Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 34 August 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P106 PRODUCT REVIEW I ALPINESTA RS SUPERTECH I t's been six years, but Alpin- estars has just debuted an all- new Supertech R road racing boot. The Supertech R has been the staple of A'star's lineup since it debuted way back in 2001, and although it may look similar to the model from 2015, there are some significant changes. Effectively, every little piece of the Supertech has come under the microscope. From the new shin slider to the redesigned TPU shifter, much larger vent system at the front near the ankle and lower shin, new inner boot, rubber sole, top gaiter, TPU shifter and shin plate, the Super- tech R is now slimmer, lighter and snugger than before. Much of the atten- tion has gone into the new inner boot system. Devel- oped in MotoGP by Quartararo, Marquez et al, the inner boot gets soft TPU reinforcement and helps dissipate heat more effectively than before. Its snug- ger fit means more comfort over longer races, and there's additional ankle padding and protection within the inner boot itself in case things go awry. Another area of improvement is the stretch panel on the out- side of the boot that allows for a smoother entry of the inner boot without it getting hung up on anything. The boots are available in vented and non-vented, and un- like pretty much everything else these days, Alpinestars has not increased the price of the boot from what the older generation Supertech R boots retailed for! Alpinestars insists these are exactly the same boots the world's fastest riders wear in MotoGP (aside from personal- ized rider colors), and to have that tech available to the public is very cool indeed. (Far right) The slimmer fit makes getting your feet set on the pegs easier, and the new sole prevents your feet from sliding on the pegs as much as before. (Below) The new Alpinestars Supertech R road racing boot is lighter and slimmer than the previous model.

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