Indian Motorcycle Partners With
International Female Ride Day
ndian Motorcycle is, once
again, joining forces with Inter-
national Female Ride Day (IFRD),
a globally synchronized ride day
celebrating women riders and
their passion for riding. The 15th-
annual event returns to Saturday,
May 1, on six continents in over
120 countries. This year's theme,
#FocusFemaleForward, empha-
sizes the goals of IFRD, includ-
ing encouraging new women to
ride while shining a light on the
diverse participation of women
already riding motorcycles.
Since its inception, Internation-
al Female Ride Day has shone a
spotlight on women riders and the
female powersports arena. Over
the last decade, female ridership
has increased significantly, and
the momentum generated on this
one day, is needed to continue
advancing the future of motorcy-
cling and powersports for women.
"It's exciting to have the support
of Indian Motorcycle, and team up
to encourage even more women
to join the movement," said Vicki
Gray, IFRD Founder. "This year,
women around the world will be
active, riding in celebration, unity
and support of the female riding
community more than ever be-
fore. No matter the vehicle, riding
continues to be an exhilarating,
liberating and a fulfilling activity
for women of all skill levels. The
female riding community contin-
ues to expand every year, and this
is our day to celebrate."
"Every day, scores of women
put on their helmet and point
their ride towards an open
road, mountain or trail," said
Pam Kermisch, Chief Customer
Engagement and Growth Officer.
"IFRD is about taking a moment
to celebrate how incredible that
sisterhood is while encouraging
female riders to bring along other
women in their lives to share in
the riding experience. We be-
lieve in uplifting the voices of our
female riders across the power-
sports industry. Helping female
ridership flourish and creating a
sense of community is important
for women, as well as the power-
sports community."