Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. M to BOO K : "Escape By Trail Bi k e" Words and d iagrams w o r t h their weight in go ld. Bli l Brokaw explains w ha t y o u're doi ng wrong . How n ot t o wear one's self to a f r azz le r id i n g sldehills. rocks, ruts , san d. water , IS D T stuff. Read I t , think about it. practice It . Money b ac k guarantee. $3 per copy for TRA IL BOOK , clo Cycle News Products, Box 498, Long Beach , Calif . 908 01 . 'v\brld Cycles Compl et e Pa rts MOTO GUZZ I TROJAN SPEEDWAY 3303 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles,Calif. 90026 (213) 662-115 ·1 Will lease fifth-mile cl ay ova l to sanctioned m o torcycle clubs for TT or F.T. even ts . CYCL E SERVICE L EATH E RS M-X Pants . . . . • . . . •. . . • . S54.95 Suede M-X . . . •• . . . . .. . . •.39.95 Send for meaSUrl"t brochure containing o ther alhambra 'Yemeh a-. & Service e . clothing it e ms. vcr e Service. San tee, Calif. 92071. Dealers. 1850 W. Valley Blvd., Alhambra 91803 ~';,~~:'~:~I~:rd (~ 3 ) 289-530 1 SAC HS Financing Avaiiab Ie HU SKY 250 , 8 -SP EE D. perfect ijg~_~k~~.n, many extras , $850. (213) g r;== ==RAC INGSPEC IALISTS IN AJS& VI LLl ERS= = = Racing experience since '48 ,I ,S '=.. BO O KS & POST ERS ON MOT ORCYC LING . Send 2 5t for brochure. Bagnall Publish In? c o ., Dept. A , ~~:-4~1.~'. Sierra Madre , Cal f. 9102 4 . (213) :::;~~.:~;::,:: stormets ltd 8412 Katella , St anto n , Ca. 9 06 8 0 (714) 8 2 7 ·26 50 IrJI I . ' P M OTO SPO RT S I ~ S700/offer. (415) 526-8650 . 20% CO M M ISS IO N PAID Sales represen tati on wan ted. M a n ufac t u r er's factory d irect wareh ou se ba cks y ou up with the most compl et e range of M/C bol ts & nut s in US. T h is Is a b ig extra p r o f it opportun ity f or salesmen now c allin g on deal er s. The Bolt ~J~~'6~057 ih Sa n Vi cente. Los Angel es, C a. R eeds f o r any ma k e motorc ycle & our own new E .C . Pipe (E COlo gy Con sci ous) $ 4 9.9 5 & up deal er Inquiri es Invited M OT O G U Z Z I OHC single cy li n de r , 4 val ves. Place y our d eposi t n o w t o In sure e arl~ delivery . Bill Robertson & Son s, Inc 652 Sa n t a Monica ~~v7~214t oIiY WOOd. a. 9 0038. (213) e MOTORCYCLE SALESMAN T op commissions, g ua ran tee. pa id holidays an d vaca ti o ns. M us t b e ex perie nced . Great opportunit~ f or the r i ght m an . Sa n F ernand o Valley d ea er , A sk fo,: Jer r y (213) 849~72 95 . HUGE STOCK - FAST SERVICE Mail O or Direct. S year, m I, rder end ode engine & fram no. with all orders e W for FREE list of all Honda repal r rite manua ls and parts cata logues. Exper t R epair Service On All Makes. O PEN 7 DAYS A W EEK 2 50 cc T·5 259-5350. (an makes ) ACCURACY and SERV ICE by a company t hat has specialized in hon ing p rec ision aircraft and missil e parts for the past t en y ear s. Your pistons are calibrated to t h eir EXACT size w ith micro met ers. The cy lind er is then HONED to the prec ise c leara nce wh i l e MAINTAIN ING THE OR IGINAL A L IG N M ENT . HONING produces a bore that is perfectly ROUND AND STRAIGHT with that desired " C ROSS HATCH" suface fi nish . Th is accuracy and finish prodUces L ONGER cylinder l Ife and EL I M I N A T ES BREAK·IN. 785-4289. ' 71lfz 2S0 M A ICO tmmacutate, floating rear brake, engine f r esh as ne w, $800. (714) 645 ~2199. EXPERIENCED SERVICE MANAGER. Must b e familiar w ith H onda mctcrcv caes and Honda aut om o biles. B il l Robertso n & Sons, I nc. (213) 4 67-2 141 ask for B i ll Jr . BROKEN BOLTS? Drills. T aps , E Z Ou ts . Ha ve t hem re moved w ith out d amage to th r ead s b y El ect r on i c d isi n t egr at ion. TAP~E X Compan yJ. 1 825 W. 14 4th s r., Gardena, Ca . (213) 323~", 834 . M UST S ELL -Suz u k I400 t..19 71 .1 never ra ce d. new. A skin g $700 . (805) 5,,6·34~ 8 . 23 MX racer, w ith forma l trai n ing as rna'chl nist plus 4 years college, ,desires job In M .c. fiel d. Write Mi Chae l H an sen 2 6 05 Ca n yon F erry Rd ., Helena, Mont. 596 Ch . Call: Gar Honing Service, Inc. 500 E. Franklin Ave, EI Segundo (21 3) 772-5278 BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITY '70 NOW Pos ition open In en lar ged , modern shop f o r e xperi enced mechani c. Located In Woodlan d H ills. (213) 348~7865 ask for Richard . SPR ITE 40S cc M X - SPEC IAL OFFER Warehouse clearance on q uantity of 1971 mod els , 405cc - $995 ; 250cc - $895. D eal er Inf'sulrles Invited. Contact S peed Ce nter, US A, 82 S. Victory Blvd ., Burbank, CA 9 1 50 2 . HUSQYARNA PENTO N SALES • (213) 845-8848. SE RV ICE '70 , OSSA STI LETTO Everythi ng for bike and ri der f rom o ur $2 0,00 0 parts and Flitron, A k r o n t s. go od 355-9645. accesso ry inven tory. 1972 6 speed 12 5 & 100 eq uip . Best offer. C a ll or wri te : Mike's Speed Tuning. 6 3 0 G ran d Ave•• Spr in g V alley . C A . 92077. (714) 463-4477. RICKMAN METISSE TR IUMPH . f r am e & sw in g arm modifications . custom engine & cylinders . w ide & dose ratio tra ns mods . f ork seal mach ining & fork straigh ten ing _ wheels trued & spoked • dua l ignition & twln -flre set Up$ • lights, speedo & end uro set ups • ~:;'s fid~a', ~1~rt~~?:d~u~af~~; ~tie~~.rr2 o ~::~:rS .~f~:lrs5E:~~ (s~5tr g~.,r.t:ll: extra 2S% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE ~~~;. ~o':l~ 1~~I~A~~~F: DI~~souFf~I~~~ A 3 447 Motor A ve•• L os Angeles , Cali f. Ph one : 24 19 Artesia Bl vd . Red on do Beach , Calif. 90278 * 322-7571 21 f (213) 836-5211. 16" SUPER·WIDE A K RONT RIMS FOR HA RLEY-DA VI DSON DRAG BIKES AN D CHOPPERS. CONT A CT YOUR DEALER OR NORTH AM ERICA N IMPORTS, P.O. BOX N, MOJAVE, CA. 9350 1. PHONE (805 ) 824-454 1. NORTON SPEC IALIST Ca ll George GJan Iv lc h ser vice manager. Oran ge Cou nty W est . ( 7 1 4 ) 5 3 1 ~ 9 84 . 542 -16 5 S NEW SHOP LOCATION?? Commercial property In Antelope Va lley. On Pea rb l o ssom H ighway at west end of i~t.i!0304c~Or 1(~lj)c8e18.()~a5t~~ THE 8,I'aro 0.1" "e'", go' ,., Largest I.n.'or, of Ife" 8ihs i. ,., Wes'er. S'a'es r~u~e~~~~Tbe~il·~~ofl~Pf~s:ta rf~f~nh~~~: :6}~~ 400 H U SQVARNA. exce llent many extras, $975. (213) Avallab Ie - SA N BER NAROINO AREA Wa nte d st ores re tail outlets other than MIC to handle Cycle News. Good dea l . contact Chuc k j Anchol~ 3177 Harrison) Sa n Bernardi no, C ali f . 92 04. Evening (714 883 ~9008. H U SKY SPECIA LI ST Desert an d mot ocross pr epa ration. We have th e parts. Bob Ewlnfs M ission Hills Mo torCYCle S 8730 ec ctvece Bl v d •• Sepulve da. Cal f . (213) 785-4280. r FO R SALE - 1970 H onda 750 w ith 9300 miles . eQuipped with W ixom f al rl n3 and 495-4932. 7627 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, Ca. 9 14 05 (213) 780-63 00 994-74 68 Open Monday t hru Saturday, Mon, & Fri. t il 9 pm COLLECTION. swa c-o-aama April 28, 5 p m to midnight , Orange C ounty Fa irgr ounds. WAN TE D: M EC HA NI C Experienced . for competition shop. Need background I n Husky. Penton , D K W . Malco. Send resume to Sportsman CYCl e . 3475 Boulder H ighway . Las V egas, N ev . 89104 . II saddlebags, Name _ Address _ State Check here for SO LD H EADL IN E ($1 Extra . Up t o 24 letters & spaces) Zip _ $1250. Phone (213) 42 -{)485 between 8 and 5 . I 'r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wan' Ad B I a n k ----- o (213) Northern Cali f o r n ia. Yamaha experienced, w ith references. Slim's MIC Sales. carrying Vamah3 BSA, H USkY! dune crEcles an d R upp. Marysvli 1 Calif. (916 742 ~7 85 . e. MaliOrd er SCHWINN ST INGRAVS s-sceec. temon-peeler , $ 35. Cherry picker. $ 25 . (714) _ In. Call MECHANIC NEEDED Specializiag i. No r i sk . S ta b le p ar t i es eontact C i r c ul ati o n De p t., Cycle News. City PARTS MAN Previous retail sales experience helpful. but not necessar~. Salary open . can (213) 477-<)997 or ( 13) 473-7996 . N ow availa ble: Cycle News Franchises . D ist r i b u t e the NO.1 Motorcycre newspaper In THAT (213) HANSEN ENG. " DY N O" (2 13) PART TIME BUS INESS OPPORTU NITY COMPLETE cond •• $500. ~;~~ 0~gbP~rtt C:;:~a 6 Pen t o ns in st ock The most expert repa irs and mod ifying availabl e anywh e. • Moto X POS T A G E OF ONE! Re ad ail about It ba ck East and down South . Send 25 ¢ In coi n or stam ps , with your address to Cyc le News, Box 498 , Long B eaCh, Ca. 90801. Get latest East & Dixie editions by re turn ma li. 598-6166. ENDURO . E xcellent pain t, r ings, all oy ri m s. e c m c . (~~~)e7l1~3 ~g>.n t Wh eel , oth er e xt ra s, $525 . stroke FREE SAMPLE COPIES EAST & D IX I E 2 FREE SAMPLES FOR 1971 condition, 360 Y AM A H A c ond .• new eSCUDERIA,- Cu sto m Engine Work- M ON E V M A K ER , mot orc y d e accessory d istrib u t o rsh ip with reta il outlet, Northern Calif. for all makes. F ull y stocked , ser ving 2 0 0 dealers. Small Investm en t and you are In b usiness. Rea so n : re tiring. (415 ) 5 36-.9145 anytime. 4 (805) Dick 5 01 MAICO S995.00. A ft er 6 (714) 642-5012. Calif. (714) 686-8014. Call . , X MALCOLM SMITH'S K & N Yamaha , Husky, BSA, Pent on, H oda k a, Hard t o get p arts, fast m all o r der. catal ogue coming o ut soo n . Mal c o l m S mlt h's K & N M ot orc y cl es, 1 6 8 9 W . La Cadena. R ive rsi de , an d 1971 MAICO MX , S595.00. " KN fil ter, K an is, Wheel smlth silence d p ipe, Dept. CN, 2411 Lin coln Blvd. Santa MCIIlc:II Ca. 90405 Ph. (213) 39 2-3066 Cylinders Honed Mission H ills Motorcycles. 87 30 Sepulveda Bl vd.. Sep ul veda, Calif . 91343 . (213) 2 o WANTED: HONDA M ECHANIC GUARANTEED b oth o > '71 BULTACO PURSA NG "A" , excell ent ri d den six times. S700. (213) 379·3074. 633-7344 (7 days). wit h w Z c ond•• THRI FTY LAD HONDA Bob Brennan - E.C. Birt Sales, Se rv ice, Parts - Orange County H onda. 1630 W. Chapman, O ran ge, Ca. ( 7 14 ) Experie nce Ii -c ;: '" w $775 . Call 1970 BULTACQ PURSANG, very low mil es. must se ll. (213) 633.g3 21. - Accessories For All Makes & Models iW CigiOn CycQ e 4573 Art esia Blvd. Lawndale, Ca. 90260 (213 )370-8822 CYCL E WORLD FEB . '72 ISSUE YOU READ IT-WE BUILT IT HO D AKA REED POWER Reed and Machining $45.00 1970 AJS 3 70cc STORMER . Man y ext ras, ~7~t..gJ ~¥ ~lre(21 3~al~j.7 99~~n . . ...J fast, clean , de p endabl8 Charley Br own C ycles, (408) 4 2 j .g743. Ri ck m an Maico Puch Carabela Gem ini Hodaka Greeves Zundapp SL 100, SL 125, SL 350. n ew and use d. O ver (~f ~e~67~~J7~ell , lost our w ar ehouse . Olr . 3 SERV ICE MANAGER ~ XL 2S0 HON DA E XPER IENCED HONDA MEC H A N IC wa nted In So. La k e Tah oe, Cali f. Call Charl es Hamilt on (916) 541..()89 6. H U SKY FO R KS L EAKI N G ?? ZU NDAPP R IC KMAN '7 11 12. T R A D E : ' 6 6 DUCATI 250 Scrambler , x ln t . ~~6~94~02. mln looenduro, SL-70, o r eQulv. (21 3) We m ac h in e and Install four doubl e lip seal s. 202, We sta rt w here the factory left o ff. You ha ve a gearbox full of neutrals? We can fix 'em righ t. Full line of Sachs & Zunda pp parts. Pr edsion CYCle . 4573 Artesia B lvd . Lawndale, ca . 90260 . e213) 310-8822. Calr E .C., Joe or Bob . ~6':~~'2~~turday. and S u n d ay avai labl e. (213) '70 1/2 PENTON Box '" N .... m 0- GET C YCLE NEWS TW I CE A WEEK when y ou su bsc r tbe to all three editions . Specia l dis coun t, o n l y $15 gets yo u one yea r each of Cycle News W est , C ycle News East and Cycle News D ixie ed i ti o ns . Read ab out It a li . Send chec k o r mon ey order t o Cycle News, tnc., Long Beach , c au r. 9 0 8 01. • --------------------, * Private Party Rate * Ten vvords ••••• : •••••. •••••••• •. ••••. $1 11 t hru 25 vvords •••••••••• •••• ••• ••'. $2 ~' ( ove r 25 words, 1 ot per word) t Hea dline in BOLD TYPE ••••••• $1 extra ,~ P i c tures •••••• •••••••••• . •. ••••••$3 extra (So rry, we do not bill private party ads) * COMMERCIAL ADVERTIS ERS RAT E* Ten words •• • • •• • •••••••••••• • ••• ••••• •$ 2 11 t hru 2S words•••••••• ••• • • • •• •• •• • •• ·$ 4 ( av er 2S words, 20t per word) SOL o Headline ••• ••• ••••• • •• • • •• •• $2 extra Photo• ••• • •• • • ••• • •• •• • •• • ••$6 (your photo) FR EE ADS - if you have something t o . I give avvay (10 vvords maximum) I . I _ ~on e ~ NT AD DEADLINE - Fn day noon for I Code nu m ber I CYCLE NE WS CANN OT ss RESPONSIB LE FOR ILLEGIBLE PHONE ·l\ J MBER S! foil ovvi~.wednesday publication L(M~:..r~~~~~~~~d~ ~~1 ~~~~ C~~~~~.:~ O~ MON:'~ORD..:~~~:...C!:~~~E~~!:? . BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CA. 90801 --------------------J . . . . , . , , ;,

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