Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 32 August 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 32 AUGUST 10, 2021 P81 V alentino Rossi officially an- nounced he will retire from grand prix racing at the close of the 2021 season after an illustri- ous 26-year career racing in the FIM MotoGP World Championship. In an "exceptional press confer- ence" called on the eve of the Styr- ian Grand Prix in Austria, the Italian confirmed he's hanging up his racing leathers despite having the offer to ride in his own VR46 team in 2022, aboard Ducati machinery. Now 42 years old, Rossi has been undergoing his worst season to date after switching from Yamaha's facto- ry team to the Petronas SRT Yamaha squad. He sits 19th in the World Championship after nine races, with a best result of a single 10th place. His intention at the beginning of 2021 was to continue racing motor- cycles next year, he explained. But recent struggles were enough to convince him it was time to stop. "I wanted to continue when I start the champion- ship," he said. "But I needed to understand if I was fast enough. Dur- ing the season our results were less than what I expect. Race by race I started to think." From here, Rossi will switch disciplines and series. The nine- time world champion had always harbored ambitions to race on four wheels (and came close to joining Ferrari in Formula 1 at the close of 2005). In 2022, he will take on the challenge of racing cars full time. "I love to race with the cars, just a little less than the motorcycle," he said. "I would like to race the cars. I feel that I am a rider or driver all life- long. Just [I will] change motorcycles for cars, not at the same level, but I think I will race anyway." Rossi has fielded questions re- garding his future all year long. But he insisted he was more comfortable with the idea of retiring now than any time in the past. "Sincerely two years ago and last year I was not ready to stop with MotoGP. But now I'm okay. HE'S CALLING IT A CAREER ROSSI SAYS BY NEIL MORRISON PHOTOGRAPHY BY GOLD & GOOSE

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