a fan of two-strokes. The TE300i makes tons
of useable power that is delivered in a ridicu-
lously linear manner, which, to some, might
make the TE's motor feel a little, well, "bor-
ing;" not underpowered, mind you. But power
is indeed delivered in very uninspiring way.
However, for an enduro bike with lights, this
didn't bother me one bit; in fact, I welcomed it
while riding over loose rocks and anytime I was
threading the needle through a tight, sticky
situation on the Husky.
The TE300i is fitted with a handlebar
map switch, which has, as mentioned, two
choices—standard and mellow. The differ-
ence is negligible, really. You'll get more out of
adjusting the exhaust power-valve if you want
a bit more pop, but you'll need to purchase a
special tool for this, which can be had at your
local Husqvarna dealer. Don't worry, it's cheap.
(Left) The new
exhaust that
appeared last
year is dent
resistant. (Below
left) You have two
map choices—
standard and
soft—via the
handlebar switch
but you'll be hard
pressed to feel
the difference.
Standard is
the position of
choice, unless
the terrain is
slick. Every little
bit helps.