Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 02 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N ." C> c, N .... Ol .ci " u, ~ w Z W ...J o >o Sp oke to a Kawasaki Company rep at a recent screen of TOM HAYDEN'S new film " O n t he Line." When ' w e brough t up the subject of Kawa sak i' s new 450cc mo tocrosser , his eyes ro lled heavenwa rd an d h e mad e so me obscure r eferences to k it flyi ng off the coast of Fin lan d . Hm mmm? Not q uite the same response we got recently when we eyed a Kaw asaki Team van ro lling into Saddleback. Asked if - t hat was th e "450cc Bruce Baron h ad out here a short while back, " and the response came in a distinct fo reign tongue: "Oh, no! T hat was 450, this a 250' " We repeat. ..Hm mm. * * * Got the word last wee k that KFRE , t he radio st ation in Fresno which airs a wee kly cycle show every Fr iday night is go ing into the pr omoti o n business . On June 25 t he station is planni ng t he first an nua l Sp ring Feve r Enduro somewhere in the Sierras. First prize is a co lor TV . For entry or inf o, write KFR E, TW Patterson Bldg. , Fresno, Calif., 93721. * * * The Stumpju mpers and the Sidehack Assn. are having a b en efit enduro for LARRY McCULLEN, a ba dly injured member of both. Lots of p rizes will be given awa y , including a s u r e - it 's - I a s t - yea r s . -modelb u t-w h at-do - y o u -want-for-free-Iella Yamaha DT-IE. Call 'em up at ' t 714 /55 7-0 754. * received * * three sepa rat e We phone ca lls last wee k concerning STEVE HERNANDEZ's fr ame, reportedl y b uilt by DICK MANN. Not so says the persons on th e other end of the line . It comes f rom Swa nson Cycles in San Jose, Calif. , makers of "tailor mad e frames." , * * * Montesa will be shipping a 123cc repli ca of the Cota to st ates soon. Th e small wonder ma ch in e wei ghs o nly 165 lbs . filled with gas, motors on six speeds and has a p rimary ignition system. A shipment of two is expected for a new ly forming Montesa Trials Team, b ut more will be on the way later in the year. Bulta co alr eady has releas ed its Tritan 100cc to the competitive market in Spain. Monarck is also fo llowing suit with a 125cc mod el to be released soon. BOB NICHOLSEN has also had his h ands wrapped around the throttle of a new Ossa which h e believes will be h ighly competitive. "It 's rea lly a baffler," he rep ort s. "The front wheel comes off the gro und easy enough, b ut when yo u try to loop it, you can't. It . will only go about a foot and a h alf off th e ground and stop th ere. I can 't figure it o ut. " If he can't then we probably won't eit he r , but exp ect a test on this machine in th e n ext few months (after a few o f the monthlies hav e a chance t o tear it apart. ) * * * * * * Did yo u kn ow that NE IL ARMS TRONG, the guy who walked on t he moon , is a T ria ls rider? You do now. we though we'd pass it on. " Watch out"??? * * * * * * The Motorcycle Ind usty Counc il is hiri ng . Needed on it s Wash ingto n, D.C. staff are specia lists in Land Use and Public Relations , amo ng others . Resu mes sh ould be directed to James Potter , c/o M.I.C., 1001 Con nec t icut Ave ., No . 732 , Wash ingto n, D.C. , 20036. Also expandin g is the AMA, with th ree n ew "Regional Direc t ors:' sort of AMA roadmen, to be hired for Dixie, the West and th e Midwest (wha t , no New En gland standard-bearer?) Dixie's ma n is alr ead y de cided by AMA - none ot he r than DON WOODS , currently ed itor of Dixie Cycle News . The publishe r claims to have a so lution to the AMA Executive Dire ctor's poachi ng of Cycle News st affers. Clayton says [Please tum t o page 5) CHANGES ADDENDA ET ALII Just about anybody w h o thr ows a wo rthwhil e race ha s adopted a silencers-man dat ory c o uc v . A lth o u gh t h ese listings d on ' t m en t i on the fact , virtually all even ts i n the Ca len dar are Quiet ones. No e xcuses, bu b. Handy h i n t : " SASE" mea ns "Sett-addressed, stam ped envelope" . Use t he l egal size . Yo u know , th e b i g ones. regularly scheduled events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: 0--------0i i RIDE WITH \ For Usting in this column call or write: I I I I CYCLE NEWS Box 498, Long Beach. Ca. 9080 1 (213) 427-7433 1st SUNDAY OF t:VERY MONTH 8. ACE MX I nd ian Dunes, Valencia. Ca. $500 purse. A I( classes. Inc PP & O ld T imers. Jrs 55 ma ll. 58 post. Srs 510 mall/post. Box 174, Newnau , CA 9132 1. 805/ 259-8007. MX, Riverside. Els in ore Rcwy. All classes Inc beg inners. 30% brass. Prac 8 , rac e 9 . $4 '. $1.50 gate. 714/688-1291. TT ROUGH SCRAMBLES, TTMC . 395 Cycle Par k . Adelanto. Ca . Ultras & Ltwts sign 7 am. race 9 . HwU sign noon. $2 ride. $1 gate. 714/246-6 109. S H ORT TRAC K , Oakdale . 9600 Pi o neer Ave off Hwy 1 2 0 , bet w een Oakdale & Esca lon , Ca. Sign 8 am, r ace noon. C t rac, $2 .50 ride/wa t ch. . Laf~yette. Colo. SRAC TT SCRAMBLES. Fremont. Florence, Colo. SRAC sanctioned. MX. Boulder R"ldgerunners. Coal Creek Rcwy near Lafayette, core. 714/982-7370. GRAND PRIX, Soboba. 2nd Annual Indian GP. Limed from San Jacinto Ca. 9 am. S10 .... mall ... SI5 post. Deadline 2/b . 0-37 form & _ SASt. to Box 163. San Jacinto, CA 92383. Ride where the I n di a n s used to walk. CMC MX. Carlsbad (Ca) Rcwy. DKW ser ies. Jrs: S5 mall (3/8), S10 post. Srs : S10 mall, "$ 1 5 post. 9 am. Box 1402, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 INDOOR SHORT TRACK Cow Palace, San Franc isco, Ca. 8 pm. $1200 purse. Adults $3. k ids 75 cents. CMC MX, Lions, Wilmington Ca. San D iego Fwy at Alameda. Sign by 6 :30 pm, race 7:30. S5 post. - SAlURDAY, FEBRUARY19 MOTOCROSS SCHOOL, John DeSoto. Ind ian Dunes. Valencia. Ca. 10 am . $10 tu ition. 805" 59-8007. MX, C or o na Rcw y, Co ro na, Ca . R i ve rsi de F w y a t Buch an a. S 5 p ost. Pits open 7, ra ce 9 . 714/ 7 3 5 ·1 70 5 . IN D OO R SH O RT T RACK . G len C o . F r gn ds, O rl and, Ca. $2.5 0 ride/watch. Ga tes 5:30 . race 8 . 4 15/4 53 ..Q 731. HA R E SC RAM B LES , R oc k B usters. Sane: Motorcy cle Racers of Ne vada . SAT. & SUN., FEB. 19 & 20 MX, Bay Mare. $5 mai l , $7 p ost . Cash for Sen ters , Box 37 1, So mi s, CA 9 3 066 CA EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES, Sand Sailors. ponderosa! AVe J & 145th, E of Lancaster, Ca. All c asses. Sign 8 :30. race 10. $4.25. 9 3066.8 05/529· 1872. ' US M RC T T /F T, E I T or o (Ca) SPd wy . 2, 3 0 pm. $5 p ost . Cash t o E xp ert s. B o x 102 7, C A 9 1 769 . 7 14/985 -3 149 . S PORTSMAN MX , R o u gh R iders. Ca rnegie Cycle Par k , n ear Li ver m o re Ca . Sign 8 . race 11. $4 entry. $2 spe ct atin ' tee, u n less you' re un der 16. 805/942-9948. ROAD RID E . I F OA. Ri o Colora do R id e. Water , sand, & sun . Sip sang rla n on t he sh o res b y t he La k e Wadado oda. Get aw ay f rom it all. Pr izes , o t he r be n ef i t s. $ 10 co uple , $ 7. 50 so lo. 1380 G arn et, San Die go, C A 9 2 109. 714/ 2 7 2 ·233 2 . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 EN GLISH TR IA LS S DT R . F our Corners Cy cl e Park , Ba rona Plat eau . Good roa d, li m ed fr om Ram o na. R i ders meetin g 9 : 15/Spark arrest ers . 714/ 2 9 5- 5 56 5 , 4 4 2-3 5 53 . Feb. 13 - Willow Springs Road Race Feb . 20 - Carlsbad Motocross Feb. 27 - sadd leback Motocross A C E G R AN D PR IX MX, In dian Dun es, Va le ncia , Ca . New 3'/2 mi course. All cl asses. $5 0 0 p urse . Jrs, srs $5 m ail, $ 8 p ost. Pros $1 0 mail/p ost. Non -mem be rs p ost o n ly, $8 o r SIS , d ep endin g. B o x 1 74, N ewhall, C A MOOSE RUN HARE SCRAMBLES, Four Aces. Limed off Hwy 14, Wagon Wheel Cafe. Fremont Valley. Ca. Everyone all the way. $3.25 .10 am. 0 ·37 cts, Pins. (T~ey claim two l o o p s of 421/ miles. 50 bring an odometer.} 2 SRA ENDURO. Calico Ghost Run. Calico Ghost Town. Ca. All classes. Pins, 20% b rass. 8:01 start. $7 ma ll, Box 3882.t Torrance. CA 714/73~-4641. 9 1321. 805/ 25 9 ·8007 . Motocross Inf o M ot ocross Divisio n: (714) 982-73 70 \0 ~ N EW R I DE RSA T H E F IRS T T IM E OUT RGE D POS T E NTR Y . ~ ~ For further info . see calendar or ~ .. phone ACA office 1-5 M·F ,. (714 ) 774 -3ACA race 9 . 7 14/7 3 5-1 7 0 5 . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Feb. 13 - saddleback Motocross (Bultaco Series) * MX. BRRMC. sanctioned. 213/245-10~3 . IN D O OR SHO R T TRA C K, G len Co Fr gnds, Or lan d, Ca . $2.5 0 r i d e/watc h . Gates 5:5 0, race 8. 4 1 5/453 -0 73 1. • 714/892-4817. ACA MX. Saddleback Park, Ca. $5 ma ll (2/11), S10 post. Bultaco Serl... Prac 8 am, rac o 9. 926 W 7th St, Upland, CA 91786. M O T OCROSS. Cor ona Rac eway, Buchanan and the R ive rside F w y . $5 post, 50% brass i n all classes. Sil encers. Pit s o pe n 7 a.rn . , practic e presents , CMC MX. Lions. Wilmington. Ca. San Diego Frwy at Alameda. Sign by 6 :30 pm, race 7:30. S5 post. 91201. E]merican. ~ . C ircle ~6 E]ssociation pi ~ A R E NOT C H Francisco, Ca. 8 pm. $1200 purse. Adults $3. kids 75 cents. DAM 500, NORRA. Parker, Arizona. 2·250·ml roees, $275 per vehicle. NORRA. 1616 V ictory Blvd-.r. Su ite 200, Glendale. CA I I I I I I I I I I I I . EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT INDOOR SHORT TRACK Cow Palace. San INDOOR SHORT TRACK, Washoe Co F rgnds Pavilion Bldg. Re no. Nev. State champ {onshlP series. $2 ride. $2.50 watch. 8 pm. 702/323-6055. 0--------0 '. .. USMRC STITT. EI Toro , Cal. Speedway . $5 post entry. USMRC membership req u ired . Pit gates open at noon. First race at 2 :30 p.m . Cash for Experts. Trophies for Jun iors . General admission $2.50. Servicemen $1.00. Junior $1 .50. For further info rmat io n: (714) 985-3149. HARE & HOUND, Desert. Limed from Lucerne, Ca. 10 am. 0·37 ets, $4.25 entry. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Ca. 92626. EVERY SUN. AFTERNOON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 U SM RC M X. EI T or o Spdwy , EI 'r o ec, Ca . 7 ern . $5 p ost. Cash t o E xperts. Bo x 1027. Pomo na, CA 9 1769. 714/985 -3149. -.-~VENTS I AT 3rd SATURDAY & SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH USMRC motocross, EI Tore, Cal. Speedway. $5 post en try . USMRC membership re qu ired . Gates open 5 p.m. Sign up closes 6 :3 0 p.m . First race 7 :30 p.rn. Cash for Experts. T roph ies for Jun iors and Intermed iates. Gen era l admissio n $2 .50. Serv ice men $1 .00. Junior $ 1.50 . Child ren under 12 fre e. For f ur t her i n fo rma t io n: (714) 985-3 149. 2 I Feb. 13th - Carlsbad (Anniversary Series) I I 20th - Saddleback I 21st - Carlsbad (Monday!) I I 27th - Rawhide Park (Anniversary Series) I Mar. 5th - Saddleback $5 I SILENCERS $MANDATORY. for mail en try , 10 po st en try I $15 post. In t erm ed iat es.class. mai l,l Junio rs & $10 Expert. per Mai entry befo I C.M.C.clo ses five days numbre event. license and 3 er pla tes req uired . Gates open :30 I 7 :30, sign-up clos es 86:30 ,- p racti c e racing :00 a m. Mail entri I starts 9P.O. Box 1402. Costa es to • C.M .C., Mesa. EVERY SATURDAY Motocross racing at Four Corners M/C Park . Practice at 9 am , races 1 pm . All classes, no cards required. Admission $1, entry $2. . ~~ :I,~ ~ I I I I motocross . TT RACING at Elsinore Race T rack . Gates open - at 3, races at 7 :30. Silencers required. Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore. Calf. EVERY SUNDAY RIDE I Deadman's Point, Apple Va lley, Cal. - Motocross - all classes 8 a.m . practice - 10 a.m . start $2.00 gate ent ry - $2 .00 race entry w ith membership , $2.50 without membership. Effective Nov. 1, silencers required at all events. Info - (714) 247 -7473 (eves.) European Scrambles, Ponderosa, Ave. J & 145th , East o f Lan caster. Sign up 8:30, race at 10:00. Experts, Amateurs, Novices, Post $4.25. Informatio n: (805) WH 84809 . Sand Sailors M.C. THE -BEST ~ INDOOR SHORT TRACK. Sonoma Co Frgnds Pavilion . Santa Rosa. Ca. 52.50 r ide/watch. 1 pm. 707/762-8581. * ~ • American Cycle Associa tion, 106 ~ No . Claud ina, Suite 312, Anaheim, ~ • California 92805 .• 90510. 213/370-8 234 ; ALL-JUNIO R MX M u ntz C ycl e Par k . "Tri -~m ." 1 58 14 Tier ra R ejad a, Moo rpa r k, Ca. S ign 6 : 3 0 , race 9 : 15. $6 m ail, $8 p ost . Free gate f or r i ders, $1.50 warcn . INDOOR SHORT TRACK, Sonoma Co Frgnds Pavil ion, Santa Rosa, Ca. $2.50 ride/watch . 1 pm, 707/76 2-8581. 8 05/ 5 2 9-23 7 r, 2 13/98 7 -3 131. RO U GH WI N T E R SCRAMB L ES , All A m er i can. Fremont Raceway , F rem o nt. Ca. Sig n 9 , race 12 : 30 . $2 .50 r i d e/ wa t ch. 415/322-1 5 14 . ACA ROAD RACE. Willow Spri ngs Raceway . Rosamond, Ca . Sign 8 :3 0 am. S8 pre-entry plus $1 per ex t ra class/maCh ine. $15 post. 106 N . Claudina Su ite 312. Anaheim, CA. 92805 . 714/774-3222. MX . Sand Hills MC. Strasberg, Colo. SRAC sanctioned . MX. Cloverf leld Rac e TrackJ.. Cloverfleld A irport, Friendswood. Tex . l.:iate 8 race noon. S3 r ide, S1.50 watch. 713/482-7551. CMC MX Saddleback Park . Ca. Jrs $5, mall (2/15), sio post. Sr. SIO mall , S15 post. 9 am. Box 1402. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 • (Please tum to page 34) '

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