Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CD 1 Spillway Park MX Photos by ~ic~i~~e~:/~~~~ks Institute ~ ~tN~~d1:~IAp~~L'g~:' ~. c: ..!l 111 S ~ w c3 >o l ~,;;o;; 7; improved" aw ard, it would have to go to San Luis Obisbo's John Caldwell. Two months ago John had a hard time keeping up, n ow h e no t only ke ep s up, but b eats th e guys who taught him the gam e . Ridi n g o ut of Lompoc Valley Sportcy cles, Joh n brought h is CZ' s around for a wi n in the 250 Ex pert class and a second in Open class . He won two m ot os of th e 250's wi th the other m o to go ing to Sherman Schneller (CZ). In the firs t m o to J oh n pulled o ut fro m the pack an d led the whole race with Sherman takin g secon d. T he secon d moto co ul d h ave b een wo n by Caldwell exc ept h e broke , and early leader Brett Yag er (Bul ) fe ll, so Sh erman won wit h Stan Cla y (Mai) second. Caldwell won the last m oto and a completely unnoticed Rick Long (Yam) se cond. The final talley , Caldwell firs t, Rick Long by virtue of consistant riding second, and S tan Cla y third. With a loaded field of Op'en Experts including Bob Rogers (CZ ) , John Caldwell (CZ), Chuck Czerwinski (Mail. Joe Cushaway (CZ) and Maico teammates Doug Wies and Dennis Law, there was plenty of competition. Bob Rogers of Fresno just flat did everyone in by winning all three motes and nearly missing the track lap record by one-half second. Chuck " Hell's Angel" Czerwinski (Mai) would always give Bob a hard time until mechanical difficulties would put him out. He still took third behind Caldwell who did a fine job in his first Open race. Spectators are s tarti n g to get angry at Jack Keese (Bul ). They want to see a fight, but there's no figh t when he's around - he just wins. And when he flat leaves guys like Vince Clark (S uz) and Larry Greer (Y am ) who know the track 250 '$ battle. lik e th e backs of th eir hands, you know he's going fast. (O f course Keese has the tr ack wired, too). A lot of credit h as to b e given to Op en In termediate rider Mik e Knopf (Hus ) and th e whole Open Junior sq ua d. Mik e , in only h is fourth In termediate race , h as finall y won af te r cons tan tly win ning m o to s and having b ad lu ck in the rest. Th e Open Junior ra ce was a classic example o f " some times you do go od and sometimes you d o b ad". J eff J ones (H us) won a moto b ut crashed and 'go t third, Blaine Burger (CZ) w on a moto but got secon d , and T om Hainley (C Z) won the whole thing. SpiIlway Park h as a lo t of things planned in the future, suc h as a money race in February. Als o th ey are proud to announce that th ey have b een ch osen as one of the locations for a TransĀ·AMA Qualifying Round.

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