Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 48 November 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RIDE REVIEW I 2022 HUSQVARNA NORDEN 901 P88 NEW TERRITORY F amily can be, well, difficult. Maybe it's because I'm writing this at my in-laws over a holiday, but good or bad, relation can set pre-determined expecta- tions for anyone. In Husqvar- na's case, the alpha family member is orange, big, loud HUSQVARNA HAS BOLTED OUT OF THE NICHE AND CREATED AN ADVENTURE TOURING MACHINE WITH CLAIMS OF WORLD- TRAVEL COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. CAN IT LIVE UP TO THE HYPE—AND FAMILY EXPECTATIONS? and all too proud, putting ev- ery fiber of their being on the starting line with competitive claims. Even if their product will never see a gate drop or finish line, they r-a-c-e, race! race! race! Until they're orange-er in the face. Husqvarna isn't that. Even if their business relies on the success of global competitive efforts to propel the brand into mainstream consider- ation, their ascension into the large street segment of motorcycling won't be domi- nated by aggressive claims of hyper-dominance in all consumer components. They intentionally define motorcy- cling more as a journey to the unknown or unexpected, a push into yourself as much as it is down a new road or trail. Husqvarna built a world-tour-worthy adventure machine in the Norden 901. It can take you places you wouldn't normally see without motorcycles. That's a perfect use for it. BY JESSE ZIEGLER

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