Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 02 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N THE NATIONAL DRAG SCENE r- Cl a:; .:; " u. b y Jimmy Boyd ~ w 'Z w -' U >- U NO RUL E CHAl'GES FOR '72. For some time now, we nave had on order 1972 rule books from the ma jor sanctioning bodies, those that specialize in professional motorcycle drag racing Even though these books have not arri ved yet, we do not see any major changes In cl assification, handicapping, safety, etc. , from last yea r. Motorcycle drag raclng has enter ed a new ear and now shares the spotlight with It's hig brothers, the AA/Fuel Dragsters, Nitro Funny Cars and stockers. Actually, at whopping r aces like Indianapolis, the Sum mer Nationals, Wint er nationals, Sprlng Nationals, etc. , th e little two- wheelers took the show In 1971 and left the sp ectators speechless. When the action cranks up for t he new year motorcycles w111 dolt again and you can bet your s weet bippy we' ll b e right s ma ck on top of the action al l over the country again. One reason for the rules r em ainlng the same is be cause, basically bikes are the same in their r esp ective breakd own of cubi c inches, weight and overall construction, th erefore there's a cl ass for eve ry one. Not only that th el1ttle screaming monsters a re sure-fire crowd ple aser s jus t as they a r e, so as th e old sayin g goes, .. U you ha ve a winnln g hand, play it , " .. Don't try to better it, and don't sit there and hold It , play it just like it is . . . • • Dig? RE CEIVED TH E ULLOWiNG .. From Buena Pa r k, California (No na me a nd no return address)..• Dear Jim: Th ought you might like to tell the boys to be ware. Th ere seem's to be a nut (or is he) on the west coast who is in th e fin ishing stages with his 1800 cc twtn inline four stroke AA/ F uel Bike, Its a Yamaha. Says he thinks he mi ght give th e Harley Davidson and Triumph guy's a go for the money this Spring. That's e nough stuff for now, a s you say. Take care. T he Shadow HOW MUCH IS A SMIDGEN? .. .. ..... Actual ly, this is a HEE HAW. How mu ch? Maybe a quart, or a pint, or a ga llon-not ove r a gallon! Maybe you can ' t believe it but the united States gove rn ment is seriousl y conside r i ng th e chang e of all our measur in g units . (This will be no p roblem to the motorcyc le s et. It may not be too long before you wHl fi nd it necessary to think i n te rms of liters, meters, and kilograms under the in te rnational merr t c s ys te m of measures and weights. T he r eason for all this is th e fact th at much of the world uses th is s ystem. When Great Britain decided it would swit ch by 1975, Australia and South Africa follow ed suit, an d Canada in tends to do the sa me. This would leave the Unite d States alm ost alone in a world t hat depen ds on the me tri c system . AS a result, Congr es s In 1968 a utho r i ze d a study of metric conve r s ion problem s by a commerce Dept . adviso r y p anel, Next sessto the Secretary of Commerce Is expected to r ecom mend th e s wit ch to Congress. T he only question see ms to be wheth er it w111 r ecom m ~ ,i1 n e arly complete conversi on in aIimtted p e riod of time, or change over gr a dually this raises one serious que stion. After the changeover, how much will co nstitute a dab , a pinch, and a smidge n? A tad, a mite, a short one, one for th e road, two fin gers and a teeny weeny bit, wi ll have to be reestablished, as we ll a s a swallow, a drap, a slug, a short snort, a swig, and a couple of shots. (w rite r s not: Oh well , just go in and orde r a drink, let th e bar tende r fi gur e it out, guzzle It down and go on about your thin g. ) DON JUAN'S TAKE HEE D• • . _ . . The girl who wants the straight dope on th e character of he r boy friend can get it from hi s driving habits. Two insurance company psychologists s ay t he way a knight In shining a r mor behaves while driving gi ves valuable clues to his true nature. If he tries to take undue advantage of fellow motorists, bandies his machine r ecklessly, takes unnecessary chance.. and doesn't show much regard far the rules of the road, wat ch out for e moti onal instability. But if he Is courteous, respects the right of others drivers obe ys traffic r egulations and drives carefully, a girl can a s s ume he will be considerate of her in married life. The individual with a high accident rate had "Immature l1ving h.:l.bits. poor personal management of time and mone y, strong likes and dislikes, i mp uls i ve behavior and unreasonable attitudes," according to the r eport. In contrast, good drivers were found to be well balanced mature individual with a fairly strong sense of r e sp ons ibll1ty. (T hank' s to Little Bit in Chi cago for th e article.) That' 5 nuff, send s tUff to, 40 Ki r kwood Lane, Gr ee nvi lle, S. C. 29607, or ca ll, not collect (803) 232- 1730. CHANGES ADDENDA ET A LII ACE ALL-JUNIOR MOTOCROSS, Indian Dunes. V ale n c ia . Ca. $5 ma ll . $ 8 post. Box 174. NeWhall. CA 91321. 605/259-8007_ regularly scheduled events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For LAsting in th is column call or w rite : CYCLE NEWS Box 498, Long 8each, Ca. 90801 12131427·7433 1st SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH Deadman 's Po int, Apple Vall ey, Ca l. ' - Motocross - all cla sses 8 a.m. practice - 10 a .m. start $2 .00 gate en tr y - $2 .00 ra ce en try w it h memb ersh ip , $2. 50 without membership . Effecti ve Nov . 1, silencers req uired at all events. Inf o - (714) 24 7 -7473 (eves.) EVERY SATURDAY TT RAC ING at Els ino re Race Track . Gates open at 3 , ra ces at 7 :30. Silencers required. O ff Hwy . 71 in Elsin ore , Calf . 3rd SATURDAY & SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH European Scramb les, Ponderosa , Ave . J & 145th, East of Lan cast er . Sign up 8 :30, race at 10: 00. Experts, Am ateu rs, Novices, Po st $4 .25. . Info rmat io n : (8 05 ) WH 84809. San d Sailors M.C. EVERY SUN. AFTERNOON USMRC ST fTT. EI Toro , Ca l. Sp eed wa y. $5 post e ntry . USMRC memb ership requ ired . Pit gates open a t noon. Fi rst race at 2:30 p .m. Cash for Experts. Trophi es for Jun iors. General ad mission $ 2 .50 . Se rvicem en $1.00. Junio r $ 1 .50. For f urt her informa t ion: (7 14 ) 985-3149 . EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT USMRC m otocross, EI Toro , Cal. Sp eed way . $5 p ost en try . USMRC m emb ersh ip required . Gates open 5 p. m . S i9nUP closes 6 :3 0 p. m. First race 7 :30 p.m. Cash for Experts. T rophies for Ju n io rs and Int ermed iat es. Gen era l admission $2 .50 . Se rvice men $1 .00. J un io r $1 .50. Ch ild ren u nder 12 free . For info rma tion : (714 ) fu rther 985-3149. 0--------0 i RIDE WITH; I I I I I THE BEST II .-----8........... RIDE :r t,1I(r I '\J/NJ~~ ) I '~EVE NTS I I motocross AT I Feb. 6th - Saddleback I I 13th - Carlsbad I I (A nniversary Series) I I 20th - Saddleback I I 21st - Carlsbad I (M onday!) . I 27th - Rawhide Park I I (An niv ersary Series) I I SILENCERS $MANDATORY. for I $5 mail entry . 10 entry I $ 15 post, Int ermedpost class. mail , I Junio rs & iat es. 510 Mail I I C.M.C.closesExpert, 3per event. I entry five days before license nd I required. Gat esa ope n number platese 6 :30 . pract!c 7 :30. sign-up closes 8 :30 - racmq I :00 am Mail entries to I starts ,9P.O. Box. 1402. Costa Mesa, • • C.M.C. o--------V A , Ca. 92626. OSTEEN'S Bike Park POMONA Open Weekdays 9 to 5 Weekends & Holidays 8 to 5 F or i n f o w rite : 6 10 Cherry St. a rea , Ca . 92621 Directions : 2 m i n . off Pomona Frwy at D u dl ey exit FRIDAY, HARE & HOUND. D esert Ch allen gers. L imed from Indio. Ca, on 1·10. take C h lraco turnoff r i gh t to S side of Fwy. Sil encers. $5 ma i~ $7 post. Box 437. Ranch o M i rage. CA 924'70. N ote : There w ill be a special reunion for riders who competed in the 'SO·s. FEBRUA~Y 4 I N DOOR SHOR T T R A C K 7141346-9820. Cow Pa la ce . Sa n F ra ncisco , Ca. 8 p m. $12 0 0 p urse . A d ul t s $3 . ki ds 75 cents. CMC MX . Lions Drag S tri p. y-Jil mingto n , Ca. San Di ego F w y at Al am ed a. Sign b y 6 : 3 0 p m, 7 :30 start. $5 entry . USMRC M X, EI T or o Spd w y, EI Tor o, Ca . 7 :30 pm. $ 5 post. Cash to Exper ts. B o x 1027, Pomona, CA 91769. 714/965-3149. SATURD ' '', -.:a,: ROUGH SCRAMBLES , Llglltwelgllts, Adelanto. ca. 395 Cycle Park. Ultra & LW sign 7:30, race 9. HW sign 9 :30 race 11. 0-37 Pts_ 714(987-4488. IN DOOR SHORT TRACK. Sonoma Co Frgnds Pavil ion, S;mta Rosa, Ca . $2.50 ride/watch. 1 pm. 707/762-8561. MX Bay Mare Somi s Ca. $5 mall, $7 post. Cash for Seni ors . Box 3 7 1 . Somis. CA 93066. 605/529-187 2. A RY 5 MOTOCROSS SCHOOL. John I n d ian Dunes.) Vale n cia , Ca. 10 tuition. 605/2'9-8007 . TT LoORA Pts. OeSolo. am . $ 10 SU NDAY , FE B RU A RY 6 M X Pathfinde rs. D u n lap C y c l e Par k , 3 5 mi E of Fresn o , c e., on Hwy 180. then t urn rl g, t h on Dunla p R d . f or 4 mi . Prac. 8 :30 , race 10. $5.209/2 55-0562. ICE RAC ING. H ar r y' s Roame rs.. Rai n b o w Fa ll s Park, b et w een Wood lan d Par k & rre cec rs, C o l o . 5 1 911 10 am. rac e noon. M X. San Gab r iel Valley. C laude Osteen Park, Pomona... Ca. $4 mall (2/31, $6 post. Prac & slgnup ,,00 . 0 -37 pis. d33 S. Myrtle, Monrovia, CA 91016. 213/357-3746. SRA HARE SCRAMBLES. L imed f rom Ca li f orn ia City . CA. 2 23-ml l o ops . Beginner & N o v on ly. 9 am. Pins , 2 0% b ras s. 213/3 70-8234,714/ 735-4641. MX , Lomp oc S tc-P c jces, Spill wa y Park n ear Santa Ma r la . Ca . 0 -3 5 Pts. 9 .1 m. $3.5 0 en t ry. . $1.50 93 te. Cam ping. E xten sive c ourse changes. 605 /736~36 2 _ 303/233-6747, 455-4074. MX, D eadman 's Po int. Ap ple Valley, Ca. 1 0 am. $2 p o st , $2.50 rro n -me rn b er s, $2 gat e. Min is. PP, Old T i mers. S il encers. 714/ 247·7473 eves. MX, ex' Va ll D irt S RAC sanc tf oned, SAT_ & SU N _ FEB . 5 & 6 , H A RE SC RAMBLES. Gre y h o u n d S. Pon d er osa . 15 ml E o f Lancaster, Ca on A ve J. 40% brass. 213/367-29 07, 80Sj9'46-2371. R id ers. B ertn ou d , C olo. USMRC TT/FT . E I T o r o Sp dwy , EI Toro, Ca . 2 :30. $5 post. C ash t o Experts . Box 1027, Pomona . CA 9 1769. 714/985·3149 . ACE GR AN D P R I X M~ , Indian Dun es, Valencia Ca . N ew 3 1/2 rru course . J u n i o rs, Beg inners PP. Old Ti mers. $5 mail, $8 pos t. Box 174. 'Newhal" CA 91321. 605/25 9-6007. MX Os teen Cycle Par k , Po m o n a , Ca. $4 m ail. $6 post. Sign 7:30, race 9 . 0·37 cts. K en M arklin g. 2 133 S. Myr tle, Monr ovta , CA F R IDA Y , FEBRUARY 11 I N D O O R SHORT TRACK. Cow Pala ce, San Francisco. Ca . 8 p m . $1200 purse. Ad u lt s $3. k ids 75 cents. CMC MX. Lions. Wilr:ti ngton. c s , San D ie go F r w y at Alameda . Sign by 6 :30 p rn, rac e 7 :3 0 . $ 5 p o st . 91016.213/357-3746. MX, D el t a D irt R i d ers. Carn egi e Cycle Par K. Li verm ore, Ca. Si gn 7 am. ra ce 11 sh arplI+ $%% ! $3 ri de /wa lch. 415 /634 -43 8 l. BENEFIT ALL-JUNIOR MX, Off Cambers. Esc ap e Country , T ra b u co cv n, Ca. Li me d fr o m E I T or o Rd & San Diego Fwy . Pri zes. o ri z es Q: rlzes $5 ma il. $7 p o st . " '4/ A~H ·1 62 1, 496 4 6 27. Ca mping. M X. C l ove rflel d Race T rackJ. Cl overfield A i r p o r t , Frie ndswo od . T ex . bate 8 . race n oon . $3 ri d e, $1.5 0 watch . 713/48 2 ·755l. CMC MX . Saddl ebac k Park, Ca. J rs: $5 mall. (2/1), $10 post. Srs; $10 mall, $IS c ost. 9 am . Box 14 0 2 . Costa M esa. CA 92 6 26. ACA MX, carlsbad.. Ca. $5 mall (2/4 ), $10 rac e 9 . 926 W 7th St., Upland, CA 91766. 714&962-7370. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 IN D O O R S HORT T RACK, Wash oe C o Frgnds Pavili on Bl d g, Re no. Nev. State ChampionShiP seri es. $2 r i d e. $ 2.50 w at c h . 8 pm. 702/3 23~OS5 . DAM 500 NORRA. Par ker, Arizona. 2·250·mi loops. $ 2 7 5 p er veh icle. NORRA. 1616 Victory Blvd • Su i t e 200. G l en d al e, CPO ..r. 91201 . 213 /245-10~3. MOTOCROSS , C or o n a Ra ceway, BUch a n~ n an d t he Riverside F wy. $5 p ost , 50% bras s. In all c lasses. Silencers . Pi t s o p en 7 a.m., practi ce 6, race 9. 714/735 -1705. 600 acres - hills . stream s, sand Family riding 7 days 7am 'til dark Moto-X Races every Sunda y 2 m iles west of I n t ers t . 5 on Hwy 126 at Casta ic (805) 259-8000 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 B u ltaco Series . INDIAN DUNES PARK pos t . Cash t o Srs. t'rac 8 am ACE MX India n D u n es. Va l enci a, C a. $500 p urse. All' classes. i n c PP & O ld T imers. Jrs $5 mail. $8 p ost . S rs $10 mall /post. B ox 174, ENDURO Prospectors. L i med from Harvard off ramp E o f Barstow. Ca. on Hwy 1 5 . $5 ma ll . $7 post. Teams add $1 per ri d er . 2 SASE to Earl Wilson . 1547 W 219th St, Torrance . CA 90501. 213/328 ·52 14. Drawing 1/25 . MX, Ca rnegie Cycle Park. L ivermore. Ca. S ign 7 am. rac e 11 . $3. Rai n or shin e. 4 15/634-436 1. Newhall, CA 91321. 605/259-8007. MX. R iver side. El sin ore RCwy . A ll classes I n c be ginn ers. 30% brass. Prac 8. race 9 . $4. S1.50 gate. 714/668-1291. TT ROUGH SCRAMBLES, TTMC. 395 Cycle ParK , Adelan to. Ca . U ltras & L tw t s sig n 7 am . rac e 9 . Hwts sign noon . $2 ri de. $ 1 gate. 714/2 46-<; 109.

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