Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 46 November 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 46 NOVEMBER 16, 2021 P121 for one of the parents to take us to Phillip Island to watch him in 125 or 250cc competition. His post-race antics are the stuff of legend—going to the porta-potty after winning at Jerez; donning the Robin Hood outfit at Donington Park; a speeding ticket at Mugello; or, perhaps most audaciously, throwing a blow-up doll missionary style on his Aprilia labeled "Claudia Schiffer" as a direct jab at arch nemesis Max Bi- aggi and his supposed love affair with Naomi Campbell. Fans loved him. Riders wanted to be him. Just like Jorge Lo- renzo, who's celebratory sessions seemed to smack of attention seeking while he was Rossi's team- mate in the Fiat Yamaha team. Rossi's rivalries read like the who's who of the last 25 years in grand prix racing. Loris Capir- ossi and Tetsuya Harada in 250s and Biaggi and Gibernau in the early 2000s in MotoGP were fairly easily dealt with, and while Nicky Hayden did indeed take the 2006 title off Rossi at Valencia in 2006, Hayden's challenge faded over Grazie Mille!

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