Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 5 of 53

" .., " ~ w Z W ..J <.J >- U •••a combination of ingredients. --:------:----,--------------------------t STREET, DESERT, c~ o.ut &mall today. . MOTOCROSS, ROAD RACE r!:B~X:;.8ca .90801 ~::~;:~~;~::~~~3~~:~)<::::::::;:::~ g SIDECAR, AMA, o LEGISLATION, o o o ENDURO, TRIALS, SPEEDWAY, . OPINION, TECHNICAL, TT, HILLCLIMI, RESULTS, TESTS, NATIONAL, LETTERS, ETC., ETC CYCLE NEWS WEST (1 vr .) $12.50 0 CYCLEN EWSWEST (2yrs.l CYCLE NEWS 22 .00 0 HOT DOG ! Th is is a NEW subscription. TH IS IS A R EN E WAL I en cl o se c h ec k o r m o n ey ord er Ptease b i ll me NAME _ A D DRESS _ CIT Y STATE ZIP ' _ D ue to p ostal r egulati o ns f or mai l ing p eriod icals, w e m ust have y our correct Z IP CODE I Pl ease fill ou t th is fo rm com p letely and allow th ree w eek s fo r new s ubscrip ti o ns t o start. Prices Lis ted Fo r US . Ma il O nl y . For eign Rates o n Req uest . Ca nad ian su bsc ribers. please make ch eck s pa yabl e in US. fun ds an d ad d fifty cents for processing . -----------------------------------------~

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