Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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co We Mail Order.. PARTS CYCLES ACCESSOR IES For faster Serv ice Se nd Order or Certified Check ,._.. . , ~ w Z W ..J U >- U ,II CZ*IAWA·KAWASAKI IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON 1973 250CZ 5-SPEED BUY YOUR N EW CZ ALREA DY SET UP WITH SPECIAL GOODIES FREE SHIPPING BY TRUCK A N YWHER E IN TH E USA SERV ICED BY COMMER C IAL CARR IERS 50% DISCOUNT ON EXTRAS SE N D FOR DETA I LS O N SUPER PACKAGE DEAL WITH PURCHASE OF NEW CZ IAWA DT500 SPEEDWAY Bu y your Speedway bi k e alrea dy eq u ip pe d w ith 22 " rear wh ee l an d desired g ea ring AT NO E XT RA CH ARGE . Send m oney ord er or cash ier ' s ch eck for $1.550 - We will shi p N E XT DAY. A LeMans start sen ds eager big bore pilots thundering to ward their mounts at Rawh ide . FIRST TIME EVER ! AME MX at Rawhide Park BARUM TIRE SALE b y Tom Corley ELSINORE, CAL.,Jan. 21 ,1973 - The AMA Combo-Cross a t Rawhide Par k proved to be similar to the last Team Race at Arroyo. Both tracks were very grueling, ex ceptionally long ' and both tired out the ra cers and busted even th e best of bikes. Heavy rains from ear lie r o n in the we ek made the course a challenge among with some long uphills and downhills with ditches that tended to bottom o u t your forks and one water-hole after anot her. The only ra cers who finished the four mile course for the full two hours were the ones who had amphibious watertight bikes while th e others were fouling plugs and burn in g more water in their engines than gas. The S mall Bore racing got off with a LeMans start. Man y of the small bikes soon 'b ecame en gu lfe d in the water, caus in g them to drop o u t which, in tum, mad e it co n fus ing to score. T he three top placing 125 's, wh o co mp le ted all the laps, were Bill Hair (aym-125 Jr.), Ray Sloppy (D KW- 12 5 Int.] and J on Hager, a 125 Int. on a Yamaha 125 . Three 100's who m ade it with only a fe w p it stops and p roblems we re Dennis Si xberry and Bill H are r both 100 . Beginn ers on Yamahas while Ron Corley smo ked th e 100 Junio rs. In Big Bore racing, the water see m ed to foul up more bikes than in the o the r tw o hour race. This ra ce was also very co n fus in g with many o f the leading bikes fading t o th e pits with troubles. Righ t from th e LeMans start, even tual winner Rusty Carter ( 25 0 Intermediate ra cer on a yellow Suzuki) kept ah ead with minut e leads ov er thyothers. Carter made one pit st op; it seemed lik e he had plug trouble but apparently this di dn't stop him as he kept going. The next four racers who kept their bikes glued to gether and were often just racing like it was a Rocky Mountain Enduro were Geo rge Wagner (CZ) and Craig Adams (Hus), both racing as 500 Jun iors. Larry Jones, a 250 Beginner on a Bultaco , and George Foreman (Hus)" placed fourt h an d fifth by d o in g a fan tas ti c job of racing an d bike preparation in one of the ro ughest and lon gest AME races ever. SPECIAL PRICES ON LEAD ING QUALITY TIRES Siz e 2.75-18 3.00 ·18 3.25-18 3.00-19 3.25-19 3.50 ·19 3.50 -19 4.00-19 T ype U sual Price Universal $17 .95 Universa 1 19.95 Street 21.95 Universal 21.9 5 Universal 23.95 Universa 1 25.95 Knobb y 28.50 Knobb y 28.95 13.95 DES ER T - MO T O C ROS S KNOBBIES SUPER LO W PR ICES ! ReR. Now 3.50 ·1859 26.60 $18.95 4.00-18 4ply 27.20 19.95 4.00-186ply 30.23 21.95 23.95 4.50.:.18 6 ply 35.30 WE MA IL ORDER BA R UM TIRES AND TUBES ANY WHERE IN T HE USA ! FREE F R E IG HT ON ORDER OF 5 OR MORE T IRES . DEALER QUANT ITY ORDERS W EL C O ME. WE CARRY T HE FULL LI NE O F BARUM TIRES - 18 -19 -2 1 IN CH . SPECIAL SPEEDWAY S IZES LATEST DESIGN MOTOCROSS 320-21 AND 450 -18 THIS OFFER FOR A LI MITED TIME ONL Y . CALIF . RESIDENTS ADD S% SALES TAX. QUALITY MOTO-X PIGSKIN GLOVES WE R E $ 9.9 5 - NO W $8.95 UNBREAKABLE PLASTIC FENDERS LIKE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT TEFLON SUPER CONTROL CABLES IN STOCK FOR NEARLY ALL MAKES OF DIRT BIKES Plastic Tanks - $39.95 WRITE FOR INFO AND PRICES SUNBURST HEADS NOW AVAILABLE FOR: CZ - 125,250 ,400 MORE MODELS HUSKY - 250 YAMAHA - 250 SOON! $75 WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE ACCESSORIES FOR ALL DIRT BIKES PHONE (213) 379 -3344 772 -1647 AME MX·at Indian Dunes b y Tom Corley VALENCIA, CAL., Jan. 20, 1973 , Saturday, on the Indian Dunes Shadow Gl en tra ck, American Mo t ocross Enterprises featured a Bob Hershey , Ru ss Darnell and Rick Newlee m oto cross school along with their regularly sch eduled MX th at made for a very co m p le te day for all wh o go t in t o the ac tio n. The mo t o cr oss sch ool lasted abo u t fo u r h ours and co vere d th e Shadow Glen track with the pros sh owin' eve ryone th e di fferen t lin es and how to m o re e ff ectively go ove r th e j u m ps, pass ---:=~--_:_~~~_:_-_:"":"" and sm o ke the berms. Rick Newlee gave advi ce on motocross bike preparation. Later in the afternoon, some rather limited bu real good racing sta rted to firc off th e starting gate where the combined 250 and 500 Seniors .with the 125 Seniors were co nsist en tly showin ' th e be st of racing. Lynn Stokey (Mai) tore through the motos, always sm o k in ' the few other com peti to rs in cluding th e 5 0 0 Seniors. Randy Stubbs ( Bul) sail ed hehind Stokey while b oth had a go od lead o ver Kevin Porter who was the only 5 00 Senior (R ic ) to hit the re sults. Will Harper an d Mike McAfee on h is Bul 125 were the two super 125 Senior competitors who strung together some very co m p e ti ti ve three moto racin g with McAfee winning the first moto just to see Harper on his DKW sneak away with the second moto like a Hamburglar. It was a tie rna tch to this point, both one and one. The judgment for the 125 Senior win would be in the third mo to. H arper accelerated and grabbed the lead from the starting gate t o win the overall while McAfee put o n an h onest effort to place first which made him get squirrelly while trying t o nip Harper' s knobbies.

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