Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 38 September 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 38 SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 P89 WEBB INJURED Cody Webb, a three-time AMA En- duroCross Champion and primary rival for Colton Haaker, was feeling prepared to wrestle back a fourth championship in 2021 with another year of development on his Facto- ryOne Sherco now under his belt, but an injury will force him to miss at least two rounds of racing. Webb broke a bone in his wrist while doing a riding school in Tennessee, and it took several trips to the doctors to finally get a confirmation that it was indeed broken. He hopes to come back and fight for some race wins before the season ends. TURNER'S TURN In the Women's class, four-time Women's EnduroCross Champion Shelby Turner (KTM) took the win. Louise Forsley (Sherco) made a last- lap pass on Morgan Tanke (Beta) to take second place. CLOSE ONE The Intermediate class main event was one of the most exciting races of the night. Coleman Johnson (Sherco) took the win. Gavin Mc- Carthy (KTM) led most of the race and finished second, while Shelby Turner (KTM) added another podium to her evening to round out the podium. FIRST FOR LOZANO Sherco-mounted Dylan Lozano won the Amateur class main event in his first-ever EnduroCross. Brian Wedlake finished second after be- ing docked a position for missing a section of the Matrix on the last lap. Ruffin Dodson rounded out the podium. Briefly...

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