Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 32 August 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 32 AUGUST 10, 2021 P83 outstanding racing ability was a heady mix that captivated audi- ences around the world and raised MotoGP to a major sport in his native Italy. His on-track antics and famous celebra- tions catapulted his profile to be among the most famous sports- men in the world. Along with the nine world championships, 115 grand prix race wins, 199 premier class podiums, and 65 pole positions, Rossi considered another aspect of his career to be the standout achievement. "A lot of people followed motorcycles because of me," he said. "This is the most important thing I did in my ca- reer. I entertained a lot of people on Sunday afternoon and a lot of people enjoyed for one or two hours during the Sunday when they don't think about anything, just enjoy my races." Yamaha, where Rossi has spent 16 years of his racing ca- reer, responded to his announce- ment. "First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to ex- press my gratitude to Valentino for the great partnership we enjoyed with him," said Yoshihiro Hidaka, President & CEO, Yamaha Motor Corporation. "He will be deeply missed on track, inside the pad- dock, and behind the scenes at Yamaha, but we fully respect his decision. "At Yamaha we take great pride in the Grand Prix motorcycle rac- ing legacy that we have created together. The 16 years we will have spent as partners were filled with epic battles on track and wins. At Yamaha we always strive to give our fans and customers the feeling of Kando [Kando is a Japanese word for the simultane- ous feelings of deep satisfaction and intense excitement that we experience when we encounter something of exceptional value]. In a way, Valentino's entire career at Yamaha embodies this quest for the deep satisfaction and intense excitement that we experi- ence when we encounter some- thing of exceptional value. We are all very pleased that Valentino has decided to remain a Yamaha rider until the end of his MotoGP racing career and beyond. "There are too many great moments between Yamaha and Valentino to pick one as a favor- ite. There were also challenges throughout the years, but the trust between us never wavered and even strengthened our part- Rossi won his last World Championship in 2009.

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