Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N ~ W Z W ..J U > U Jeff David so n sta rt ed h is winning way s he re. When II Gels Cold They Race Inside Santa Rosa Indoor _ by Bill Sp en cer SANTA ROSA, CAL., Jan. 5, 1973 Starting out the New Year in a big way was the newly crowned n umber one pl a te holder of District 3 6, J eff Davidson , with a wire to wire win on the indoor asphalt at t he Sonoma Coun ty fairgrounds. T he nearly p acked house is an indicatio n of the interest in this type of racing and with some im p ro vemen ts in sign -up and prac tice , the series should be qu i te successful. The large tum out of 250 Novices " Sales Representatives WANTED" C M Specialties 2134 Old Midd lefield Way Mt. View , Ca. 94040 (415 ) 961 -2446 ca us ed only the first p lace man in each of 10 heats to transfer. Larry Silva took the lead from the fron t row inside, bu t in his elation he d id a couple of wheelstands and wa s b lack flagged for it. The ensuing crashes in the pack .gave Larry Reaison the win over Russ Poden and Bill He rmant while Dan Contreas came from a near last starting p ositio n to take fourth p lace honors. Ben Ostarello took the 250 J unior honors on board th e unique H-D th at his d ad has been keeping at the ready . Mike Ve stal took the second spot. The 250 Expert bash was a tight figh t b etween Fremont Scrambles ch am p , Jerry Kole and Davidson with Butch keeping the Zakarian 350 Bul at th e fore. Taking third some di st an ce back wa s Ad ria n Jewett with Mik e Kalam ar as su rvivin g for fo ur th. ACK PROD UCTS, 1J K 676 Auzera is Ave. , San Jose, Ca 95125, Nxl uctl Inc.. --- 408-293-5111 100% Financing .~ SELBY MOTORS A good place to b uy a great motorcycle 346 EI.Cam ino, Redwood City (4 15) 369-4112 fjiii iiiiiiiiiiil Sale s " Service CUSlUm wur k • all mak es ~ftphY . CYCLES 8 'SUZUK I MAleo 184 San A nton io Rd . :'vIt. View, C~ l if. 94040 941 -7317 "amekit, Yamaha, Suzuki, Hodaka. Husky I P." . " P"ndlng & H on cia.. . . .. • • • $8. 95- $24 . 9 5 _ Available from most Local Dealers 19 73 Aecessories Catalog $ 1.00 :Mil.. hcatvwd phHnIx. QZ 1500I competition dynamici Santa Rosa Indoor by Floyd Busby SANTA ROSA, CAL., Jan. 12 , 1973 Making it two-for-two, Northern California's number-one b lack plate amateur rider J eff Davidson swept to vicotry in the 250 Expert main at the Sonoma County Fai rgrounds Ex position Pavilion in Santa R osa, th e sight of the 1973 Indoor Sportsman Championship Series. Davi dson shared feature hon o rs in hi s class with bl ack p late number-three J erry Ko le wh o won the first of the two 250 Expert main s. Bo th win ne rs were aboard Bult acos. Davidson 's feature win carn e as he jumped into a quick lead with bla ck-p late number nine Ge orge Kalamaras following in cl ose pursuit. Th e du o held th eir positions throughout the race with the third spot finali zed on the last lap when Dennis Muelrath sq uee ked ahead of Charles Kole , Jerry Kol e 's win came in a very exci ting ra ce that saw a quick-p aced final lap chan ge th e sc or e charts co mp le tely. Kol e had trailed Roy ~----- Taboada to the white flag, when, on the last lap he nudged his wheel under Taboada with the pair accelerating onto the back straight side-by-side. Kole held the edge as they raced in to the final turn with T aboada being force d wide. The closly dogging Kirk King took advantage of the situation and aced Taboada out of second by in ches at the line. The on ly other rider to equal Davidson 's rep eat win of the previous week was h ome [own hero Ben Ostarello. Ostarello brought hi s 'trusty Harley-Davidson through for th e 250 ' Junior win as he d id th e week before . Ostarello rides on e of on ly two Harl eys en tered, the other piloted by hi s y o unger brother Larry in th e Novic e 250 class . Ostarell o pl aced secon d in hi s be at ra ce while Larry took a thi rd in his semi, earning a spo t in th e ma in. If th e p er cen tage relati on ship of entries to win s is an y indicati o n , Harley wou1d have the best record t o date o n the Santa Rosa oval with two wins from fo ur en tries o ver the fi rs t two week s.

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