Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News1972 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... ... . 8, Q. N .... Cl NEED MORE ROO M? C le ar o ut th e gar a ge, wo ocsnco , store room. sh elves at t he Swap'()·Rama. April 28, 5 pm t o midn igh t at Oran ge County Fai rg ro u n d s. ' 70, OSSA STIL ETTO ~~I~ ~~~45~ k r o n t s, go od c o n d •• $5 0 0. ( 21 3) SC RA M BL E K A RT S G o Ka r t s set up for M.C. scea m ete tracks . T h ese k arts w ill go abou t the same sp eed as the b ik es and are easie r t o handle. B asic in vestme nt is ab o u t the same as a go od trail b i k e. 11 y ou are i n terest e d In o r gani zi ng a Club, r ac i n g or j ust c urio us. Please call Bud Martin , eveni ng (21 3) 6 79-86 8 8 H awth orne . MOTO GUZ ZI SALES SERVI CE. PARTS . CO MPETIT ION SERVICES, INC ., 124 4 N o . G a f fe y St •• San Ped ro (213) 547 ·2203. M OTOCROSS AC CES SO R IES R ID E TH E BAJA w ith White y Martin o Va cat ion o f a l iftime. R ide t h e act ual r ou t e o f th e w o rl d famous Baja 5 00 w i th two time Ba ja wi n n er Wh itey Ma r ti no. F ully supervi sed - all m eal s - hotels - p ar t y ti m e - supp o rt vehi c les - n eer/mecn anrcszesccrts - limi t ed grou g - o ne week safari - averc.']e ri d ers pa ce inaugural tour now fo rm i n g - o utasight so u ve nir tro p hies. G et y o ur f r on t wheel up and write for f urt h er Informatio n t o: Whit ey Ma r ti no , Speed Sport Safari s, 15172 R ayme r St., Van N uys. Ca. 91 4 06. Penton MAteO KARCVCLE 2728 San t a A n i t a 12131 4435717 • Montesa 1000 am EL .~ « S UZUK I '" :: w Qual ity Service...L ow Prices MONTE @). ~ 6OC)lun ~\\~ $ Town & Cou n try Cycle 411 S . Brookhu rst Full erton , Cal. z Open 7 d ays W J 871 -2460 U ~ U T ROJAN SPEEDWAY Will lease fifth -mil e c lay oval to sanct i on ed m\?torcycle c lubs to r TT or F .T . even t s. ~6~~~'2~~turday . an d Sunday available. ( 2 13) ' 7 0 lll H US KY 250, 8-SPEED. p er fe ct ~~9.~k~ ~.n , many ext ras . $850 . (2 13) Endoowd by ~Jo& w in n en, Malco lm Sm it h Gene Canrudy M ik e Burke M otorcycle seeetarnes. 15178 Raymer St., Van Nuys. (213) 780-0779 . ' 70 1/ 2 HUSK Y 2 50 8 -SPEE D Engine f resh . port ed, dual Ign i ti o n . frame lowered . C u r n u tts. sk id plate, Petty fenders, H onda seals, F tttr on , Bar um, beautifully ~~e~~~efj. ultra reliable . must sell . ( 21 3) 20 % COMMISS ION PA I D . Sales representati on wanted. Manufacturer's factory direct warehouse b ac k s you u p with the most compl ete range of M/C b o lts & . nuts I n U S . This is a big extra pro f it o p portunity for salesmen now call ing o n dea lers. The Bolt King , 6057lfl San Vicen te. L os Angele s, Ca. 90036. . 1970 AJS 370cc STORMER . Many extras, $700/0Iler. (415) 526-8650. 2 50 SUZUKI X-6 FLATTRACKER' lower ed. n ick el fr ame complete ly rebuilt. factory specs, sp o ol.l: glass t an k.l: seat! super fa st & Cl ean , $600.uO. (714) 79 4'-380 • BUS INESS OPPORT UN ITY MONEY MAKER , motorcycle accessory d ist r ibu t o rsh i p with reta il o utlet. N ort h ern calif. f or all makes. Fully stocked, serving 2 0 0 deal ers. Small Investment an d you ar e i n b u si n ess. Reason: retiri ng . (415 ) 536·914 5 anytime. Distributed by Web co , Inc . and K&N G .P. Products PARTS MAN Honda • experi enced only. 8461 Commonwealth , Buena Park . (714) 521 ·364 2 . SE R V ICE MANAG ER WANTED Honda experience necessary. Good salary plus commission. Profit shari ng . Hospitalization. Call Honda Del Rey (213) 391-6217. SA N BERNA R DINO AREA EXPANS ION CHAM BER CONE SET S 20Ga steel ro lled and seam spotwelded ready to des ig n y ou r own cha mb er . 3 Pc. sets S10 .00 ,4 Pc . set s S1 2.50, 5 Pc. sets $15.00 Postealc , Cali fo rnia re sid en ts add 5% Ta x. quantity d iscoun ts ava ilable. Se nd you r .(11me.nsion s t o A ir co Sheet M etal . 15209 ~;5~51~~0~ve ., Lawndale. Cali f . 9 026 0 . (213 ) Wanted stores r et ail outlets other than M /C to handle Cycle News. GOOd deal. contact Chuc k Ancn o tes, 3177 Harrison. San Bernardino, Calif. 92404. Even ing (714) 883·9008. MAICO des ert tank. Fiberg1ass works 3-931, $25. South Laguna (714) 495-4932 . MA L COLM SM IT H'S K & N Y am ah a. Husky, BSA, Penton, Hodaka. H ard t o get parts, fast ma il order, catal ogue com in g out soon . Malcolm Sm lth's K & N M otorcycles. 1689 W. La Cad ena, R iv er side, Cal if. (714) 686·8014. BOOK: "Escape By Trail Bi ke " Words and d ia gram s w o rth t heir weight i n gOld . B ill B r o kaw e xotatn s what you're d oing . wrong . H o w n o t to we ar one 's self to a f ra zzl e rid in g sld eh i lls. reeks, r uts. sand . water , ISDT stU ff . Read it. t hin k about It. practice it. Mon ey b ack gu ara ntee. $3 p er c op y for TRAI L BOOK, c/o Cy cl e News produc ts, B o x 498, L ong a eaen , Calif . 90801. M OT O RCY CLE SALESMA N Excellent working con d i ti o ns in one of Orange County's finest Triumph and Yamah a dealerships. Must b e e xpeeten ced , Call (714) 533·1746 for appointment. 22 4 N. An aheim Bl vd ., A naheim. Ca . 9 2 8 05 . GIA NT CLEARAN CE SALE S uper sale of Rickman bikes and parts. Comp lete m ac h in es (used). new k its and c hassis , l o t s o f parts. great bargains . All must be sold. 10 a .m, to 3 p.m , Sat., April 2 2 at St een s. 1635 W. Vall ey Btvd •• Alhambra. SA LESMAN WANTE D Exp er ience necessary. 2 5 5 ·1 3 3 5 ask fo r Ed. Reply - t o ( 80 5) WA NTED: M ECHANI C Exp erienced,. for c ompetition sh op. Need back gr ound In HUSky, Pen to n, DKW. Ma rco. Send re s,:,me t o Sportsman cvcre , 3475 Bou lder H Ighway, Las Vegas, N ev . 89104 . Distrib uto r fo r DIAMOND 9J,I. ~(~r • ...." ~ . fiR€e, M OTO RCYC L E C HAIN Pro d ucts Pro ducts Fea turl nq pa rts Ma de I n USA Deal er Inq uiries I nvi t ed 2 142 6 Sher man Wa y C anoga Par k. Ca. 91 30 3 (21 3) 3 4 8·8963 BOO KS & POST E RS ON M O T O RCYCLI N G . Send 2St for b roch u re. Bagnall Publi shing cc., Dept. A • B o x 6 38. Si erra M ad re. Cali f. 91024 . (2 13) 68 1 -46 19. XL 25 0 H ON D A OHC si n gl e cylinder. 4 valves . Pl ac e yo ur deposit now to i n sure early delivery. B ill Robertson & Sons. Inc., 6 5 2 5 Santa M o nica Blvd., H ollywood , Ca. 90038 . (213) 467·2141. • southland cycle center Husky ~ 250&400C2 BMW Specialt ies i! . motocross 4 11 West Whittier Blvd . Mo nt ebe llo , Calif. 90640 (2 13) 724 -9474 8 141 Garden Grove, Ca. (7 14) 893 -509 1 pa rts & accesso ries SAN D IEGO' AREA Wanted stores r etail out le ts other than M /C to handl e CY Cle N ews. Good dea l. co ntact Gl en Havanec, 2 49 0 O x ford , Cardiff, Ca lif . 9 2007 . SA ILBOAT AD In CN? L ik e new fiber gla ss Sabot, sid eb oard, $ 2 25.00 . (714) 4 9 5 -4 9 3 2. N EW SHOP LOC A T IO N ?? Com merc ial p roperty In Antelope V all ey . On Pearbloss om H ig h w a y at west end o f Li t tlerock . 1 ltl acres , water i n. Call ( 213) 474-0343 or (213) 878-0150. DKW $ M OT O SPO RT S SL 100. SL 125 , SL 350. n ew and used. Ove r stoc k ed), mu st se ll , lost our warehouse. Olr. (213) 4 b7 -3427 . • We service what we sell • in stocle • M OTO GUZZI sales. s ervrcc. Parts - Orange C ounty Honda 1630 W . Chapman. Orange , Ca . (714) 633-7344 (7 days). PA RT TI ME BUSI NESS OPPORTU N ITY Now available : Cycle News Franchises. D istribu te the N o.1 M otorcycle newspaper i n o u r locale. $5 .00 deposit re fun da ble after st yea r . Liberal profit for a few hours work . No r isk. Stable parti es contact C irculati on Dep t .. Cycle News. - r 25% SA V I N GS ON I N SU RANCE Dealer garage liability 15 % savings on Dealer's bonds. JOHN W . MAYNAR D INSURANCE. 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles. Calif. Phone: (213) 836·5 211. 16" SU PER-WIDE AKRON T RIMS FOR , H A R L E Y · D A V I D SO N D RAG BIKES AND CHO PPERS. CONTACT YOUR DEALER OR NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS, P.O. BOX :;'24~~JtVE , C A. 93501. PHONE (805) FREE SA MPLE COP IES EAST & D IX IE NOW 2 FREE SAMPLES FOR THE POSTAGE O F ONE! Read all about It bac k East and down South . Send 25 ¢ In c o i n or stamps, w ith you r address t o Cycle News, Bo x 498 ! Long BeaCh /Ca . 90801. G et latest East & DI x ie ed itions by re t u rn mall . ~ACHS 100CC "70, 7 port ed~ 28 rrnmac, $330.0 6• (714) 539-1461 SERV IC E M AN A G E R Experience w ith b o th 2 and 4 m ct or cv cres. Salary open. Call 477-0997 or (213) 473·7996. 1971 H US KY 400 stroke (213) M ECH ANIC F REE F REE F REE Cycle News sttck te! Send self-addressed stamped envelop e to Cycle News West. P.O: Box 498. L ong BeaA~ 8~:.90801. D ep t. CNB . Pu rchased last J u l y. C lea nl..$995 .0 0 f irm. Call a fter 6 , 0 0 p.m . (7 14) 54 4.,. 09 7 . , A ll n ew Cyc le News H ot H at - 75t RICKMA N METISSE T RIUM PH E XP E RI ENC E D SE RV I CE MANAGER 7 5 0 factory kit . Forgetr ue p ist on s. N orr is cams & k it . rnlcr cseated , Edel brock balanced. Barnes disc brake w heels & Rickm an whee ls, 68Y~n~9'~s & geari ng. A fter 5 p .m . ( 80 5) ' 7 1 MAICO 400 Perfect c onditlon~all modi f ication s, must sell ! $750.00. (805) 5< 6 -6 0 72 o r 52 2-0164. PARTS M AN Experien ce in 2 and 4 st roke machines necessary, Previous retail sales experi ence h elpful. but not needed. Salary op en. Call (2 13) 4 77 -09 9 7 o r (21 3) 473-7996. '71 JAWA SPEEDWA Y N ew t o p & bottom en d . to tsa sp ares . (714) 645 -66 89. HONDA MECHANIC N orth ern C al i fo rni a d ealersh ip ne eds expertenced mechanic. MO dern shoe , C om missio n or salary . sen d resu me to M ot os p ort of Ukiah. P.O . B o x 15 7 , U k ia h . ca . 954 82. HUSKY SPECIALIST Des er t and motocross cre caranon. We have the p ar t s. B ob EWl n g's Mi ssi on H i lls M oto rcycl e s, 8 730 S epulveda B lvd.• Sepulveda, Cali f. (213) 7 8 5 -4.2 8 0 . M ust b e fa miliar with Hon da m o torcycl es and H onda autom o biles . B i ll Robertso n & Sons, Inc. (213) 467·2 141 ask f o r B i ll Jr. EARLY '71 CZ 250 - Fast and dependable, fOlding p egs, putro n, one p iec e Conl ey p i p e. special tools for engine tear down. Can be seen at Simi Valley CZ or call (714) 557-8179. $ 7 5 0 .0 0 . CYCLE N EWS N EEDS HEL P! Posit ion open for assistant book k eepe r . 10 -key and fa st. accurate typing essen ti al . Burroughs mach ine experien ce des i rabl e. Sala ry - o p en + fri n ge benef its. Contact C y c l e News, 2 4 9 9 Cer r itos Ave., Long Beach, Cali f. 90806 or ca ll ( 2 13) 427·7433. 9 · 5, Mr. C ulp or M r . Di etzel . '71 B ULTACO PURSANG "A" ex ce llent c ond.t. r idden 6 t ime s, fast , S7 0 0 . ( 7 14) 536·5/79. METISSE. 19 7 1 . SOOcc W estl ake. Six ri des , ~~-:~ {~~:~.extr emeIY cl ean. (916 ) 451 -664 9 ' 7 1'1z GREEVES 380 ,A ,S '= ~ ::~~~';':::,';,;';; stormets ltd. 84 12 Katell a, Stant on, Ca. 90680 (7 141 827·2650 Bura k c ust om exn au st , $ 200.00 wor t h port work p l us m an y e x t ras. N eve r ra ce d . b ett er t hrl n ew ! D eser t rea dy. $79 5 .00 or o ffer. ( 2 13) 3 45 ·5091. SUPPORT THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT OUR SPORT LIKE THE DEALER DISPLAYING THIS PLAQUE The dea ler di splaying th is p laqu e i$ h elpi ng to make y o u r -, v iews fe lt at a ll le v e ls of gov ernment. Thro ugh h i$ Associate Me m b e rship in t h e MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY COUN CIL, he's a lso involv e d in ri der educatio n, public relatio n$ a nd deze n s of other vital pro g rams d esig ne d t o protect y ou r ri ght to ride. [MTc:) - .TORCVCL E ~eTRY = U N CIL I 1 [1I Ml kunl, Honda e x per ien ced only. 8461 Commonwea lth . Buena Par k. (714) 521.364 2 . NO RTON SPECIALIST Call George Gjanivich ser vice manager. O range Coun ty West . (714) 531·9984. g RA CING SPECIALISTS IN AJS & VILLIERS Racing exper ience si nce '48 -

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