Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N " . '" AMA NATIONAL SCHEDULE e, N .... en . ::E ~ UJ Z UJ .J U >- U Just a b out anybOdy w h o thro ws a wortnwn ll e race ha s adoP ted a sll en n dat o ry p olicy. Al thougtl these listi n gs don 't men tion t he fact . vi r tually all events in t he Ca len d a r ar e Qu iet o nes. Handy hin t: " S A S E" m eans · ·Se lf- ad dres se d . stamped envelope" . Use th e legal size. You know. the b ig ones. All Item s must be received in wri ting by noon on Thursday i n order to b e p r i n t ed In the follow ing week 's Calendar. WEDNESDAY, MARCH I S ENTRiES CLOSE FOR Hangtown Motocross . See April 1-2 . THURSDAY , MARCH 16 FLAT TRACK , Trojan S peedway. TWO - HOUR MARATHON . F re mont Raceway. Fremont. ca . 2 505 9 :30 am. Open clas s noon . S ign 8 :30. $ 5 entry, $1 waten, Tykes 50 cen ts. 415/322-1514. SC R A MBL ES . L ightweights. Perris. Ca . Ultra & LW sign 7J.. race 9 . HW sign noon. S idehacks SAT . & SU N ., MA R CH 18 & 1 9 ACA Gat e. Ca., 7 :30 pm. Adm issio n $2. FRIDAY ,MARCH 17 USMRC MX, EI Taro (Ca) SpdWy. 7 ern. $5 welcome. TOUR TO EXOTIC INDIO! CALIFORNIA. That's r ight. bring a w~heeler to Pac l f icaddleback Pk . SRAC pts. MONDAY, MARCH 20 H un tin gt on Bea ch. Trail novs all t he way . 10 am . M arked from 4 Corners, Hwys 395 & 58 . SRAC pIs . M O T OC R OSS. WILD HA RE Freemo nt. HAR E Florence , Colo . SCR AM BLES, 0-3 7 PlS. F IRST DAY OF SP R IN G . Go out and r ide. Q uietly. TT SC RA MBLES, Boul der Ridgerunners. Coa l Cree k R ac ew ay . between Wadsworth & Va lley H wy. B oul d er . Colo. D istrict 36 Sp o rt sman C ar dS Expire. To r e n e w write B o x B·1 1 1 . Ceres. Ca . 95307 . THURSDAY , MARC H 3 0 FRIDAY, MARCH 24 TT AND F LAT TRACK, T r olan Speedway • South Gate . Ca . 7 :30 pm. Adm ssl on $2 . USM RC MX. E I T o r o (Ca) SPdwy . 7 :00 Qm . $5 p ost . Ca sh t o Expert . Box 102 7. Pomona . CA 9 1769 .714/985-3149. (Please t urn to pg. 38)

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