Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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WEST MORE Frame Trickery MORE Mighty Minis MORE Florida Sunshine Motocross MORE 'of Yamaha getting its own INDOORS and more "Find the Blooper" contest entries than you'd expect America 's Largest Weekl~ Motorcycle Circulation EVEL .DI DN' T MAKE IT ~oberts Wi~s, Hocking Takes See Page 27 Karsmakers Again Lackey Ties on Points . Title, and Yamaha Finally Gets a Cup at the Garden It went like th is for fou r laps of the last mote, then Karsmak ers t3x) got by . Kenny Roberts: two Yamaha Cups in tw o wee ks. No t a bad wa y to start a season. By Gary and Joanne Van Voorhis NEW YORK, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1973 - Ken Roberts made it two in a row in Yamah a Cup co mpe ti tio n as he put .In a last lap charge to barely nip Rick Ho ckin g at the ch eckered flag . The th ird annual Yam aha Silver Cup Short Track at Madison Square Garden provided thrill s, sp ills and a lot o f exciteme n t wi th Rick Ho cking clinching the Am erican Indoo r Cha mpionship ti tle, Ken Roberts out-foxing his y o un ger a d ve rsary fo r the win, and the promoters finally getting a Yamaha in the winner's circle. O ne hun dred six t y-e igh t riders b raved New Yo rk City tr affi c, muggers , rip -o ffs, ex horbit ant parkin g charges an d th e NYC p olice (who tow aw ay an yth ing not b ol ted down an d charge $5 0 to ge t it back ) to in fest th e bowels of th e fourth floor pit area/ catacombs at MSG fo r a shot at th e fin al and a pi ec e of the posted $ 12 ,900 purse. The track w as th e same egg-shaped quick, slick surface as last year with . time tri als proving just how quick it was. Rick Hocking immediately se t himself as a figure to reckon wi th b y powerin g his Ch ampio n Frame spon sored Yamaha 3 60 to a fas t tim e of 8.77 se conds . One tick behind Ho cki ng came Mike Johnson, a Michigan fla sh , on an Ossa followed by a qu ick Gary Nix on (Bul) and tw o West Co ast rider s; Al Ken yon, MSG winner in 1971, an d John Gcnn ai, last y ear's l op N ovice ride r. Six one -h und re dths of a secon d (Contin ued on page 24) Ne~spaper P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, Ca. 90801 (213) 427-7433 SEE PAGE 6 FOR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION By J im Gian a tsis Ph o tos by Ch arl es Mo rey an d Gi an atsis TALLA HASSEE , FLA ., Fe b . II, 197 3 - It was a Eu ropean -t ype course . Tall h ill s , t w e n t y -T o o t dr opo ff s , wh oop-de-de s, ti ght o ff -camber turns and pl en ty o f tr ees. And it w as a European who won the third race o f the Florida Win ter·MIA Series. Pierre Karsmak er s manhandled th e 360 factory Yamaha ar o und th e co urse in a brillian t d ispl ay of riding ab ili ty to win th e 500 Expert class with a third and two firs ts. LACKEY TIES Ti ed in p oi n ts with Pierre was Brad Lackey aboard the 45 0 Kawa saki .' Brad netted the first m olo win whil e Pierre was third. In th e final two t hir ty -m inu te mote s h e rode th e Dutchman ', rear . fender fo r two second pl aces. With th e two ride rs tie d for o ve rall points, th e win w as given to Pierre fo r his w in o ver Brad in the final mo to , OPEN EXPERT T he s ta rt of the firs t rno to was a real surprise when an unknown rider nam ed Pay ne broad slid ed h is Maico aro un d th e (Co ntinued on page 2) Kain Takes Nashville NASHVILLE , TN , Feb. t t , 1973 - Bi ll Ka in (H us) was th e overall w inne r of the Little Harpet h Nat io nal Enduro. The 100 plu s mile run saw th e majority of the hundreds of ent ries fail to finish the overly t ight run . A lack of secti ons were t im e could be made up coupled w ith frozen creek bed s and ma ny t ough T V A po w er line downh ill and uph ill sections w ere th e cau se of m any late arr ivals. "A" class winners we re : 125 , Do ug Wilford (Pen ) ahead of Tom Pent on (Pen) w ho was disqualif ied at the ne xt -to-last check for being over an hou r late; 126-200, Jack Penton (Pen); 20 1-250 Ron Bo rh n (Hus) and 25t ·Open Ed Sch m id tt (Hu s).