Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 37 September 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME 57 ISSUE 37 SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 P109 Fling Arnd O n the Honda Powersports website pages dedicated to the Honda Monkey model lineup, there is a "features" section. It has Monkey-specific headlines like, Per- formance, Technology and Handling. It really misses the mark. Nowhere on the page are what would be the most accurate Honda Monkey attribute headlines like, Smil- ing, Giggling, Mood Elevation, LOL'ing, Thumbs Ups From Strangers, etc. These are the features of the Honda Monkey that are real life. These are the things that matter. And they are all ex- tremely powerful inside this little bike. The Honda robots that built the web- site did drop two good ones, though: Durability and Style. Although, I'd put Style on the top of the page. When Little Equals Big Fun WORDS AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY JESSE ZIEGLER

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