Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 01 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RACE TRACK to (Above) Coming down the "stair steps" is a challenging experience slightly northeast of the Eureka Sand Dunes. (Above right) Map shows the desolation of Saline Valley. SalinB VaIIBy trail ridB • • orin • • ral S In into Eureka Valley to vie~ the largest single sand dune in California, has always intrigued me. The area crossed is part of a 400 square mile piece of desert closed by the BLM. This trail, a vehicle corridor just a few feet wide, is far removed from supplies. It usually keeps most bike riders from an attempt. The second trail, although short, is rocky and rough and is the only road from Saline Valley to the "Racetrack" couple of friends and let's have a go at in Death Valley. This byway, called it. .' . the "bypass," was used on the first . One traIl, due to the area It crosses, IS shunned by almost everybody. annual Death Valley-Saline Valley Having been in Saline Valley several trip (Cycle News, Dec. 6, 1978). Sevtimes, the thought of starting at a eral riders on that excursion said they skinny-dipping hot spring, riding would never repeat this section. It's ..1 PlilfAqfRll~~U1If¥ilQnD~Cj~\a I ~ •WlHiiVi Pw llm lCl ,r~.iJ.~¥lI~' By Donald E. L. Betsworth Photos by Donald W. Betsworth Let's ride two trails that are seldom used. Both start in Saline Valley, one of the most desolate pieces of desert real estate around. How remote? They're not shown on about 90% of the area maps issued. They end in other valleys visited f h d on 1y b.y a ew ~arty ~sert enthUSIasts.. Sound Interestmg? q,1::. It does to me. Do an ISDE checkout ~~U~Q' ~. m ay a~».~~ei. QSQr tough both going up and coming down and it takes its toll on scooter parts. Some get left behind. Lots of Loctite, duct tape and wire are in order for this trip. We again used Darwin as our main base. Tim, one of my favorite friends who has lived in Darwin for almost 30 years, still puts up with us using his front yard as a parking lot. Leaving our vehicles and trailers, we loaded up our modern version of a wagon train and made ready to "heasl'em up and move'em out." A friend with a four-wheel-drive mini pickup had agreed to transport an the supplies for the riders to our advance base at Pal":l Spri~g~. . O' '. • • .... ~I .T~e.lpg!sJd.C;:!"£

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