VOLUME 58 ISSUE 19 MAY 11, 2021 P83
this isn't a common power-
house brand. The Royal Enfield
is exotic, authentic, and this
all-new model, at the time not
yet available in the States, was
just as rare.
People were surprised to
hear the price, and the longer
they looked at it, the more they
appreciated the aesthetics. "Go
ahead and sit on it," I told a few
of the more intent onlookers.
"Ah, no. I couldn't," was fol-
lowed immediately by, "Really?"
The sheepish grin that crept
over their faces as they felt the
grips in their hands was the
same each time. It was the kid
finding the 10-speed on Christ-
mas morning, or the teenager
being handed the keys to his
first car. These are the eyes
you look through when you see
a bike like the Meteor 350. It
is the gateway, the bike that
opens new doors and wel-
comes you into a whole new
world. Freedom, confidence
and adventure await.
Dave certainly had his share
of inquirers, as well. I heard
him going on about the mag-
neto, and the total-loss system,
the abundance of Zerc fittings
and the tedious maintenance
required by his pre-war gem. I
was glad to hear Dave enjoyed
chatting about motorcycles as
much as I do, and wasn't at
all concerned about burning
daylight. I took the time to talk
shop with people about Royal
"Where are they based?"
"Ah, so it's an Indian bike?"
"Yep, originally from the UK."
"Oh. And that one is also
"That's an Indian Motorcycle.
But it's not from India. The
Royal Enfield is Indian. But the
Indian is made in America."
"Ah, okay."