Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 03 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'AMA NATIONAL SCHEDU LE' 3/12 4/16 4/29 5/ 6 5/21 5/27 Da yt ona. Fl. A tl an t a, Ga. Hta tean , Fl. Ga rd ena, Ca. San J ose. Ca. Los A lam i t os . Ca . L o uden . NH Lou is ville . Ky. Indiana p olis, Ind. C o lumbu s" O . Sa n J ose , \..a. Sal em, Or. Castle R OCk . Wa. M onterey. Ca . New York . NY Homewood . lit. Hinsdale. III. Peoria. III. Indianapolis. Ind. Ta ll adega, A l a. Arlington Hgts.llI. Nazareth. Pa . Gardena , Ca . Onta rio. Ca. 6/11 Just about anYbody who t h rows a worthwhile BRITISH race has adopted a silencers-ma dat or y po licy. AlthOu~ tnese listi n gs don' t SID EC AR CHAMPIONSHIP SCRAMBLE. Newbury DMC. 18 He dgeway. mention the N ewbury. BerkS fact, virt ually all e ven ts In th e Calendar are 4 0 E n alan l1. WEATHER ·PERMITTING MX, Valley. Cycleland Spdwy. 14 rnl 5 of Chico, Ca, on Hwy 99E & Gate Shippee Rd . Slg" 8, race 10:30.916/342·9302. Quiet ones . Handy hint : "SASE" m eans "Self-.addressed. stamped envelop e". Us e the legal size. You know. t he b i g ones. A MC M X. Muntz Cycle Park . Moorpark, Ca. Send f o r entries : Box 663 . EI Toro , CA 92630 .714/830·7646. TOM RAPP class. 8 am. THURSDAY, MARCH 9 HARE SCRAMBLES. Taft . 1 m l W of Maricopa. turn right on Elkhorn Rd. $2 ride . $1 gate. 10 am. Camping Sign 8 am .. DESERT RUN. Jesters. Limed at 4 Corners. j c t . of Hwy 395 & 58. $5 mall, $7 p o st . Win a Su per Rat. Box 1027 , Apple Valley. CA 92307.714/244·3059 . 244-4268 . SUNDAY, MARCH 12 FRIDAY, MARCH 10 TT S CRA MBLES, Sid ew inder Spdwy K ingman . Ar i z. Limed on Hwy 66 E from K i ngman . $3 e n t r y. 602 /753·3 206. M X . Stumpjumpers. Elsin ore (Ca) Rcwy . 40% brass to all classes. $ 5 mall $8 post . Limited entries. Steve Mitch ell . 2 162 Harbor Isl e t,n, Huntln9ton a eaen , CA 926 4 6 . 714/778-6700 . TT SCRAMBLES, Mesa . Sou th B ay Speed w ay. Limed S o f Chu la V ista, Ca, at Hw y .10 1 & M a i n St. East t o track , $1.50 d onation, $ 2 r ide. C t ra c. Prac 10. r ac e noon . M X. Fea ther R iver. Under the E St Bridge, Marysville. Ca. Sign 7, r a ce 10. $4 ri de . $ 2 watcn, $5 late f ee. 91 6 /74 2-8 2 8l. Hotel, 150 S o uth L os Robl es . Pasadena, Ca. U SMRC MX. EI Taro (C a) Spdwy. 7 p m , $ 5 post. Ca sh t o E xp e rts. Bo x 10 27 . Pom on a CA 9176 9. 714/98 5·3149. ' CMC M X. Li ons. Wilmingt on. Ca. San D ieg o Fwy at Alameda . Slg" by 6 :30 , ra ce 7:30. $5 p ost. MOTOCROSS . Bou lder Ridgerunn ers. Coal C reek Raceways, HWy 7 between Wadsw o rth & Vall ey Hwy. Boulder, C OlO. SATURDA Y, MA RCH II M O T O C R O SS , Po lka D o ts : s- e ann ual a ecno etu M X. Argyll Park..! Di x on. C a. $3 r id e. $1 ga te. Sign 1: 30 . r ac e 1 0 . 9 16/9 9 1-5 7 8 0. IN D O OR F rgn ds. SHORT Pavilion TRACK. Bldg, Ren o , Wasnoe Co Nev . S ta t e U S M RC TT/FT LEI Taro IC a) Spdwy 7 pm. $ 5 MOTQC ROSS, CRC. Oeadmans Point. Apple V alley, Ca . Beglnner·n ovlce. S pe c ia l age c lasse s. $ 2 gate, $3 ride .' Ga te 7 am , r ac e 9. 714/6 8 8 '12 9 1; 2 13/ 8 3 0 ·7 5 19. CA 91769 .71 4/985 -3149. F L A T TRACK, Adams Co Frgnds. Col o. Cha m p series. $2 ride, $2.50 watch . 8 pm 7 02/323-6055. p os t . Cash to ~ xpe rts . • Bo x 1027, pomona, . ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Li st i ng in this column call or writ e: CYCLE NEWS Box 498. LongBeach. Ca. 90801 presents (213) 42 7 -74 33 EVERY SATURDAY TT RACING at Elsinore Race T rack. Gates open at 3, races at 7 :30 . Silencers required . Off Hwy. 71 in Elsino re, Calf. - EVERY SATURDAY Mo toc ros s , Corona Raceway . Racing st art s at 9 am. 100% paybac k. Experts . Beginner. Juni or , Sen io r, 30% Brass. Silencers and 3 numbe r plates required. Pit s open 7 am, pract ice at 8 am . $5 Post Ent ry pay able at gate for Beginners, J un io rs. Take Riverside Freeway to Pierce or Magno lia tum-off. right o n Magnolia to Buchanan. Info : (714) 735 -1 705 . EVERY SUNDAY Motocross racing at Four Corners M/C Park. Pract ice at 9 am, races 1 pm. All classes. no cards required. Adrriissio n $1, entry $2. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT USMRC STm. EI Toro, Cal. Speedway . $5 post entry. USMRC membersh ip requ ired . Pit gates open at 5 pm. First race at 7 pm . Cash for Experts . Trophies for Ju niors. General Ad missio n $2 .50. Servicemen $ 1.00. J unior $1.50. For further information : (714) 831 ·1621 . Silencers required. EVERY FRID AY NIGHT USMRC motocross , EI Toro , Cal. Speedway . $5 post en tr y . USMRC membership requ ired. Gates open 5 p.m. Signup closes 6 pm. First race 7 prn, Cash for Experts . Trophies fo r Juniors and Intermed iat es. G en e ra l Ad mi ssi on $2.5 0. Servicemen $1. 00. J uni or $ 1.50 . Child ren under 12 free . For furth er info rmation : (7 14) 89 2-246 0, after 5 pm. Silencers req uired . r ~ ~ Mar. 12 - Sadd leback Mot ocro ss (Bultaco ~ eri es) I Mar.19 -Carlsbad Mot ocr oss : Mar. 26 - Sadd leback Motocross Apr. 2 - Carlsbad Motocross (Bulta co Ser ies) 1st SUND A Y OF EVERY MONTH Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. - Motocross - all classes 8 a.m. practice - 10 a.m. start $2.00 gate entry - $2 .00 race entry with membership, $2 .50 without membership. Effective Nov. 1, silencers required at all events. Info - (714) 247-7473 (eves.) . -- ........ E!merican ~ ~ Iycle ~~ E!ssociation ~ regularly scheduled events ... NEw RIOERSATH E F I RST T IM E OUT ~ ~ ARE N OT C H R G EO POS T E N T RY For further info. see calendar or ph one ACA office 1·5 M-F , * (7 14) 774 ·3ACA MX, Escape Co untry. i st quali fying ro und for AMA National Champ ionship MX series. 11 am. Camping available. MINIS ' scmbka. Saddlebac k Park. Irvine. Ca. Sign 8 am, race 10. (213) 426·9355. ORA HARE SCRAMBLES , L imed 7 ml N of Adelanto on Hwy 395. Beginners & Nov o n l y . Pins, 20% brass. Nov . 10 am, Begin ners 10:15 . HARE SCRAMBLES, Los Anclanos. Marked f rom Burro B end . Hwy 78 . approx 8 m i E to Pole Line Rd . 10 am. Si gn 4-8 pm Sat & 8 am Sun. $3. 0 ·38 c ts . . ROUGH SCRAMBLES , TTMC . 39 5 Cycle Park, Adelan to, Ca . Ultras & LW sign 7, race 9 . HW sign noon. 0 ·37 pts . $ 2 ri d e , $ 1.50 HA RE & HOUND. V ictors . Limed f rom Red Roc k . C yn N o f Mojave on Hwy 14. T rail Nov 1 l oop. 0 ·37 c ts , 2 13/ 34 0-8 4 7 0; 805/527-4525 . POKER RUN/TELEVISEO WEDDING PROCESSION, Wanderlust. Sign,.9-11 at 2 4 6 0 B at es Rd, Concord, Ca . Runs starts at 10 :30. Chow d o w n at 2 . Then watc h Cha rlie Gregory marry Fran Kiger . Processio n through the downtown Concord and Pl easan t h i ll takes place. A must. 415/687·6947. MX, GNG . Limed S o f Carson City, Nev. Sign 6, r ace 9 . $5 . Nov $5 mall. $7 post . Am/E x $ 10 mall, $12 post . $1000 ser i es pur se. 1355 S Wells Ave, Reno , Nev. 89502 . 9 16/544-8509 . ACA MX. Saddleback, Park, Ca . $5 mall (3/10). $10 post. Bultaco Series. Prac 8 am. raco 9 . 926 W 7tn St . Upland , CA 91786. 714/98 2·7370. GHANO PRIX MOTOCROSS, A.C .E . Indian D u n es Par k. Valencia. Ca . $5 mall. $8 p ost. Box 174, Newhatt , Ca . 913 21. 805/259 -80 07. MOTOC ROSS. LVMC , Las Vegas Speed rome. (2 ml. north of Nellis A i r Base ). S i gn 7 :30. Pra c . 9 . Race 10:30. $5 r i de. $2 wa tch . Tykes fr ee. 7 34-6703. Mo t ocross Info Mot ocross Division: ( 714) 982-7370 * American Cycle Associat ion. 106 No. Claud ina , Suite 3 12. Anaheim, Calif orni a 92805 . __ - ow 9/9 9/17 9/23 10/1 ~6Ja~1~~1l Mil e 25 la p Mile "' M il e 250 mi RR , AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACE. Daytona Beach. Florida. 200 miles. u.s. FOREST SERVICE HEARING to determine f u t u r e m an agem e n t policy of N at io n al la nds i n the Tahoe Basin. As a resul t of these meetings a TEN VEAR PLAN w ill be drawn up. If you want to ke ep It, be there. 1:30-5:30 p m 'a n d 7 :30 pm at t he Hilton CMC MX, carl sbad (Ca) Rc wy. DKW series. Jrs: $5 mall 13/7). $10 p ost. Sr s: $10 rrual, SIS p o st . D K W series. 9 am . Box 1402. Costa M .... CA 92626. 6/3 6 /18 6 / 25 7 /2 7/ 9 7/15 7/23 7 /29 8/5 8/10 8/13 8/26 9/3 200 ml R R 125 ml RR 25 l a p Mile 25 lap TT 2 5 lap Mile 20 lap 112 mile 100 ml RR 20 lap 1 mile 12 125 ml R R 20 lap 112 mile 20 lap 1/2 mile 20 lap 1/2 mile 25 lap TT 125 m l RR 20 lap 112 mile 25 la p Mile Shor t Track 112 mllefTT MOTOCROSS, 1 m l. W . of SunnySide. Wa shington, to Swan Rd, follow arrows . 100, 175 . 2 S0 , Open. Sign 12 , race 1. $1.50. Tykes f r ee. EU ROP EAN SC RAMBLES. C.V.M .C. Chir iaco Summit. limed trcmInd to 1·10 and from Bl y th e. 10 am. Sign 8 am. $3.75. USMRC TT/FT, EI Taro (Ca .) Spdwy. 2:30. $5 post. Cash to Experts. Box 1027, Pomona . CA 91769. 714/985 -3149 . M INI RACES, Sa d d teb acx Par k, Ca •• S ign 8 :30. $5 membersh ip. $2.50 ente r. Box 1455 . .H u n t tn qt on Boaen , Ca. 213/421-2 0 88. WEDNES DAY, MA RCH 15 EN TRIES CLOS E FOR Han gtown Mot oc ross . See April 1-2 . THUR SDAY, MARCH 16 FLAT TRACK , Trojan Speedway. Gate, Ca •• 7 :30 pm. Admission $ 2 . South FR IDAY , MARCH 17 USMRC MX. EI Taro (Ca) Spdwy. 7 pm. $5 p ost. Cash to E xperts. B o x 1027, Pomona . CA 91769. 714/985-3149 . SATURDAY, MA RCH 18 AMC EN DURO. 1"'" e6 92630.714/83(\,0,\1'0<' 663. EI Taro. CA USMRC TT/FT EI Toro (Ca) Spdwy 7 prn, $5 post . Cas h to Experts. Bo x 1027, Pomona CA 19769.714/985 ·3149. • TWO-HOUR M A RA T H ON . Fremon t Raceway . Fremont, Ca. 2 5 05 9 :30 am, Open class noon. Sign 8:30. $ 5 entry, $1 watch, Tykes 50 cents. 415/322·1514 . SAT. & SU N., MARCH 18 & 19 TOUR TO EXOTIC INDIO. CALIFORNIA• That's ri gh t , bring a twc-wneeter to Pac ific-Coast Honda on PCH in Harbor C i t y early Sat urday and head out to Indio with a ~~g~~8 f6 ~;;Vof;::' Je~~ft~. an d up. Call (213) SRA GRAND PRIX. Riverside Int'l RCwy, Riverside. Ca. C lasses for every one. $7 ma ll . $10 post . 2 S ASE to SRA .1501 Mari posa St •• Corona. CA 917 20. 2 1 3 / 3 7 0 - 8 2 3 4; 714/735-4641. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES' Sand Sailors. Ave . J & 145th St . Ea st o f Lancaster, Ca ., Sign 8 :30. Race 1 0. $4 .25 . s cnccrecv classes b oth days. 948-4809 . SU NDAY, MARCH .19 M R A M X . Med ford (Or) MX P. r k on Rd. So u t h e r n O r egon K ir tland Ch Amp ion sh ip s. Sig n 11. race noon. '2 .50 entry, $2 p its. $1.50 adm. MI NT 400. M i n t G un . c ru e , Las V ega s, Nev. $56 .000 In cash a n d th in gs. '300 pe r veh icle. Wr ite tlM i n t 4 00", Mint Hotel, Las Vegas, N ov . 8910 1. . MX. Redwood Acres , Calif. SC RAM B LES, Lightwe ig hts. Perr is . Ca . Ultra & LW sign 7" race 9. HW si gn noon. S idehacks welcome. 0-.;17 p ts. 714/987.-4488 . ACA MX . Ca rlsbad (Ca.) Rcwy . $5 mail (3/17). $10 p os t . c asn to s«. Prac 8 , race 9. 926 W 7 th St. Upland . CA 91786. 714/982·73 70. (Please turn to pg.. 3 4) Orange County's newest family cycle ranch BSCBPG eoUNTRV American moto Croll Club Inc. FOR: BE-G INNERS, NOVICES, JUNIORS & THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER RIDDEN IN AN EVENT Presents Mar. 11 - Motocross - Muntz with Tom Rap p Class ROBINSON RANCH TRABUCO CANYON Don't miss the b ig AMA Pacific MX Race March 12. Camping availab le by reservation. ~. Clr~~ .[I) •.,--"~;a.:~ b :.30 S IGN·UP CLOSES 6-7 PRACTICE 7 :30 F IRST JR . RACE CMC Moto-Cross Every Friday Night CMC License Required P os t $10. No post en t r y fe e t o new r iders first tim e out. Sen d m emb e rsh ip ap pl ications an d en t r y fo rms t o : . p.o. 130x bb3 .EI Toro.Ca.Q2b30 (714) 830-7646 Mar. 12 - Mini-Bike Rac e & ACA MX Mar. 19 - Hillclimb & CMC MX (7 14) 639 ·5832 WANTED. 1000.....RIDERS VICTORS 7th ANN UAL DESERT CLASSIC April 1 - Motocross - Rawhide Bikes m u st h av e 5 1L ENC E RS and 3 NUM B ER P LATES . AMC member ship requi red - $5.00 per y ear . Gates ope n at 6 :30 A .M . C lass begi ns at 8 :00 A .M . Ra ce st a r ts at 9 : 3 0 A .M . ENTRY - b y ad van c e m a i l. $ 5 .00 mail entry cl ose s 3 d ays be f o re eve n t. ~ pARk C~t[))~ .O p e n 7 d a y s B -5 Mar. 25 - MotocrossSaddleback with John DeSoto Class A 1JOLE8 4 DRA Desert Racing Association Presents A HARE SC RAMBLES Two 28 mile fun loops BEGINNERS & NOVICES ONLY Star te r Pin s & F ini sh er Pi ns 2 00/ Trophies - continge ncies 0 special c lasses- 16 un ceo-e s overA ll engine size cl asses Novices 10 am - Begi n ners 10:1!:! MARCH 12 Lim ed 7 mil es n or t h 0 1 Adelanto on Hwy 39 5 HARE & HOUND MAR. 12th BOTH LOOPS ON THE GOOD SIDE OF RED ROCK TRAIL N O V. / LOOP aNI. Y Limed from Red Rock Cyn . Hwy 14 N. of Mojave... Dist . 37 points..... .....INFO...213 -340-8470 .....

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