Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(L eft) Jason Carpenter fin ished out the se ri es in second p lace. (Ri ght ) Series w inner J ess Kempkes went 4 ·2 over the weekend . riders to ma ke a 90degree rig ht- ha n d tu rn up a loo s e rock cli mb. The entry to the turn proved to be the biggest problem because the rocks would shift u nder the riders' wheels . Bell suffe re d t he most h e r e w ith t hre e , a tw o and a o n e. Kem pk e s p ro d uced tw o si n gle p o int r ides a n d a c le a n, whil e Peters c le a n e d th e s e ction on all thr e e lo ops but fived an under-cut s te p in sect io n thre e . Ahval a ' s man y y ea rs o f world c o m pet it io n p ai d o ff a n d t h e for m er c h a m p c a r de d t h ree c le a n loop s to wi n the fina l rou nd o f t h e se rie s . "The sectio ns we re a little bit tr ick ie r toda y , pa rti c u larly n um b e r s ix: Ahvala sai d. "I had to ta ke it e asy to ma ke su re I didn 't m ake an y m is ta kes . P ro b a bly m y expe r ien ce p la y e d a b ig role t h e re . Th a t o n e ro c k, yo u had to land perfectl y. The o ther rider s didn't know qui te wh e re to la nd w it h th e back ti re . I knew exa ctly whe re the p roblem was and I k new how to resolve it in t he righ t wa y." Kempkes e nded th e da y with two p oints fo r secon d , Peters wa s third with fiv e points and Bell fin ish ed fourth with a tota l of six. "All-m -a ll, the s eries was a g re a t s uccess," c o -p ro m ote r Gera ld T im s s a id after th e eve nt. " I thin k t h e im po rte rs a re very h app y be c a u s e th e y had a c h a nce to show o ff th e n ew -m od el bi k e s first han d to th e (Left) Ry on B e ll cam e within a dab of winnin g Saturday's competition. (RIght) Ray Peters climbed to third both days. Tu rnbu ll ; 4 . Matt Hopk ins: 5. Aa ron Guyot . SR: 1. Ram on Agu irre; 2. Charley Mallow; 3. Sten Mac hll rt; 4. Dean Metsker; 5. Dale Reynold s. AM : 1. Ja ke Wieland: 2. Bob Sanderso n; 3. Scott Pechin ; 4. Mark Bumga rner; 5. Don Broughton. NOV: I . Ro n Co m ma III : 2 . G le n Rob lin ; 3 . Gordo n Sno dg rass: 4 .Matt Agu i rr e : 5 . J osh ua Monday . BEG: I . Willia m Shortridge ; 2. Coral Hoyland. Sunday PRO : 1. Tommi Ahvele: 2. J ess Kem pkes; 3. Roy Peters; 4. Ryan Bell ; 5 . Brad Viii and ; 6. Ron Com ma .Jr.: 7. J ason Carpenter; 8. Ron Lee; 9. Loy Burnett ; 10. Grieg Engel. EX: 1. Kelly Echterling; 2. Dale Malesek ; 3. Gary Verno n; 4. Ju stin Dyess; 5. Marvin Edgington . SR EX : 1. Gerald T ims; 2. Bob Ada ms; 3. Paul Bolen; 4 . Don Grace; 5. Ron And erson. INT: 1. Ric k Rexr oa t : 2. Paul Tu rnbu ll; 3 . Tim public - I e ve n th ink some dea ls we re m ad e th is weekend . Som e of th e rid e rs got pa yc he c ks and we pu t s ome m on e y in the po c ke t of some of th e loc al merchants. "Com petitio n Accessories a nd Ga s Gas USA shoul d be com mended for t aki ng a c ha nce o n an un kno wn se ries a nd m a king it what it is now. We want to tha nk the riders for sup porting us , too . Everyth ing indic a te s tha t th is will be a n e ven b igg e r and better se ries nex t ye a r." CN &rand IJlke Dam Disney. Dklahoma Resuhs: Dctober l 4- 15, ZDDD Sat urda y PRO : I. Tom m i Ahvele: 2. Ryan Bell ; 3 . Rey Peters; 4 . Jess Kemk es; 5 . J ason Carpente r; 6 . Brad Vill and; 7. Ron Comma; 8 . Scott Carpenter; 9. Ron Lee; 10. Adam Hopkins. EX: 1. Kelly Echterli ng ; 2. Donny Duval; 3. Scott McCo lm ; 4. Bobby Duval; 5. Marvi n Edgington. SR EX : t . Ken Carr; 2 . Bob A dams ; 3 . Paul Bolen : 4 . Gerald Tims; 5. Tom Batch elor; 6. David A lley . tNT : 1. Paul Turnb ull; 2. Matt Hopk ins: 3. Jason Rexroat; 4. Rick Rexroat ; 5. T im Turn bull . SR: 1. Dean Metsk er; 2. Charley Mallow; 3. Dale Reyno lds; 4. Ramon Ag uirre: 5. Rich A llman. AM : 1. Jake Wie land ; 2. Scott Pech in; 3 . J i m Byrne; 4 . Mark Bum garner; 5. Michael Forr ester. N.OV: 1. Neal Brown: 2. Gor don Snodg rass: 3. Ron Comma III; 4. J esse And rews; 5. Matt Ag uirr e. BEG: 1. Carol Hoyl and. BRIEFLY••• The final round of the Competition Accessories Pro Extreme Trials Series was held in the jagged rock s below the dam area on Grand Lake . The small lake resort towns of Langley and Disney open ly e mbraced the trials comm unity by allowing the partic ipants to use the Grand Lake camping facilit ies and full use of one of the main city streets during the event . Local merchants put up signs we lcoming the Trials riders and even a few restaurant s offer discount coupon s for the competito rs. Margare t Rutherford and the South Grand Lake Chamber of Co mmerce hosted a fis h f ry on Saturday night for all involved and the local firefighte rs gave a pancake breakfa st on Sunday morning . Even some local offi cials got into the act. Larry Love . V ice President of the Northeast- em Oklahoma Rural Electric Co -op . helped out at the scoring tent on Saturday and enjoyed it so much that he return ed on Sunday to help out. The sco ring and trophy presentation s were held in the park area pavilion . giving the event the feel of a picnic . Speedvision' s Dave Despain was on hand for the event and was so im p resse d by the participation of the two towns and the fact that the event was the first pro trials event of its kind that he decided to host a segme nt of Bike Week from the event . The show will air on Speedvision on D ecembe r 5 . D espain was sporting a cas t on his left hand for a bro ken wri st that he re ceived. co incidentally. on a vintage Bult aco trials bike . Upon his arrival, Canadian Ryon Bell announced that he had just signed a two -year deal with U.S . Montesa alter much speculation that he might make a move in 200 1. -I wanted to stay with Montesa because it gives me the best shot at achieving my goal of winning the U.S. National Trials C hampionship,- Bell said. - I feel that the Montesa is the best bike in the world and their 1-2· 3 sweep of the W orld Championship is proof of that - . Beta USA's Ron Commo Jr. debuted the 2001 Beta Rev 3 at the Ok lahoma round, wh ich meant that all of the 200 1 trials mounts, with the exception of the Scorpa, we re introdu ced during the Pro Extreme Series. The import ers in atte ndance agreed that a Fall series is a great vehicle for show-cas ing the new iron . cue I e n e vv s NOVEMBER 22 , 2000 25