Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMC Park Motocross at Saddleback M '" 8. . e, by Sco tt Heidbrink IRVIN E, CAL., Jan. 20 , 197 3 - The skies w ere unusually clea r, but th e track w as as gooey as I have ever seen it. It wasn ' t in bad sh ap e, but th e clo ud bursts th e p as t week sa t ura te d th e track to its maximum limi t. It was ne at , for a change, to have m u dd y track out here. The o nly p roblems it see me d to cause was in readi ng the muddied numb er p lates, after these guys ro de flat o ut fo r twe nty min u tes. Yes , I did say twenty minuts. T he AMC officials have decid ed to run L-O-N-G m o tos wh en there are n' t to o man y riders. In fact, ne xt wee k, the re will be three tw enty-m in u te m ote s, an d 100% tro phies to all those can finis h all th ree of th ei r ra ces. If y o u're h ung up about n o t havi ng an ything o n yo ur mantle , co me o ut and gi t a reall y n eat tro phy. If you ar e ha vin g tro ub le with the old truck o r van, o r you flat d on 't have M .... Cl> o' M . c: .., ~ w Z W ..J ." . ~-: - . .. . . ...~.. ~-s.- ....- _~ .;e~ ~r;. ~ ." - ~ .1'_'" Over the gate. off the line and through the muck at AMC Saddleback. Charlie Richardson (Yam) dominated th e tough 250 Novice class. an y way out to the track all th e tim e , the Ch evy LUV Series starts n ext mon th . . Du e to the sm all number s today, there w ere only three divisions, but they were all scored separately , wh ich helps th ose low er classed rid ers. All th e 10 0s, 12 5s, and 175s ran toge th er, bu t it was th e Penton of Mark Brown th a t led every m o ta. Mark would smoke it o ff the lin e, an d usually have th e lea d in th e sec o nd co mer. Then he would tum o n th e; lo ud han dle (Or sh ould I cal l it a quiet handle, due to th e low dbs on tha t Penton ?! and fly o u t to a half lap lead by the ti m e the race was h ill over. Mark Harringt on and Dal e Hunter see me.d ~o b e the on ly two tha t co uld stay wi th in stri king distance fo r any length of t ime. Glenn T anaka's Bul see me d to h ave /~J~f:NRYG(~~T~ CHAMBERS, FOR THE M,X . RACER : marbl es in the tranny, o r tha t's h ow the announcer put it , so he hung up h is 25 0 ride , afte r a win in th e 100 class. Meanwhile, b ack in th e 25 0s, Ch arlie Richardson to ok his ye llo w and black 0 '1'-2 to two very co n vin cin g wins , but in the th ird go' ro un d, a few o f hi s p eers h ad othe r ideas. Keith J enkin s who fin ishe d second Begin ner last week, took th e lea d off th e line, an d h eld it fo r two laps , un til Ch arlies s to le by. Charlie lost it to Ro y Nicol on hi s Bul, all while J oel Grant was co ming off a b ad start trying to ca tc h up . After a few m o re laps, Charlie regai ned his cherishe d spo t, th e lead , b u t J oel Grant was closing fast , with th e other s figh ting am ongst th emselves behind these tw o. It see me d as th ough Chuck's Yammie had more bean s (o r Chuck has m o re on th e ball) and he h eld o ff Gran t 's super-swi ft Hu sk y . But every th in g cam e out okay , b ecau se both ride rs co mpe te in di fferen t di visions, so Charlie won his di vision , an d J oel took hi s place as win ner of th e Beginners. Pat Mulveh ill really waxed th e Open class today, o n wh at he cal l's a " st ock" CZ . Bu t after lookin g at th e bike. it see ms th at his Ch ey-Z avod is in actuality a "works" b ik e th at was used h ere on the Trans-AMA series a year or so b ack. Whatever it was , Pat ma de it look real easy as he sm oked th e pants off hi s competition. On e real n ice thing about AMC eve nts, you ge t enough riding in and the racin g is usu all y ove r fairl y early in the day. ANNOUNCING th e COMPLETE LINE RACING ACCESSORIES SPECIALS G.P. BOOTS $54.95 UNBREAKABLE M.X. TANKS $39.95 32 MM MIKUNI RR TYPE $28.95 AKRONT RIMS $22.95 DOWN PIPE WITH BUILT·IN S ILENCER. TUNED TO YOUR ENGINE SPECS (ANY BIKE) $45,00 SEE - THE NEW 250 M.S. COOPER - BY REVELL ! The Shop for the Serious Racer II REVELL'S TWO-S I ROKE, L i d . 8135 San Fernando Rd., Sun Valley Hrs. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. (213) 768·6970 FOR YOUR ~ AT HALF THE FACTORY COST BY USING ADAPTOR K IT (C A . RES. ADO 5 %)) FOR KIT OR DETAILS WRI T E RUBSCO MFG. P.O.BO X3 1271 -S .F.• CA. 94 131 The .~. fender has bu ilt-in mud lIaps that will not flop down and hit the tire like the flims y rubber bollon type . (One ride and yo u will readily figure th is out.) A tapering valance and thic kne ss will minimize lo ngte rm droop and poteatial rubbing by the tire. The . . . . . fe nder is as wide as possible (fo r best splash protection) yet it st ill fi~ between the fork legs. The . . . . . . fe nde r also makes a great rear fe nde r fo r the smaller mach ines (125cc and under).. . The . . . .fender, like all of ou r products , is made from the fine s t mate ria ls. It is ava ilab le in while. s ilver, blac k. ye llow. red. blue and orange. The .~. fe nd er . since it carries the Pres ton Pe tty name, means guaranteed pe rform ance under the to ugh e s t con dit ions. Our fe nders oller the hig hes t impact resistance. cold weather durability and strength of any fend er on the marke t. We s tarted t hi s pro ject to mak e t h e tou g he st. strongest fe nder a t a ny cost and will conti nue to do so . To p per formance mus t be in e ve ry part 01 yo ur mach ine . You will notice the d illeren ce ! CHECK THESE FEATURES ! . . DISC BRAKE AND STANDARD USED HONDA PARTS NE EDS NO SPEC IAL TOOLS KIT SINGLE DIX - $ 39.95 ONLY DOUBLE DISC- $ 52.50 PRESTON PETTYS all new front fender designed and engineered specifically for mud. Hodaka Specialists - Complete stock of Hodaka Mot orcycles and parts. Get acqua inted Spec ial 10% Sa v i ngs on all pa rts-servtce-ma cn tnes N G K p lugs - 75¢' Plu g Carr iers - $ 3 . 79 A lley Off·Road Cy cl e 5620 East L ~ p. lma Anahe im, Californi a 92806 Loca ted by R ive rs id e Fwy. at Im pe rial Hwy . ( 714 ) 993-507 0 - 3 :3 0 -9 :00 p.m. weekdays. 9 · 5 S a t urd ay. [Mfc) 2& Competition prove n a, the sue 01 the "Tra s k Mou nt a in Two Da y Tria l: ' .~ CMIC PRESTON PETTY PRODUCTS 403 N. MAIN ST. NEWBERG. OREGON o >tJ

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