Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 09 March 2

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 9 MARCH 2, 2021 P77 would hold gears for way too long and I would constantly need to shift via the paddles on the left handlebar. It was a similar situation in level two but in reverse, as the DCT would sometimes not shift fast enough for the given situ- ation. If I then got a little throttle happy, it would kick back down the gears, rev right out and then revert to holding gears for too long. About the only time I was truly happy with the DCT system in auto mode was in level one, where the Rebel hits sixth gear quickly and the ride is smooth and serene. As mentioned, you can override the DCT at any point by using the paddle shifters on the left handlebar, and when you're really going for it, shifting with your hands is great fun. But in some ways, it kind of defeats the purpose of having an auto gearbox—the saving grace here being that when you're just cruising and in no hurry in level one, the system works brilliantly. (Above) The neutral riding position means big days aren't an issue on the Rebel. (Left) The pipe isn't exactly the prettiest thing out there.

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