Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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B rown , a w orthy opponent, t o ok t wo we ll -de served sec onds , w hile Spence took th ird -p l ace f i n ishe s . L a ck e y n e v er pu s h ed the B u g g s Mann-design ed sc rambl es/ m otocross track and us ed cons is t ent lin es to manufacture 10- and then 15 -bike length leads . Lackey has never looked in better shape. His next jaunt is to the Czech Rep u b li c for an Internationa l C -Z reunion. Former Pro motocrosser Mike Marq uez turn e d i n a pai r o f five s for fo urt h . Fl an ig an t ook fift h w ith 4-6 co unts over Halp in . Colin M a cDon a ld to p ped b ot h rounds of the O ve r 40 Int er me dia te contest on his YZ2 50 after mediocre sta rts. Rome, Georg ia's A ndy Bl ack burn was second. Cl iff Mee (4 -5 ) t ook th ird, o v er T on y Fa ill a a nd B i ll Stamey . In th e Sportsman 500cc Intermedi ate cl ass, Cliff Mee (4 - 1) was th e win ner over Ja y Wahl (2 -4 ) and Bla ck burn (5- 2) _ Richard Villanueva won the second Over 40 Novice mota, but Joe Hart' s first -mota win and second- pl ace sec ond-mota fin ish garnered the overall w in . J im Musich ( 5 - 3) t o o k th ird , over L eon ard Su lli van and Scott French. Dennis Hansen was too much for the rest of the Prem ier 500cc Expert r iders . The r ider from Edmonton , Alberta , Canada , eas ily won both motos on h is 1964 BSA Gold Sta r. Kelly Shanz (2 -3 ) was second , over Chad Mcintosh, John Huegel and Rob Doran . , In the Ov er 60 Intermediat e cl ass, Lel and Loper (1 -2) was the winner , o v er Ro d Bra sel , ( 3 -1 ) and Larry Madr igal (2-3) . John Ric e, on his 412 Maico, won the first Ov er 60 Expert mota, but Bill McC li nton ' s 2 - 1 show ing sc or ed the o verall. W ayn e Sum ner , Ed Ott and St een Han sen ro unded ou t the fiverider field. Jim Rowand Troy Sma ll ey had a good battle in the first 500cc Exp ert mota, which Smalley won , but he had t ro ub les in m ota two and Ro w took the w in. Dav e Dot son kept h is KTM c lo se for secon d wi t h a 3 -2 count, ov er Jerry Win ke l baue r ( 5- 4) an d Sm alley (1-8 ) . Row switched mota win s with Wes Will is in th e Over 5 0 Ex pert contest to take second in that class, with Bob Poo le th ird ov er Ror y M usca t ell and Randy Hanson. Jo el Sweeney swept both Premier Lightweight Interm ed iat e mo tes , over Rich ie Dominguez and Ian J am ieson . Georg e Gerst en b erg w on th e M ik e Lig htfoot Perp etu al T roph y by top p ing th e Cl assic 500cc No vice cla ss on hi s 1969 BSA 441. eN Hollister Hills: Troy Smalley (52W) tak es th e holes hot In the Spo rts man SOOcc Expert class over Dave Dotson (69), while Scott Silvia (2K) leads t he Over 30 Expert portion over eventual winne r George Fanelli (20K). 30 . INT : 1. Ja y Wahl (Rok) ; 2. Brett Mill er (Mai) ; 3. Roger Kenyon (Yam ). 30 . EX: 1. George Fanelli (Hon) ; 2. Scott Silv ia (Kow): 3 . Tun Henry (Tri ). 40 . NOV : 1. Joe Hart ( Ho n ); 2 . Ri chard Villanueva (Rik); 3. Jim Musich (C· l ). 40 . tNT: I. Coli n Mac Donald (Yam) ; 2. And y Blackbu rn (C -Z); 3. Cliff Mee (Hus). 40. EX: 1. Bra d Lackey ( C -l ) ; 2 . Pat Brown (Bul); 3. Dennis Spence (Mai) . 50 . NOV: 1. Dennis Rose (BSA) ; 2. Pete Silva (C-Z): 3. Robert Bowen (Hon) . 50. (NT: 1. Chuck De Ran (Yam ); 2. Den Phillips (Rik) ; 3. Fred Brown (C· Z). 50. EX: 1. Wes Willis (Hus); 2. Bill Row (Hon ); 3. Bob Poole (BSA). 60 . NOV: 1. Dave Ry mal ( Yam) ; 2. Walter Nichols (Yom) : 3. Roym ond Ball (C-Z) . 60. INT: 1. Leland Loper (0 55); 2. Rod Brasel (Bul ); 3. Larry Madrigal (BSA) . 60. EX: I. Bill McClint on (BSA ); 2. Jo hn Rice (Mai) ; 3. Wayne Sumner (Tn ). 125 NOV: 1. Leo nard Sullivan (Hus); 2. Scott Mayfield (Hon); 3, Dave Ryma l (Yam) . ClSC 125 INT: I. An dy Blackburn (C ·Z) ; 2. Gavin Housh (Pen ); 3 . Mik e Till man (C·Z ). ClSC 125 EX: I. Bob Borg (C-Z ); 2. Ed Flanigan Jr . (C-Z); 3. George Gollin g (C-Z). CLSC 250 NOV: I . Bryan Wenzel (Gre). ClSC 25 0 INT: I. Bri an Clark (A J S) : 2. Ken Syk es (a re); 3. Derek Belvoi r (a re). CLSC SOO NOV: I. George Gerstenberg (BSA ); 2. Carroll Mcin tosh (Tri) ; 3. Eugene Crawford (AJ S) . CLSC 500 INT : I . Gary Ccchell (BSA); 2. Brian Ciark (AJ S); 3. Steve Kauffman (BSA) . CLSC 500 EX: 1. Dennis Hansen (BSA) ; 2. Mik e Beenwey (Ore); 3. Mike Atkins (BSA ). PREM 500 NOV : 1. Deb bi e Poo le ( BSA ): 2. Hank Wenzel (Nor). PREM 500 EX: I. Dennis Hansen (BSA); 2. Kelly Shena ( Ari) ; 3. Chad Mci ntosh (Mat) . PREM OPEN lW INT: I. J oel Sweeney (BSA); 2. La rry Madriga l (BSA ); 3. Marsh Runyon (H· D). PREM OPE N lW EX: I. Mi ke A tk ins (T ri ) ; 2. Dave J aniec (AJ S) . PREM l/W INT : I. Joel Sweeney (BSA ); 2. Rich Dom inguez (Duc); 3. Ian J am ieson. . PREM l/W EX: I. Rory Muscatel (AJ S); 2. Mik e Beanwey (Gre); 3. Mike Van Uenden (Bul) . SPTSMN 12 5 NOV; I. Cody Bowen (Hon}: 2. Marc Pape (Hon); 3. Ellen Voennans (Ric ). SPTSMN 125 INT: I. Mik e Keith (Suz ); 2. David Bonsky (Hon) ; 3. Noel Aqaj an (Hon). SPTSMN 125 EX: I. Ron Melton (Bul) . SPTSMN 250 NO V : I. J on A xelbe rg (Hon ); 2. Leonard Sullivan (Bul ); 3. Scott Mayfi eld (So2). SPTSMN 250 INT : I. Colin MacDonald (Yom) ; 2. Roger Kenyo n (Yam); 3. Tony Failla (Hon). SPTSMN 250 EX : 1. Ran d y l ewi s (O ss) : 2. George Fanelli (Hon); 3. J im Row (Hon) . SPT SMN 5 00 NO V : I. Poul Gri ffi n (Mai); 2. Chuck De Ran (Yam ); 3. Jim Musich (C·Z) . SPTSMN 500 EX: I. Ji m Row (C· Z); 2. Dave Dotso n (KT M); 3. Je rry Winke lbauer (Ral ). S PT SMN OPE N TW NOV : 1. Wa y n e Rant z (Yom ). SPTSM N OPEN TW INT: I. Don Dotson (Tri) ; 2. Shawn Sage (Tri); 3. Joseph Moln ar (Tr i) . SPTSMN OPEN lW EX: 1. Chad Mci ntosh (Tri ); 2. Clark Sum ner (T ri ); 3. Tim Henry (Tri ). WMN NOV: 1. Heather Sil via (Oss); 2. Karen Styskel (Hon) ; 3. Sheila Gaworsk i (Yam) . WMN INT: 1. Rob erta E wa rt (H on) ; 2 . Ellen Voerma ns (Hon ); 3. Suzette Stame y (C-Z) . 500 IN T : 1. J eff Mul li n s (Ma i ) ; 2 . J ay Wah l (Yom) : 3. Andy Blockb um (C-Z) . ctsc Hollister Hills Hollister. C11lifomio IIesIIIb: lIctober zz, ZDDD 30 . N O V: 1. J o n Ax elberg (Ho n ) : 2. Ma rk Hammond (Yam) ; 3 . Chris Hamilton (Ma i). 36 NOVEMBER 22 , 2000' c ue I e n e vv s WERl Vintage Racing &rand National Finals:Road AUanta Four Double Champions By S T E VE S T A SER BRASElTON, GA, OCT. 12 E RA Vintag e rac ers from all around the co unt ry converged on Road Atlanta's fast trac k for the Gr and Nationa l F inals to d et erm in e th e cl ass champ ions . No less than four racers t ook two cham pi ons hi ps W apiece: Stanley Lipert won the For mula RD and Formula 500 ch amp i onships; Buff Harsh won the Vintage One and Vintage Two trophies; Mark Morrow scored the Vintage Five and Formula Two victor ies; and Fran k Shock ley was th e champion in bot h Vintage Th ree and Vintage Four. Road Atlanta: Buff Harsh negotiates turn four on his way to t he Vintage One champ ionship at WERA Vintage's Grand National Fina ls In Braselton, Georg ia. Harsh repeated the feat in the Vintage Two class .

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