Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 25 June 22

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 25 JUNE 22, 2021 P47 probably ridden four times since I got hurt. I had no clue what to expect when I came out here." (He also switched brands, buy- ing a new GasGas MC 450F, sponsored in part by Mom & Dad, Shoe and Fast House, though he hadn't done so much as even set suspension sag.) En route to his eventual third place aboard his Kenda/Motul/ Moose Racing-backed 480 RR, Conatser said, "I was in the lead for, I think, a little bit over a lap, maybe a lap and a half or so, and I felt like we had a three-way battle going, just back-to-back for a good part of the race. It was fun!" After Baker passed him back, Conatser then tangled with Serpa, and they bobbled with Serpa recovering first. "I was so pumped up after that short little break, I started making a few little mistakes here and there so I kind of slowed down," Conatser said. "I thought I wasn't going to be able to catch up to J.T. after that, but I think he got wrapped up with some lappers," Serpa said. That allowed him and his Kenda/Carson City Motors- ports/Moose Racing 450 XC-F to close the gap. "I had a tip-over with maybe a mile left to go," Baker said. "Serpa was right on me, and I high-sided and the bike landed on me, and he had enough room to go around me. It kind of sucks to lead the whole thing and crash the last lap but whatever." "This is the first time I've gone two [wins] in a row, it's probably been three or four years," Serpa said. "I'm pretty happy with it—it feels pretty good! I think the points leader [Larson] going in got fourth or fifth, so it gives me a pretty decent cushion, so I'm pretty happy with it." Serpa now has 85 points, Lar- son slipping to second with 73 and Best third at 70. Best was less than a minute away from a podium with his fourth-place finish for the day followed by Larson, 3 Bros./Kilmartin Rac- ing KTM's Shane Logan (the Pro 250 winner for the fourth straight round) and Open A winner Ash- ton Oudman on his YZ250. Modesto Kawasaki's Zach Kerling (Pro 250 runner-up), Americool Heating & Air KTM- mounted Zach Burrell and 707 Racing Yamaha rider Dillon Sheppard (third Pro 250) rounded out the top 10. FMF/Maxxis/RPM Racing KTM's Maria (Forsberg) Hahn took a popular win in the morn- ing race over teammate Kaitlyn Jacobs with Tacoma Motors- ports KTM rider Olivia Pugh third. This marked Hahn's first major race since returning from a broken femur and subsequent surgery. "This was huge for me, per- sonally, to know that I still kind of have it, this old gal!" she said. Mark Kariya OVERALL 1. Austin Serpa (KTM) 2. JT Baker (GG) 3. Cole Conatser (Bet) 4. Blake Best (KTM) 5. Chase Larson (KTM) 6. Shane Logan (KTM) 7. Ashton Oudman (Yam) 8. Zach Kerling (Kaw) 9. Zach Burrell (KTM) 10. Dillon Sheppard (Yam) In her first major race since breaking her femur last year, Maria (Forsberg) Hahn took advantage of being on familiar ground to ace the Pro Women's class, taking the overall in the morning race as well.

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