Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Magoo (Continuedfrom pa{(f' 9) When we got back to Danny's house, we threw our muddy clothes into the washer and sat down with him to get on tape what we couldn't record while bouncing around inside his truck. Randy Wright, who had been driving the other Toyota, Henry, Martin and Tracy were all there with us and Magoo talked away without any reservation. His father and sister Blackie dropped by later and Danny Jr. just welcomed them in and kept answering our questions. The interview became almost a family project at times as one or another of the company would join in. Magoo likes attention, but likes to share it with his friends. He welcomed all their participation and was real sincere in tying them into his answers and his plans for the future. "I want to get my dad a h,ouse. He's supported my racil1g all the way and I've taken a lot away from him, but I feel I can replace a lot of that now. When Tracy and I get married, I'd like to buy some heavy equipment with her parents (they own an excavating business) and help with their business. I don't want to own the company, I'd just like to have our parents, Martin, Tracy and I set up for life." Magoo had made several references to the USGP at Carlsbad during our interview and discussion of racing, so when we were through, someone suggested we watch the tape from the TV airing. Danny Sr. was probably the most enthusiastic about watching the tape and made no secret of the fact that he was proud of Magoo and could watch the tape endlessly. During the showing, Danny Jr.'s experienced eye picked up many of the fine details of professional racing After the tape was over and we'd seen in slow motion such details as every rider's hand coming up simultaneously to remove a tearoff, Magoo being roosted in the mud and missed shifts by both Darrell Shulu and Chandler, it was time for us to leave the mountains and make our way home. After a whole day running around with Magoo and getting to know him, leaving his comfortable home in the forest was about as welcome as leaving for the office on a Monday morning. We didn't want to go. We drove down out of the mountains and, as we made our gradual change back to the city life, we were again struck by the contrasts of the professional racer from the mountains. Danny is creative, energetic, fast and sincere. Despite his success, he has no plans to channel his reputation toward high-dollar movie contracts, accessory companies or any other big city business-type deals. He's into his career for the joy of racing and left us with a clear dreampicture of how he'd like to live in the future. "[ want to stay here. I think what I'd like to do more than anything, if I ever have enough money, is to buy a house where you'd have to have a four-wheeler to get to it. In the winter, I would snowmobile to it and leave the truck parked 10-15 miles away where I'd have my garage. My cabin in the woods. That is what I am into. I like living off the land. Foresthill means everything to me; it's my life." "I just want to live happy. I like to have my friends, I like to give them a bad time and I like to enjoy life. I don't like the city, I don't like the madness and I just can't handle that sort of speed. Life only comes around once; I'm just going to enjoy it while it's here." - Let's all look forward to a healthy and prosperous New Year ... don't reduce your chances by mixing booze and bil

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