Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 02 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N . " C> C>. N .... Cl .: ~ w Z W ...J U >U That Dese rt Clean up Campaign slated fo r Jan . 29 is really getting bi g. Se ems as th ough Web co is d onatin g a bunch o f pri zes for a drawing after the four-hour trash-sn at ching ge t- t ogeth er . Awar ds ch airm an BRUCE YOAKUM is reported to h ave se cured p rizes, etc. fro m a lot o f other fir ms, t oo, and it may lead up to a two-hour draw in g. Intent is to ma k e a ma ss showing for th e BLM and clean up a vast area o f the d eser t. All individ ual parties and clubs are to m eet a t th e Hi V ista Store on th e wa y to Edwards Air Fo rce Base at 10 a.m. Sat u rday.We und erstand this paper has d o nated 100 for refreshmen ts, too. We'll b e there, h op e you will be, too . * • * * * Got a new phone number to call for Elsinore GP entries and info: 714/674-3189. Seems that because of our report last week, the Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce was diluged with phone calls. They have a separate office set up to handle the paper work, now. * * • * * If y ou didn't give KB IG a cal l las t week, you miss ed the Madiso n Square Garde n report on th at stati o n Tuesd ay at 7:4 0 a.m , Don 't mi ss this weekend's Ho uston National rep orts sch eduled for 7: 40 a.m, Satu rd ay, J an . 29 , and 10: 45 a.m. Su nd ay , J an . 3 0. Other ra ce broadcasting in formatio n b y th e sta tion can be obtained by calling KBIG at 213/8 74-7700 . * * * * * DON CASTRO has signed up wit h Golden West Racing to race 1972's National Circu it. Slated for Houston's pa ir of Indoors is a 2S0cc Montesa for the Short Track and a Triumph for the TT. That ominous sponsor we spoke about several weeks ago (rumored lS Coca Cola by some other publications) is still in the works, but nothing yet official. It's a closely guarded secret until the final lid is put on the can. * * * * * * * * * * J IM R ICE may sh ow up at the Houston A stordo me fo r the '72 run ning of two Xationals b ut BSA will p robab ly be o nl y one part of the ra cing. Th e sho rt trac k will be rid d en on a new Bul tac o Pu rsan g th at h e re cently acquired from Bulta co Ame rican. He would also r ide same ma ch in e at th e San ta Fe Short T ra ck National. The K & N people o f Riverside have a Northern Cal ifornia n in their midst. MIK E ROACH of Oa kd ale has regularly scheduled events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For U sting in th is .colu mn call o r w rit e: CYCLE NEWS Box 498 , Long Beach, Ca. 90801 1213) 427·7433 1st SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH Dead ma n's Po int , Ap ple Valley , Cal. - Motocross - all classes 8 a.m . p ractice - 10 a .m . sta rt $2.00 gate entry - $2 .00 race entry w ith membersh ip , $2 .50 wi thout me m bersh ip . Eff ect ive Nov. I, s ilence rs req uired at a ll eve nts . Info - (714 ) 247 ·7473 (eves .) EVERY SATURDAY TT RACIN G at Elsino re Race T rack. Gates o pen at 3 , races at 7 :30. Silencers requ ired. O ff Hwy. 7 1 in Els inore , Calf. 3 ~SATURDAY&S U NDAY O F EVERY MONTH European Scrambles, Pon d erosa , Ave . J & 145th , East of Lancaster. Sign up 8 :30, race at 10: 00. Experts, Amateu rs, Nov ices, Post $4 .2 5 . Information : (805 ) WH 2·9948. Sand Sailo rs M.e. SRA presents the t e otest taken over the chore of Director of Sales in the guaranteed performance products division and w ill tour with t he shows tha t display the K & N sh ield . * * * * * The o utcome of th e three pro short tracks in Virginia and West Virgina read like A L KENYON , o ne win an d PAT McCAUL, tw o wins. The entire race sce ne was d omi n ated b y Northe rn Califo rn ians. * * * * * NorVil states its contingency program for '72 includes a $2000 check for any AMA Nationa l victory west of the Mississippi. Of course , the w in ner must be on a No rt o n . * * * * * * * * * * G ENE ROM E RO will b e a very busy man in early March. The Sunday before Dayto na 200·Mile National (Mar ch 12), h e is sched uled to ta ke the wheel of t h e 1970 Ply m o uth Kevi n T erris used to ta ke sixth place at Riverside Sunday an d ch allenge the bi g stock ers in the Miller High Life 500 at O ntario Motor Sp eedway. Imag ine, nine people on a Hodaka. Some guys walked int o the offices the other day with photograph ic proof that they had nine people on a Hodaka. Only one person, the lad at the controls, had his feet on the ground. We believe it is some kind of record. Anyone care to challenge it ? * * * * * MIKE GOODWI N . p romoter of the Cal-Expo Pro Mot ocross in Sacramen to las t year with Lei sure Tech , has to ld us ab o u t a hi gh -pa ying series he 's puttin g to gether in May . A tw o-day event :\ 0 ride/watc h . SATURD'AY, JA NUARY 29 CALIFORNIA 400 OFF· ROADIE, ARVRA. Bar st o w . Ca . Masters cl ass: 50% p u rse, $25 0 ent ry . Ge t an A R VRA card 10r $2. D ra wing 12/ 15 . B o x 125 , Ap pl e V alley . C A 92307. 714/247-7473,247-2363. SPORTSMAN INDOOR SHORT T RACK. G le n Co F rg n d s , O rlan d , Ca. Pra c tice 6:3 0 race 8. M uffle rs. si lencers. 4 15/453..Q731. TRASH L IFT , L os t A n ge ls , seen, Di r t D i ggers. Meet at the Hi Vista St o re area at 10 am and help clean up y our d eser t . Br i n gs b ags. trucks, all t h at stuff. Ch ec k ers an d other Pr im a Donnas welcome. MOTOCROSS S CHOOL . J on n DeSoto. Escape Coun try . T rabuco Cyn , Ca, 10 am . $10 tuitio n. 714/586-7964 . The B en ef i t Motocross by the Off-Cambers f~~~~a~~~~6 he ld Feb .6 at Escape Cou n try . ROUGH SCRAMBLES , Lightweights. TT A de lanto, Ca. 395 CYCle Par k . Ul tra & L W sign 7:30, race 9 . HW si gn 9 : 3 0 r ace 1 1. D ·37 pts. 714/98704488. MX , Va lley . Cvc tetand Speedway.:. 14 mi S o f Chico, Ca, o n Hwy 99E. Box 64 / , Ch ic o , CA 95926. HARE & HO UN D , San Bernardin o Valley . Limed from Adelanto, Ca . 0-37 pts. $ .25 en try . 10 am . Trail n ov all the wa y. 20 % brass . 714 /823 -1338. MRA EUROPEAN SCRAMB LES/TEAM RACE, L aguna Seca CY Cle Ra nch , M onterey, Ca . $10 mall, $15 p ost . 2 man/2 b i k e t eam . Cash t o srs, S2 watch . Bo x 1786, Los G ato s, CA 95030.408/292-6116. Silencers, cam ping. SUN DAY , J AN UA RY 30 F R IDAY , F EBRU A RY 4 Cf:JIC CENTRA L M X. D un lap Cycl e Par k , 35 n:'" E o f Fresno. Ca, o n Hwy 180, t h en t u r n right o n Du nlap Rd for 4 rnt. Prac 8 a'Tl. $S en try . $ $$ t o Srs . 2 0 9/7 3 4-2 6 9 8. IN DOOR SHOR T TRACK Cow Palac e, San Franc isco, Ca. 8 pm . S1200 pu rse. A du l t s S3, k id s 7 5 cen ts . ALL-JUNI OR MX, Ba y M are . S omis , Ca . SO% b rass. $S m a il , $7 p ost . B o x 371, Som is, Ca CMC MX , Lio ns D rag St rip, Wilmi ngto n , Ca . San D i ego Fwy at A lamed a. Si gn b y 6 :30 pm, 7:3 0 sta rt. $5 ent ry . 93066.805/529 ·1872 . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY S SCRAMBLES , Stockton . L od i Cycle Bowl L oo t. Ca . S ign 8 :30, race 12 . $2 .50 ride/watch. 209/368 ·7182 . ACE MX , Indian Du nes. Valencia Ca . A ll cl asses p l u s special Team Race . $ 500 p u rse Jrs $ 5 mall , $8 p o st. s« $10 m all /post . B o~ 174. Newhall. CA 91321. 805/259·8007. INDOOR SHORT TRACK, Sonoma Co ~r 9ndS Pavil i o n, ride/watch . 1 pm. Santa Rosa, _Ca . 707/76 ~58 1. $2.50 MOTOCROSS SCHOOL, John Indian Dunes; V alencia , Ca. 10 tuition . 805/2 '9-8007 . SU ~ DAY , DeSoto. am . $ 10 FEB RUARY 6 M X, Pat h fi nders. Du nl ap Cyc l e Par k, 3 5 ml E of Fresn o , Ca., on Hwy 1 8 0 , t hen turn r i gh t o n Dun lap Rd. for 4 m i . Prac. 8 :30. rac e 10. $5. 209/2S5-oS82. CMC M X , Carlsbad (Ca) Rcwy . Jrs : $5 mail (1 /25) , $10 post. Srs: S10 mail , SIS p ost. 9 am, Box 14 02 , Cos ta Mesa , CA 92626 . ICE RACI N G, Harry 's R oamers, Rainbow Fa lls Park. between W ood la nd Park & D ec k ers, C o lo. Si9n 10 am, race noon. 303/233-6747 .455-4074. H I L LC LlMB , Sadd leba ck Par k , Ca . Si gn 8 -9 :30 . Sm all bi k es 10-12 , b iggi es 1 2-4. $ 3 p er . TRI ALS , Pton k ers, R u nni ng EN GLIS H Sp ri n gs Re creatio n Par k , R un nin g Sp rin gs, Ca . O f f Hw y 30 In San B ernard in o Mts. Spa r k arresters/muff le rs . Sign 8 am. $3 entry, free gate. Camping. 213/830-3516 , 835-9441. MX. Fremon t . sanct ioned . Fl orence. C olo . SRAC MX . D eadman 's Po in t . APpl e V alley , Ca. 1 0 am - . $2 p o st , $2 .5 0 n on -m embers, $2 gat e. Silencers . M in iS, PP, O ld T i m e rs. 7 14 /247-7 47 3 eves. MX , V all ey D i rt SRAC sanctioned. Ri ders. B erth OUd, C ol o . rr/, ,/\(, 111 m to JHIge 3 J)

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