Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

~ 1!, v, '" Q. 3rd Annual N .... m o· M . > :::;; o ~ W Z W -J o > o OTORCYCLE RECORD CHA PIO SHIPS! t> ="ONAL HOT Ii ~ -4SS0CIA1\Otl ~>.-., MOTORCYCLE DRACi RACINCi TWO DAY"· EVENT JUN E17" I11JUN E18 The NATIONAL HOT ROD ASSOCIATION will ce rt ify a ll reco rds. This NHRA sanctioned event establishes re cor d s t ha t a re the sta nd a rd for motorcycle drag raci ng . .OVER PLUS Contingencies! (Any company wishing to offe r cont ingenc ie s can still be accommo d ated. Call David G a rvin, (502) 842 -8102) pre-entry fee 55 Record Runs All da~ Sa~urd.a~,June 17th to determine National Champions Inspection /Classification opens 9:00 A.M. Satu rday. All bikes must be classified on Saturday. Sunda~,June 18~h BEECH BEND .. , * Eliminations INTERNATIONAL RACE 14Y BOWLING GRE EN, KENTUCKY 42101 Phone (502) 842-8101 Tcb le- To p p erfect sur ie ee . Mmt cor-o tete ..,nd r-e st t: edu rifu: sfrip in" ~ h e Na t;o r.! PRE-ENTRY Mail this form along with 55 per cycle to: BEECH BEND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Bowling Green , Kentucky 4210 I NAME _ ADDRESS CITY_ ' _ __ STATE ZIP TYPECYCLE NHRA Class _ _ _ Pre -entr ies will be sent ~ddjt io ndl me et info rma tio n. ~-------------------------------------------------------~

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