Brow 17' J onnle Jones 18' Tim Filice 19' erry Poove · Bill Hernd y 20 B on 21' rad Hurst · Chuck S . 22. Keith 0 prongsteen 23 l ay 24: B~~e Jones 25. Johat~ Rush 26. Mike J-n Cornwell 27. Rlchardl~nig . 28. Steve W· rnalz 29 Sc Ise 30' Thott Adams ' omas Mai I t and 31 · Roger C ~32.· Jay Kai bU;;P Donald P ge 34. Tom M 35. EmoryC GCullOU9h 36 0 ray 37: J~~5~~rockson 38 R nson 39: R~~Srt Crabbe 40 S ulhvan 41' cott Poder . · Oarrin E' gOls 42. Steve rlchsen 43 M' h Morehead 44' AI IC ael Gilkey ex Jorg 4 5. Ronald Y ensen 46. Steve B amamoto 48. Mark G urkholder 49 T ruber SO' Faylor White IV 51' M~n Brown 52' K Ike Garrison 53: TI~ Houston 54. Ste:ertens 55. Joh Monger 56 nWln . 57: 58. Oar:;;;6'atterson 59. Kirk St urelle 60 wrong 61' Stayne Rainey 62' eve Oort 63: ~aaz; :ushman ~:ve Brad~lcz ~: ~~~~ie ~~~~s 66. Mik y Campbell 67. BU~ In~erbltzen 68. Bill H~fmhobert 69. Son elster 70. Jeff Burres 71. Peter S~pbell 72. Steve ~;;;fnsen 73. Keith UI' k' 74 M' IC I 75' B Ike Sullivan 76' /ett B~rkman 77' podd Glesick 78' eter Hook 79 · Jeff Na rramore M' SO' R·lchael Cole · Ich King 81. B.iIIy Scott 8 2. J B3 TIm Johnson 84' Jon Champlin 85' Fay Beach 86' rank Word 87·00ugAhn B8 · Jeff McO aniel lyn 89' M'kn Holloway . I e Farle SO· Chubby A y 91. Scott Or krmour 92. Rod a e 93 0 ney Farris · ave Hebb : . ~ric Gruber 96' Ecott Pearson 97' rvln Smith ' Steve Laws on 98 Rod S 99: lars ~rs~~ 'ta Thc:r~sis no free lu It called "Hanch, nowadays g. _,ppy Hour." 06' lS In memory oif h' raan:g sp' . and personal courage . ('(' We Will' znt National N AMA Cumbers amel Pro ' Sefles ~esterville OH ec.6,1982 1. Ricky Grah ~. ~enny Ro~~s 4' 8 ene Romero 5' Gart Markel 6' Rary Scott . ~ndy Goss 7 Mike Kidd 8' . Steve Eklund 9 . Jay Sp . 10. Billy l rbln!lsteen 11 S a roe cott 12' Ted Parker . Boody Mzss You , von " T TROPHY PICKUP For rIsung in thO . ~ent, please m . IS depantlOn wilh $ I. Oa II mformaIhat 11 is lOOper week ~~ws Troph;~rc~~~ Cyclp ,Long Beach , CAP' Box 90801. Jon Woo, 1954-1 982 . NO Sp k Nlpponde nso of Los A ar Plugs • Carson, CA 90 ngeles. Inc. 5 (213) 549_76i6 .

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