Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"" ~ AMA NATIONA L SCHEDULE a.. 4/16 4/29 5/6 5/21 5/27 ..... "" '" .i 6/11 6/3 6/ 18 6/25 7/2 7/9 7 / 15 7/23 7/29 ii « ~ w Z W 8/5 ..J U ~ srnriittt U ~ . t'h·l...t~;:,~ : 6:30 S I G N -U P CLOSES 6-7 PRACTICE CMC Moto-Cross Every Friday Night CMC Li cense Required regularly sched u led events ATTENT ION PROMOTERS : Fo r u st ing in t his co lumn call o r wr it e: CYCL E NEWS THURSDAY , MARCH 30 RAT 7 :30 FIRST J R . R ACE Racing Action Team Beginner & Novice on ly Hare Scrambles Ap r. 2 10 am 10 mi. N. of Adelanto off Hwy. 395 MUNTZ · FRID AY, MA RCH 31 ANG LO·A MERICAN & BRITISH CHAMPIONSHI P ROAD RACES. Brands RC. 50 Brook Rd ••'N o rt n n eet, K en t, E n'il1and US MRC M X , EI Toro (Cal Sprdwy. 7 pm . $5 post . Cash to Ex p er ts . Box 1027, Pomona, Ca. 9 17 69 . 714/985-3149 . C M C M OTOCROSS . Lions , Wilm ln9t o n, Ca . Sa n Diego F w y at Al am eaa . Sign by 0: 3 0 , race 7 : 3 0 . $5 post . 1st & 3rd SUNDAY FRI. & SAT., MARCH 31 & EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 2nd & 4th SATURDAY. Free Mot ocross Class - by John DeSoto & oth er pro fessional ride rs. Every Month - Saddle back Park . Open 6 :30 am, Class 8 :00 am. Race 9: 3 0 am . Juniors, Novices, Beginners. All size bikes. Advance mail $5 .00 & $1 .00 gate . Post entry $1 0.00. Post entry cost same as ma il entr y for new members first t ime o ut . American Motocross Club lnc., P.O. Box 663 , EI Toro , 92630. 714 /830·7646. EVERY SATURDAY TT RACING at Elsinor e Race Track. Gates open at 3, races at 7 :30. Silencers requ ired . Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore , Calf. EVERY SATURDAY , Motocross , Corona Raceway. Racing starts at 9 am. 100% payback, Experts. Silencers and 3 number plates requ ired . Pits open 7 am, practice at 8 am. 55 Post Entry payable at gate for Intermediate and Junior R.A.C.E. members. No n-members $2 extra. Post Entry for R.A.C.E. member Seniors, $10, non-members 52 extra. Take Riverside Freeway to Pierce or Magnolia turn-off, right on Magnolia to Buchanan. Info: (714) 735-1705. EVE RY SAT URDA Y NIGHT USMRC STfTT . EI Toro, Cal. Speedway . $5 post ent ry. USMRC membership requ ired ; Pit gat es open at 5 pm. First race at 7 pm. Cash for Experts. Troph ies for Juniors. General Admission 52 .50. Servicemen 51.00. Junior 51.50. For further info rmaf on: (7 14) 831 ·162 1. Silencers required. EVERY SUNDAY Motocross racing at Four Corners MIC Park. Pract ice at 9 am, races 1 pm. All classes, no card s required. Admission 5 1, entry 52. AF'~IL 1 MA M RA 2S 0;Ma ll $25. Post $3 0. Pr os , $75 mall. S100 p ost . M ail t o 1 335 G arn e t Ave, Sa n D iego , C a. 92 109. 7 14/272 -6 75 1. MOORPARK. CALIF. SATURDAY, APR IL 1 INDOOR SHORT TRACK, Washoe Co Frgnds Pavilion Bldg, Reno, Nev. State champ{onsh lP series. $2 r ide, $2.50 watch. 8 e rn , 702/323-6055. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT . USMRC motocross, EI Toro , Cal. Speedway. 55 post entry. USMRC membership required. Gates open 5 p.rn. Signup closes 6 pm. First race 7 pm. Cash for Experts. Trophies for Jun iors and Int ermed iates. General Admission -52 .50 . Servicemen S1.00. Junior 51.50. Child ren under 12 free . For further informat ion: (7 14) 892 ·2460, after 5 pm. Silencers requi red . MOTOCROSS b y E I InsUtuo de proteccion a 121 Infancla. San Felipe. Baja California. Mexico. If you would like t o hel p organize you may a lso give them a call . 903/762·2948 . Office o f tourism In Mexlcall . If you won you c o u ld be an Internat iona l star. April 1 - Hillclimb, all classes April 2 - Junior Motocross April 8-9 - Four Aces Grand Prix USMRC TT/FT , E I Toro (Cal S pdwY. 7 p m . $5 post. Cash to E x p er t s. S o x 1027. Pom ona. C A 91796 _ 71 4/985·3149. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES. Limed from HI-Vista store . Sp o k e Benders. Dist. 37 c ts , $3 .25. Prac 7 , R ac e 10.213/371·5389. For entry & further information, write or call: Muntz Cycle Park 15814 Tierra Rejada Rd. Moorpark, Ca. 93021 (213 ) 987·3131 or (805 ) 529·237 1 MOTOCROSS . Corona Raceway. Corona . C... Sign 7 c rac 8 race 9 am . Take R lv er si d d f='wy to Pier ce or' Ma gnolia , R on Magn·.>lIa to Buc h an a. 71 4 /7 3 S-1705 . SC RAM B LES . Lodi Cycle BOWl . Sign 6 pm. pract 7 , race 8. R ide or watch $2 .. 0 . 5 SAT . & SUN., APRIL 1 & 2 ~a~~g~~~1 £i~a~~~S b:,°a~yp~~~f3u~1 't $3 per Ope n 7 days Miles of tr ails SILENCERS REQ UIRED b i ke , $2 admission, race N of Ja ckson on Hwy 49. Sports m e n Sat. : $5 mall, $15 post. Pr os S un: $15 mail, $5 0 p o st .

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