Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 04 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N '"> g 11. M .... C> ~ C. (J T he first turn on the pavement wa s a litt le tight but there wer e few lay-dow ns. b y J ohn Hu e tt er Ph ot os b y K.C . Brintnall and H ue tte r CALIFORNIA CITY , CAL. , Apr. 7-8, 197 3 - The Sp o rtsman Racin g Assn. was ab out the first gro up to prom ot e and popularize th e Beginner -Novice Grand Pri x st yle of racin g. Their even ts st aged at River side Intern ation al Racewa y wer e great su cc esses . T he SRA staged another first in promotin g a 96-mile dirt and pavem ent two-day racin g e xtravagan za within th e city limits o f Cali fomia City, C al. o ut in the Mojave Desert. In fac t, the start area fo r the we ekend's fo ur bi g races was righ t across fr om the Sh ak ey's Pizza . Camping near th e pit are a wa s allowed (in fact, en couraged) and the Cal City cops were firm yet co urteous in handling a p opulati on of motorcycl e ra cers, famil y pit cre ws an d o th er hange rs-on wh ich wa s larger th an the perman en t po pul ati on of th e town itse lf. Saturday the ligh tw eigh t Beginner s and Novices ran in the moming and a spe cial thi s-even t-onl y A ma teur/Ex pert clas s ran in th e aft em oon. The Sunday format h ad 25 0 Begin ner s and No vice s and 5 00 Begin ner s and N ovices sorte d in to the two race s. Contrary to most Grand Prix fo rm a ts, th e SRA sent rid ers out fro m a 10 per ro w st art fo r four 24 -mil e lo ops. T his was on e way to try to in clude a vari ety of terrain but it unfortunately left spectators and pi t cre ws with little to spec tate excep t th e start-finish straight. The cour se included abo u t tw enty percent pavement, both curre n t and unused Califomia City stree ts . The rest of the co u rse was flat-out, high speed desert racin g, virtually all of it except a few street comers were fourth and fifth gear on a 5 00 clas s bike. Somehow though, it proved very difficult as th e laps wore on for most ra cers to cover th e te rrain rapidly. Even the Am/Ex winner took over 'tw o hours to finish the four long laps . Fire roads tumed into alleys . of wh oop-de-doos and d o wn hills go t rutted with large p o th oles that shoo k the suspension. There were tw o large dry lak es on th e co u rse that h ad been hard-packed speed flat s fo r the little bikes but, by Sunday, were hub-deep sil t th at cres ted in waves over t he bo o ts o f th e 250 and 5 00 Novices. Dust was b ad an d , believe it o r not, it was a 96-mile rac e th at was de cided in th e first 15 minutes. If you weren ' t in the first twen ty rid ers, th e first lap was a duel with the d ust and only X-ray vision all owed the next 300 riders to go fast without go in g on their heads . There was nothing really difficult about the co urse e xcept for some blind drop-off gulli es th at cu t through the edge o f the dry lak e, and th e very hi gh spe eds o n sand-cover ed p avement wh ich produced som e slide-o uts and asphalt rash but no re ally serious inj u ries . Onl y th e dust was reall y a problem and it wasn't an y has sle if you wer e o ut in fr on t . Access to th e pit s was unli mit ed and, . whil e it sounded like a frie nd ly idea with no pit passes requir ed , e tc. , crow d co n tro l got o ut o f hand by th e end of Saturd ay 's an d into th e beginnin g of Sun day 's r acin g. Little kids, foo-foo dogs wit h rh in eston e co llars, an d famili es of curio us p assers-by wandered through and set up shop in th e pits, often between th e acc ess road and the area to which pit crews wer e res tricted. This lack of crowd co n tr ol is what has killed otherwise successful GrandslPrix in the past and a better system of pit con tr ol must be devised. In terestingly enougn , the pit area looked more like it was for a_motorcycl e race rather than a grade school p icn ic by the running of the 500 class, th e last ra ce of the weekend. Crowds were less in evidence. Maybe a lo t of the people had gone home . If pavemen t ra cers would have laug hed at th e spe eds of the desert and MX bikes on the long st raigh ts th ey wouldn't have believed the speed of the leaders o ver th e dusty whoop-de-doos . If an ybody wanted to get their jollies go ing fast this was the co urse and th e race to do it. The Cal City Chamber of Commerce coope rated co mp letely with the SRA wh ile various civic groups, ladies auxilia ries and scout troops all prepared foed, main rain ed souvenir stands o r helped with parking as the re sidents of th e town seemed to take longhairs drinking beer and racing motorcycles on their stree ts in st ride , if not with total approval. __ .._ _ _ . Some of the residents even sat out in front of their houses on the small, ca re fully main tained lawns watching tne crazy motorcycle ra cers go buzzing past with a lo o k of curiosity. It reminded me a liltle bit of Elsinore in the old days . Safety precautions, co urse p atro l, ambulan ce servi ce and radio netting were exc ellen t as they usually are at SRA events . They are very con cemed about ra cers getting banged up out on the co urse which makes the lapse in pit safety even more st ri king. As a flttin g end to two days racing, th e 5 00 Beginner-Novice event was won by a 4 4-year old O ld Timer on his big bore CZ . There 's hope fo r all of us . Complete results will be printed as so on as th ey're all figured out. I still wonder why I got the white flag twice, though. Spec tato rs were fascinated by the two days of actio n-packed racing.

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