to take the good with the bad,
or the bad with the good. Either
way you want to look at it."
That's an interesting comment
because anyone who knows Os-
borne, knows that he is the type
who always focuses on the posi-
tive. And even when we talked to
him just a few weeks ago while
he was babysitting his kids while
his wife was out shopping, he
still can't comprehend the fact
that he won the title.
"It's a little bit strange to even
say it, because I never really put
myself in that sort of class where
I would win a 450 title," said Os-
borne. "Some say it was a long
time coming. I guess for me it
was only a nine-week wait. I had
the red plate from the first round
at Loretta's and that was the first
time I ever really put myself in my
mind in a championship conten-
tion type of mindset. Now that I
know that I can, it's a little bit dif-
It's been a long road to get there, for
sure, but as far as me, personally, it
was only a nine-week wait.
Osborne endured the
pressure of holding the
red plate all season and
ended up holding the
number-one plate for
good at the final round.