Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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two-man teams, each from different nations. Each team raced the other six teams once. Twenty-one heats made up the program with run-offs of ties for first, second, or third if necessary. The English team of Kenny Carter and Peter Collins, along with the American team, were considered the pre-race favorites. Denmark was represented by multi-time champion Ole Olsen, in his last championship ride before retirement, and Hans Neilsen. Olsen and Neilsen were the only pair that had won it together before (1979). Kai Niemi and Ari Koponen rode for Finland. Australians Billy Sanders and Gary Gugliemi did the best for the hometown folks. Larry Ross and Mitch Shirra represented New Zealand. Czechoslovakia sent Jiri Stancl and Ales Dryml. The track was set in a rural area about 30 miles west of Sydney. The stadium consisted of a paved onethird mile oval with a 320 meter speedway track inside. There was no crash wall for the speedway track, however, the perimeter was marked with about 500 six inch white stick flags. Taking out a flag was considered the same as hitting a wall exclusion. The spectators were quite far back, outside the paved track's crash wall. The Aussies were very proud to hold their first speedway world championship event, just as the Americans were last August. The stadium was a little bit short of the L.A. Coliseum, but their enthusiasm and officiating wasn't. About 8,000 to 10,000 spectators attended. Sigalos was ready for this win, hot from a great third place showing in the Coliseum and some excellent riding at the U.S. Nationals. Schwartz, often his own worst enemy, was also up for the event, fresh off the U.S. Long Track Championship at Ascot and knowing he was the defending champ, along with Penhall. The two worked very well as a team with Bobby good at holding the pole and Dennis preferring the outside. They got the gate on each race except their last ride, when all four came out even. Dennis took first in each race with Bobby staying about a half a bikelength back to block for the four laps. Their tactics worked perfectly through the final heat when Sigalos wheelied past the checkered flag. Carter's and Collins' hopes of a win virtually evaporated with their first heat. The eventual fourth place (tie) Finns held the Englishmen to only two points. After a slick track practice session on Thursday, Carter decided to use a soft motor to get more traction. Saturday'S track was much deeper and more power could have been used. The Danes' hopes were dashed when they met the Americans for each team's second ride. Sigalos' and Schwartz's third ride, against the Englishmen, left little doubt that they would win the meeting. Heat 19 caused some excitement when Australian Billy Sanders accidentally took out his teammate Gary Guglielmi. The referee, Sam Bass of Australia, called for a restart excluding Sanders. The crowd showed no disapproval. With the results in, one would now have to consider Sigalos along with Carter as having a good shot at next year's World Individual title. Dennis and Bobby were going to spend another week riding and relaxing at their Bondi Beach residence before heading home. Bondi Beach is world famous for its own daily "Best Pairs Championships." • The ND Hot U Thanks You! Te.m Yo.himur. D.vid Ald.n. Avery D.n Bennett Chris Kerry Bry.nt Dede C.te. Doug Ch.ndler Kurt Ch.ndler We. Cooley P.ul Crumling Keith D.y DeMuro Denny Dougherty Kimi R.y Dun.w.y Todd Elmer D.vid Emde Wendy Epstein Mickey F.y Steve Foote JIMMY ADAMO PETER ESAFF & DENNIS KRUEGER RICKY GRAHAM AMA Grand National Champion AMA Battle Of The Twins Champion AMA National Road Race Side Car Champions John Glover Mercede. Gonz.le. Scott Gr.y Don Green Steve H.II Rob H....y Steve Hill K.thy Holm.n Rhys How.rd Hugh Humble Jerry Keith Kiyot. H.rry Klinzm.nn Ron Kn.pp Bill Knott Bernd Koegler John Le.le Fr.nk M.zur Keith Oelerich Kevin Petty Scott Pe.r.on Nicky Richichi Lerry Short. D.vid Schlosser AI.n Spear. Mike Summer. M.lcolme Tunstall H.rry V.nderlinden G.leWebb John Willi.m. Th.d Wolff Results FINAL STANDINGS: 1. U.S.A. (Sigalos 18. Schwartz 121 30; 2. England (Collins 15, Carter 7) 22; 3. Denmark (Neilsen 11. Olsen 10) 21; 4. (TIE) Australia (Sanders 11, Guglielmi 5)/Finland(Niemi 12; Koponen 4) 16; 6. New Zealand (Shirra 8, Ross .5) 13; 7.•Czechoslova1cia (Stanel5 Dryml3 08. • 6- ".'. j, .. \ £ I J f .' .~_ .. .. ~------------------_.- ~~ ~ .. _._ .•..••..• ~~ .

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