Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-Canada- Northern California-Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Utah-AI the 125 and 250cc Pro classes on his brand new 1983 Hondas. Froembling, a northern Washington native, barely had enough time to break in either new bike, but made his trek south payoff taking both overall wins. Honda-mounted Keith Foidel grabbed the 125cc first moto holeshot and held his lead till another Honda~ mounted rider, Nathan Pippert took over during lap two. Froembling gained the lead on lap three, coasting to an easy win with Foidel and Pippert taking the next two spots. Foidel again got the holeshot during the second race, but on lap four took an unfortunate spill that cost him the lead. Froembling then found himself in the number one spot and roosted to another win. Pippert grabbed the second spot with Foidel third. Maico ace Scott Tyler (MaicoHusky N.W.lMaico West) was untouchable during the first moto of the 250cc Pro race, taking his Alpha to a wi'te-to-wire win. Behind Tyler a great race formed between Froembling, Jon Buyas (Milwaukie Suzuki) and Toland Kawasaki supported Gary Larson. Buyas had the second position until he fell, leaving him out of the running. Froembling took advantage of Buyas' fall, finishing second with Larson third and Rob Burkhart (Honda) fourth. Tyler holeshot the second moto with Froembling close behind and when Tyler had bike problems during the opening lap, Froembling took over the lead for the remainder of the race. Buyas finished the moto in second, Larson was third and Burkhart again fourth. Results POWDER PUFF: 1. Julie Hiersche (Yam); 2. Tricia Lyons; 3. Julie Gash (Han). PEE WEE: 1. JUslin Stanning (Yam). MINI JR: 1. Ernes1 Roberts (Yam); 2. Kurt Ragstad (Yam); 3. Richard Jacobs (Han). MINIINT: 1. Jim Myren (Yam); 2. Darren Rogers (Yam); 3. Dawn Piazza (Yam). 100 JR: 1. Dan Cook (Yam); 2. Martin Hansen (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Bill eurnham (Suz); 2. John Pierce (Suz); 3. Keith Cayton (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Monte Hill (Suz); 2. Mark Sanders (Kaw); 3. Glenn Hunter (Suz). 125 PRO:.l. David Froembling (Han); 2. Nathan Pippert (Han); 3. Keith Foidel (Han). 250 JR: 1. Mike Deeney (Han); 2. Greg Slyter (Yam); 3. Jeff Throop (Han). 250 INT: 1. Dave Eakin (Han); 2. Kirk Giggers (Han); 3. Mika Chase (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. David Froembling (Han); 2. Gary Larsen (Kaw); 3. Jon Buyas (Suz). OPEN JR: 1. Todd Lusk (Yam); 2. Jere Meeker (Yam); 3. Jim Redden (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Darrell Saxton (Suz); 2. Dan Solland (Yam); 3. Dave Eppig (Suz). 30-40 JR: 1. Rick Magee (Mai); 2. Jack Monteith (Yam); 3. Jeff Yaw (Yam). 30-40 B: 1. Ken Gash (Han); 2. John Flori (Hus); 3. Jerry Halvorson (Yam). 30-40 A: 1. Dave Eakin (Han); 2. Roger Knight (Yam). OT EX: 1. Gary Bonds (Hus); 2. Jim Lamkin (Han). OT B: 1. Jerry Hiersche (Kaw); 2. David Pembroke (Yam). OT C: 1. Norman Swift (Yam); 2. Richard Abrams (Yam). Dowers takes coo'l win at Bagdad Classic By Steve Hammer MURPHY, 10, NOV. 20 Top Oregon desert star, Bill Dowers swept his shiny new XC500 Husky into first overall in the annual Desert Raiders Bagdad Classic today. Finishing just behind Dowers was local shoe Steve Henry (480cc Hon), who led most of the race until he was slowed by a flat tire. Winter is setting in here in Idaho. Driving into the pit area Sunday morning, riders were greeted with snow and cold. On the positive side though, the hardy racers knew that the usual desert racing hassles of dust, holes and heat would be nonexistent. After the standard rider's meeting and smokebomb practice, 46 eager souls lined up for the banner drop start. Roaring into the lead at the smokebomb was Henry. Right behind was Curt Harpham (490cc Mai), who was making up for a poor start. A tight group of riders went by next, inel uding Howard Pickett (250cc Hon), Joel Huskey (250cc Hon), Henry Reimann (175cc Yam) and Ron Dillon (125cc Yam). As the racers began to string out, they noted a varied course including slick, icy roads and damp, sandy trails with outrageous traction. About 10 miles from the start, the course went right down the middle of Wilson Creek for about two miles, and if you loved tons of boulders, and lots of cold, cold water, then this section was for you. The rough, fun and rocky course began to take its toll before -the first lap was even completed. Dillon had moved the little YZ125 up to third overall, but blew the motor in a sandwash about three miles from the end of the loop. Just around the corner from Dillon, Harpham's Maico had thrown a chain, putting him out for the day. This left Henry with a huge lead as he pitted at the end of lap one, but Dowers was riding his usual smart and smooth race, and had moved up to third overall by the end of the lap. Racing continued on lap two. Henry kept the lead and Dowers clamly passed Pickett, who had picked up a flat and DNF. Impressive to watch was Curt Dice (250cc Mai), who was fighting a truly awful start and bike trouble. Dice made up huge amounts of time and managed to pull out a fine eighth overall finish. The field had dwindled down considerably by the third and final lap. The rocks took their toll on Henry's Honda and with about 20 miles to go, he picked up a flat. Dowers was right there and swooped into the lead. Henry held on for second overall, and steadily improving rider Ron Nash put his 1983 Maico 490 into a super third overall. Fourth overall and first Novice was Ron Wehr (25Occ Yam). Ron was really pumped, and he will definitely be one to watch in the future. Robert Nancolas (YZ125) recovered from a terrible start to finish fifth overall and win the 125cc Expert class. The first 250cc Expert was Joel Huskey (250cc Hon) at sixth overall. Yes, Virginia, there were a lot of rocks, DNFs and cold, but we had fun and that's what it's all about. As usual, Wyoming's Ken Guio won the Senior elass and had to be tackled from his bike since he didn't want to quit riding. Merry Christmas, all. • Results OVERALL: 1. Bill Dowers (Hus); 2. Steve Henry (Han); 3. Ron Nash (Mai); 4. Ron Wehr (Yam); 5. Robert Nancolas (Yam); 6. Joel Huskey (Han); 7. Larry Groesbeck (Yam); 8. Curt Dice (Mai); 9. Doug Roberts (Han); 10. Rick Meredith (Mai); 11. Ken Guio (Hus); 12. Sam Taylor (Suz); 13. Dan Huskey (Yam); 14. John Hunter (Hus); 15. Dennis Edwards (Yam). MINI: 1. Brian Rush (Yam); 2. Charlie Bennen (Yam); 3. Allen Hendry (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Dan Huskey (Yam). 125 EX: 1. Robert Nancolas (Yam). 200: 1. Bill Larsen; 2. Chuck Wells. 250 NOV: 1. Ron Wehr (Yam); 2. Rick Meredith (Mai); 3. Sam Taylor (Suz). . 250 EX: 1. Joel Huskey (Han); 2. Larry Groesbeck (Yam); 3. Curt Dice (Mai). OPEN NOV: 1. Lance Englesby (Yam); 2. Phil White (Mai). OPEN EX: 1. Bill Dowers (Hus); 2. Steve Henry (Han); 3. Ron Nash (Mail. SR (30-39): 1. Ken Guio(Hus); 2. Dennis Edwards (Yam); 3. Dave Bowne (KTM). . VET r40-UP): 1. Dean Hus'key (Yam); 2. Roger Dubree (KTM). INTERNATIONAL CLASS RIDERS DEMAND THE BEST - SO SHOULD YOU! .. ..\lttt::::tI::::::: ::::::~:::::::t:::: ::::::::::!::::!!:n:::::::::::::n::•I::: :::::n:m:nn::t:,~ ':-.·,;H;;;";';';;';;';;;";;';';;;';;';;';"!";;"";;';;""';"";;;;";;';';";;;;;;"';;;""';; ;;;.. ~ ~V'Don't buy that Lockheed Caliper":f§ §!! until you first see... [~ ~: The SPO:NDO:N~ ..... ..... ..... ..... =::. =:: ::::: •lighter. 1 lb. 7 oz. •excellent pad retraction one piece casting· no flex • ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: • thinner -greater wheel clearance • fits up to 13" d i s c s · • uses Lockheed size pads • caliper with Ferodo pads - $130 00 special mounting bracket avanable 'or Yamaha' =:: ::::: ..... g~L.. • . .--e ::: == ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::= '.:::: , PERFORMANCE RESEARCH ORG. RD. 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