Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.........-B·· -Olda..o.a-T Cross-Country motorcycle racing in Nonh Texas had grown at a steady rate. Before long. the first organized Cross-Country race was held under the guidance of the Nonh Texas Trail Riders Association (NTTRA). now known as the TCCRA. Every year, riders and members of their families get to eat, drink and be merry as they watch the awards and contingency prizes being given to c1ass winners. This year's MCwasTCCRA President Harold Kendrick. Among the prizes given. the most coveted. honored and prestigious award in the club is a tribute to Lynn Rossman, who was killed while preparing a track for a club event. This award goes to the rider with the highest amount of points in the Expens and Pro classes. With 1445 points, the Lynn Rossman went to Cole Knight. of Arlington. The Rider of the Year Award, presented by Oilzall reps Ron Sutler and Mike Boyer. went to Allen Cunningham. Guest speakers, Rick Seiman of Dirt Bike Mag-azine and Andy Poole of Metzeler tires, were on hand to entenain the crowd and Dave Boles of Relax and Win, who awarded programs to the class winners. After the awards, the dance floor was packed as everyone kicked up their heels to C&W music played by the Countty Edition band. (Results in Results Section) Beckham boogies, Conway cruises at Austin MX By Joe Milian AUSTIN, TX, NOV. 28 Early arrivals at Austin Motosports Park were greeted by a dense fog today, but the low level liquid was soon dissipated by the heated action as a strong field of riders provided exciting racing in all classes. Excellent track preparation by promoters Norman and Rocky French eliminated the infamous "Moon Craters" and produced the kind of tacky traction that makes for high speed, yet safe competition. Some slight spectator disappointment was expressed as Lee DuBose of American Honda was forced to withdraw with mechanical problems just prior to the stan of the 250cc Expen clash. With the sttong staning DuBose absent on the line. it was up and coming young contender Larry Hughes from Houston leading the charge off the gate into the founh gear righthander. Hunter Carrothers wrested the lead from Hughes on the second lap. only to be displaced by a smoothriding Jack Beckham a short time later. The race turned into a three way fray at mid-point as Kevin Horton dove inside Carrothers and moved to challenge Beckham. At the white flag Hughes caught fire and mounted an attack on the leaders, which netted him a third just behind Horton and only a bikelength ahead of Carrothers. The second stanza was all Beckham and Carrothers in the most closely contested racing of the day. This furious affair went down to the last turn with Beckham taking a narrow victory. "Boy that Carrothers never gives up, he's always there pushing you. This kind of competition definitely forces you to go faster," a fatigued Beckham stated after the race. Mark Brown took third. Honon took an unplanned detour, and Hughes took a DNF to complete the heat. I xlco-Colol'ado-Wyo.lag- Honda star Dan Conway showed his National experience by taking uncontested wins in both motos of the Open Expen class. Wet Energy pilot Jeff Shaw and Beckham were left behind to argue over die runner-up position, with Beckham winning that contest. The battle of the big bores was highlighted by a rare appearance on an '83 Yamaha 490 by the irrepressible, berm-busting blond bomber, Jack Hicks. Hicks, who claimed he was only doing a little friendly R&D work for Kasson Yamaha. nevenheless turned in creditable performances in both heats, with the effects of his long layoff from racing noticeable only in the latter stages. From this time on, Paul Honon's name will be synonymous with "The Save." You had to see it to believe it. After winning the first moto of the 250cc Intermediate class with little trouble, Honon found himself hopelessly mired in fifth place with over half of the second moto gone. Seeking to rectify this dismal situation, Honon got a bit overzealous with the throttle and tangled briefly with Trey Brizendine. What nextttanspired will be discussed forever by those who witnessed it. Almost certainly headed for the turf, Honon's Honda miraculously righted itself. Horton, however, was far from being in conttol. With his stomach firmly on the seat and his left hand dangling in the region of the shift lever, Horton somehow managed to struggle back into the saddle just as he went over a small jump. This obstacle tossed our hero off his machine and the landing pitched him into a running position alongside the motorcycle with a sharp right hander approaching rapidly. The assembled spectators gasped. Surely it was all over. But nooool Not only did he save it through the turn, but the unpenurbed Honda hotshot regained his composure and passed the four riders in front of him before time expired to claim first again! All in a day's work for a motocross rider perhaps, but it will be a long. long time before anything like that will be witnessed again. The continuing saga of McKim versus Briggs in the O~en class added a new chapter today with Bryan Briggs emerging on top. An unusually wild l25cc Intermediate contest found rapid Rusty Dovell finishing first ahead of Bobby Guerin. while Rusty Burns continued his winning ways in the Open Intermediates. Bill Kasson and "Smokey" Joe Milian showed off their new machinery in the Over 3.0 get together. while Ricky Petry. Mike Mewhart, Ernie Kessel. Sane Tabassi, Terry Dutton and Jim Prado put in outstanding performances in the Novice classes. • '82 YAMAHA VZInger fot' the Idda 4 to 7. SIIt.ty ContnIlIed Tr8ining WheeI8 AV8I.... '82 YAMAHA Towny bike. 100+MPG Automatic Clutch. Economy Commuter Only $399.00 Only $479.00 Check our Speci.l. on YAMAHA'S F.ntaatlc Trl-Moto. FREE YAMAHA Beckpackwl1h YAMAHA malm.nanceproclueta ($30.00 v.luel with .ny bike pun:haR or bafonI J.n. 30th. "yawey WE ALSO FEATURE SOUTH BAY'S MOST COMPLETE . ACCESSORY DEPARTMENT Offering Huge Selection. Of e Helmeta .Boou eLeathen • Glova .000T.... • Goggles .Janaya .T-Shlne .TI.... • Riding Gear • Shock. • Lubricanta .T Downa .. e Luggage Racka • Enduro Jacketa Fain" • Thi. Coupon Expl.... J.nuary 16th T~O _YAMA "fA ...... 15% 24020 N.rbon,.. Ava.. lomita, CA 90717 ON ANY ACCESSORY PURCHASE OVER $25.00 OFF COUPON AavERTisiNG TIIAT WORks Results MINI JR: 1. Derek Hanson (Yam); 2. Glenn Storbeck (Yam); 3. Tim Hodn (Kaw). MINI SR: 1. Kit Vick (Kaw); 2. Billy Compton (Yam); 3. David Campbell (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. David Bauser (Yam); 2. John Primo (Suz); 3. Gary Groce (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Mel Barker (Han); 2. Dale Murdoch (Hon); 3. Garry Scheel (C-A). 125 NOV: 1. Joe Marcucci (Yam); 2. Danny Hoff (Suz); 3. Joe Alsop (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Ricky Petry (Yam); 2. Terry Dutton (Suz); 3. Andy "Oger T" Thompson (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. Bryan Briggs (Yam); 2. Marvin McKim (Yam); 3. John Balcom (Hus). 125 tNT: 1. Rusty Dovell (Suz); 2. Bobby Guerin (Yam); 3. Ronnie Prado (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Paul Horton (Hon); 2. Stuart Cotton (Suz); 3. Gene Sharp (Yam). OPEN INT: 1. Rusty Burns (Hon); 2. James Mitchell (Yam); 3. David Burgess (KTM). OVER 30: 1. Bill Kasson (Yam); 2. Tom Vickers (Suz); 3. Ray Pocher (Hus). 125 EX: 1. Ken Fox (Kaw); 2. Mike Clement (Suz); 3. C.R. Hebert (Bull. 250 EX: 1. Jack Beckham (Han); 2. Hunter Carrothers (Yam); 3. Kevin Horton (Suz). OPEN EX; 1. Daniel Conway (Han); 2. Jack Beckham (Hon); 9. Jeff Shaw (Hon). I The infamouB AVON calendar ia now avalla" from HAP JONES. Send check or mOMY order for $9.95 to: .HAP JON~ OIST. CO. .P.O. Box 3Z3I8 San Joaa, C..162 or _ your motorcycle . . . . . ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 1310115161713 '92021 22232425:'>6 2728 29 30 31 [RICHTER] WSTAR~VEm 19B3490.AlCOSI"DEIl In Stock Now SUZUKI COUNTRY • Silencers. Gaskets \ .. ....... / ,...: ~ .... , / 206 N. Hamner Ave. #404 I ( \ (714)369-B546 ; , ~; (714)7.34-0640 '-, ,or Ask Your Local Dealer (805) 498-&607 r •

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