Cycle News

Cycle News 2021 Issue 08 February 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 58 ISSUE 8 FEBRUARY 23, 2021 P91 The motor's performance is mated to the usual four ECU modes of Sport, Touring, Urban and Enduro, the latter of which limits the V4's pow- er output to 100 horsepower. For me, Sport mode is where it's at, not only because it has the most performance but because the throttle has close to the 1-1 feel at the tire I love so much. CHASSIS BONES The Multistrada V4 S chassis is a mixture of old and new. Up front you have a version of the monocoque frame found on the previous edi- tion Panigale superbike range (not the Front Frame found on the V4 Panigale), with the motor acting as a stressed member of the chassis. As such, the main portion of the monocoque does double duty as the airbox and is attached to the motor via mounts on both cylinder heads. Although outwardly similar to the old L-twin, the new V4 is a ground-up redesign. Note the little side panels on the corners of the screen to help guide air over the rider's shoulders for exceptional high- speed stability.

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