Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Benton County Fairgrounds Indoor by Janis Randall CORVALLIS, ORE ., J an . 13, 1973 The ra ces have been su ch a success that Rob Muzzy has decided to con tin ue them through April. So we a re all looking forward to seeing alot of excitement an d alot of go od racing. Tonigh t there were three new Trophy Dash winners, in the Minibike class the win went to Duane Crumley (Ho n) , in his first Trophy Dash win. And the 125 Dash saw Brad Hurst (Ya m), work his wa y to first, putting him in third p lace for the poin t st andings. The 250 win wen t to Jack Heeter (Bul). Starting o ff as one of th e b ette r ra ces of th e ni ght, w as the A Main battle between Bill C urtis (Ind) , and Duane Crumley (Ho nd , in the Minibike class . Duane kept right behind Bill but just co uld n ' t ge t past him. He stayed wheel t o wheel with h im down the straigh t and wheel to wheel in the comers , Bill just had eno ugh savvy to st ay ahead of hi m , and third pl ace wen t to a n ew nam e in racin g J amie Claassen (Suz) . Rick Oliver did it again, but this lime he took all, th e T roph y Dash, 100 A Main and the S weepstakes. But you h ave to admit S teve Sweet (Yam} , p u t up a good fight in the 10 0 A Main and it kept Oliver on h is toes. But Steve settled for second , an d Mi tch ell Martin (Yam) took third. The 125 w in went to Way ne Loesch (Pe n), again and this p u t him in first place, all alone, in the poin t standings. But, making him work for his wi n, was Curtis Dorn (Bul) . HOT HATS I ••• _ , \11' ..... ' _ IF!IIIi iIM1.1E IlISI , ....... _ . ,., . ~ w Jan. 31 for issue No. 5 on sale Feb. 7 ".. .. _ ;KU "'... NORTH . Z W ..J U >U Id. * \_.. _ """' .I'1'....... ._r_ . 1..· ",n. 1• • • • n i l (!oln) 6~Sla:. C. . "-':t """'? .. ...1I1• •••••• U X 2ht U .... t. I t U _ I• • Dr_ Moto rcycles Hodaka 1()e4tHeuute/t ~l~~~~ S p o rt Cycle In th e 200 A Main S teve Eason (Bu l) , looking lik e a p rofessio nal, took a not too sim p le w in, with Steve Toft d a ul (Y am) and Ton y Nov a (Bul) fo llo wing close behind him for se cond and third. The bets were on in the 250 A Main an d if you were betting for Jack .lIee ter (Bul), you won so me m o n ey an d if yo u bet for Bill Oliver (B ul). or Neil Miller (Bul), you just abo ut won so me m oney . Miller has m ade some tre mendous improvements this past year an d wo rked his way smoothly by Lee Stumpenhaus to get third and was pressu rin g Oliver fo r second. A find ride in deed. The us ual adul t Min i Bike ra ce was held, and this time it was a regulation 10 lap feature. Wayne Loesch jumped to an . immediate lead but was quickly passed by Craig Randall, both on Hondas. Randall went on to win with Loesch second. SRA MX at Argyl l - - - - - - - by Reese Ultz DIXON , CAL., Jan. 7, 1973 - In sharp c on trast t o th e mud-run of December 17th; today's Sacramento Racing Ass ociation event oc curred on a near-perfect day . Clear skies and very little wind tearned up to create th e fastest t rac k we have ye t seen at Argyll Motorcy cle Park. This w as th e first of a four-ra ce se ries for trophies and gift cer tifi cate s a nd s aw most of th e top-running District 36 h ot-sh o es on hand am ongst th e 27 5 ride rs wh o attended . Two o f the new District 26 'blue-pl a ter s.' co m pe te d in the Open Ex per t class, and Charlie Marshall (N o. I) placed fi rst with Allen Yarrow (No . S) wrapping up second pl ace hon ors. Ch arli e was mounted on a n ew Bu lt aco , sp onsor ed b y Jim Den n y Honda of Auburn. . • In th e mini-bike bash , Mark Sh uma te grab be d t op hon ors in the Junior Division with Mike Lowa te r and Bruce Bak er winning resp ec tive firs t in the Lower an d Up pe r Divisions of Senio r Mini -bike , Th e 1 00 N o vi c e eve n t saw teeter-to ller scoring between Ba rry Reeg and Randy Stevens. Barry scored a second and a first, while Randy scored a first and second. Barry 's second-mote "'""" ~ M c: . . 1IOI1l .. '" o M ..., f'O' ~ ~ & DEADLINE 1\'.. .. ~,. \ tn·......... In. , .... \1nI""",,,"" 1_ .. 110I . .._"" ..._ . Q. D~LAVADVERTISING ********y..**** n...,..".....'.I..d""''' n . .... ...... _rl M a,llllml oS' Cycle News /.",.<:j Dept . CNP .,f . P.O. Box 498 ..... Long Beach. Ca. 90801 ~ aJI~1 M ~or~~';,~~ (213)427- 7433 Ma le o GUY R. LOUIS (71 4 ) 89 3·70 57 STROKIN'IT 7 2 19 Westm in st er Ave., Westminst er , Ca. SOUND COllllTROL FOR 2 & 4 ST ROKE PIPES CO MPETI TI ON S IL E NCE RS F RAME AND PIPE REPAIR HELl ARC AND MILLING HODAKA-BILITY il'n ~flJDU~~b\\t>.\))\ 5 ee yo u r lo cal HODAKA dealer Distrib uted by Ti ger Dist rib ut ing 6 53 W . Bro adway, Glend ale, Ca . 9 1204 ' A I J J PJ?OUJ OCS 4366 E. La Palma A na heim , Ca . 9280 6 T el . (71 4 ) 9 9 3 -2 6 02 ES Sen d $3 .0 6 f or St ro k l n ' It 'r-smrt YAMAHA HUSKY PENTON MONARK _ Hard to get parts, fa st mail servic e, send S1.00 win de cided th e scoring in hi s favor . Both of these riders show con side ra ble promise. Bruce Valencia , Brian Manly, an d Frank Fernandez scored firs ts in th e three divisions o f 12 5 Nov ice. Als o in th e 12 5 class, David Baker grabbed th e Amateur lead while Donald Murph y trophied in the E xp ert class . T he three divisio ns o f 250 Novice were w on by Scott Bri a rd, J am es Nakarn u ra and Mich ael Haynes, wh ile top Am at eur brass went to Kim Reeg an d Floyd Davi s cop pe d the top E xp er t tr ophy . Open Novice lau rels went t o Bru ce Wagenman and R ick S u tton for th ei r resp ective fir st an d second division wi ns . Cli ffo rd Bal l en de d up th e b ig winner in th e Open Am at eur catego ry. T he S RA will sp onso r th ree m ore even ts in this seri es . Even t winners a re a wa r de d b oth tro p hies an d gift ce r tificate s, b u t se rie s winn ers will also w in additional gift ce rtificates . The $50 gif t certifica tes fo r Ex perts, the 25 gift ce rt ificates fo r Ama teurs, th e $25 gift c e r tificates fo r Novi ces a re t ruly b ringing o u t th e top riders. Motocro ss fans will be hard-pressed to fin d keener co mp e ti tio n than seems to be th e order of the day for th ese series. i nvit ed . Works care inquiries abo u t you . Make your d oci le engine a fi re breathing monster I cylinder $35 .0 0-1 hea d $1 0.0 0 1 ro t a ry valve $10 .00 Mechanic Cu stom Port ing and En gine Build ing a nd our "RACE RS PACKAGE " On All New Bikes Sponso rin we HIGH PERFORMANCE PORTING T RIUMPH SUZUKI of PO MO NA 1049 W. Mission (714) 629-864 2 CH E N OA LE L E K cata log. Dealer Whe re Malco lm Smith's K&N , 1689 la Cadema, Rivers ide, Ca . (714) 68lXl014. ~EXPERTS Featuring for Send m oney ord er w /parts t o: REX STAT EN KAWASAK I TEMPL E CITY 5663 No. Rosemead Temple City , Ca. 91780 (213) 287·6 167 T RIUM PH - BSA - RI CKMAN BARBO U R SUITS - KETT BOOTS RA N DY'S WHITTIER HONDA CYCLES OSS~ RT . 14 0, BO Y LST ON, MASS . 01505 Motorcycle Trailers WHI T TI E R HO ND A ' Complete stock 14 3 2 4 E . Wh ittie r Blvd . o. parts and (213) 698 -00 6 5 accessories • • • • • • • • •• • • I 213-532·7374 ATTENTION COMMANDO OWNERS 3 2 an d 34mm uMlku nl" Conversion K i t s. C o mp let e Kit Inclu d es Manifolds . Mounts, & cares. Dealer's InQuiries w elcome $125.00 • "We Offe r Comfort t o t he Bud get Racer" A ll types of re pairs. modlfications, machine work, and welding. M/C Van Racks Av;oilable. Gannoss E ngin ee ring 2221 W . 2nd 5 1. Santa Ana, Ca. 92702 17 14154 1-4010 • • • • • • • • • • • • R.P.M. 3 27 (Reg Pridmore Moto rcycles! E. Haley St. Ph . (805) 962·62tO Santa Barba ra. Ca. 93101 " ,~p.j' t:'j,·,t: '''1~~1~lj p.o . B o~ , CY Dr e~\ . .JONES MOTOCROSS PRODUCTS 444. CA. 906 3 0 ( 71 4 ) 82 7.742 7 C O M PET IT IO N MO T ORC Y C L E W H EE LS D ES IG N E D. BUI LT A Na R E PA IR E D ~lN U • IM * • * * * * '* . J~ * F 'SH BACK'S On e o f the most acc om plished racing ri ders to come along in years , K enny Roberts m oved in t o th e Ameri can Motor cycl e A ssociation 's E xpert ranks w it h authority i n 19 72. I n h is very fi rst w eek end performan ce in th e d ivision , h e f inished a cl ose th ird in the N at ional TT race at t he Houst o n A strodome , despit e st all ing and have t o bump -st art his Y am aha at t he outset . Th e fo ll ow ing nigh t Robert s wo n the Natio nal Shor t T rac k race at th e same site, beco m ing the f ir st rook ie E xp ert in A MA history to score i n a debut. A ft er th is ro usi ng start he wa s i n con t en t io n f or the championship un t il the f inal throes o f the seaso n. The H ou ston event pr o vid ed h is on ly t ri um p h, bu t he t oo k seco nd o n the mile at San Jos e: thirds on th e Mile at Co lorad o Springs and the Monterey road race. Robert s wou nd up i n f ourth pos ition in f inal st andings, six po ints beh ind th e t hi rd- p lace man . He won Natio nal AM A N ovice and Ju nior r id ing t itles in 1970 and ' 7 1, respectivel y. In t he latter di vis io n he earned a record nine victor ies, three mo r e t ha n scored b y any man before him . Wh at also imp ressed vet eran ob servers about Roberts w as his versat ili ty . H is ab ility o n oval trac ks was lo ng re cogni zed , but he also showed vast improvement in road racing. H e f in ished second to teammate Kel Carru t hers in the first 125·m i le heat of t he 25Q-. ile O ntar io even t , on ly m to experience mec hanical failure th ree laps in t o t he seco nd port io n. (714) 5 9 5 -9 10 0 2 0 8 6 8 Cu rr ie r Rd . Walnut, Ca. 9 17 89 Cat a loq available fo r S 1.5 0 25, rOK CAT-\lO( , ' * * '* * • '* w . : Yama h a & : '!V. ~1II1 I~BWI ~' J ~~ ~ ,, ~ : Triumph : : of Fontana • DEAD L I NE iij '" ' D ISPLA V AD V E R T ISING : Sales Parts Serr;ce • • • : DKW.® HODKA, BMW • • • 9008 Sierra Ave. Fontana , Calif. (714) 82 2-225 2 NAfllTi 1I;'1 !?a • · . • •• *.**** ** * * *** * *- (213) 42 7 - 7 433

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